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DNA Solves
  1. P

    New Sketch of Maddie Abductor

    I realize the question wasn't directed at me, but in the scenario you gave above it would be your fault, even though it was a mistake. I don't think you should go to jail for that though. Parents make terrible mistakes sometimes but they are just that, a mistake. Unless you intentionally gave...
  2. P

    Missing Georgia hiker--Meredith Emerson, 24 #2

    "This man was seen with her on multiple occasions during that day," Union County investigator Kimberly Verdone said on Thursday. This just seems strange. Did she know him? - or had she met him and his dog before? I just don't understand why a 24 year old girl would be hanging out with a 60...
  3. P

    Missing Georgia hiker--Meredith Emerson, 24 #2

    This case just makes me sick. It first caught my eye because we have the same name - Meredith. We are about the same age, love dogs and being outside. If it were me missing I would hope that everyone would do all that they could to find me. When I read that she let her dog off the leash I...
  4. P

    IF They Are Cleared..

    If they are cleared I will believe that they are not involved. This is coming from someone who hasn't researched the case as throughly as many of you though.
  5. P

    General Discussion Thread No. 16

    Hair and fingernails do not continue to grow after death. That is a myth It may appear that way because the skin dries and shrinks up making it look as though the hair and fingernails have grown.
  6. P

    Surprising amount of Maddie's hair in car trunk

    If someone really did take Madeleine for blackmail or if it was a botched kidnapping that the McCanns were in on (see my theory on kidnapping for kidnapping insurance money on the theories page) could someone have planted the hair in the car as a "warning" or to frame the McCanns? I wish we...
  7. P


    None of their excuses or explanations for leaving their babies alone make sense to me. When my siblings and I were young my parents would pay a babysitter to travel with us. This way my parents could go out at night and leave us with someone they trusted. I would think that two doctors could...
  8. P

    Do you think the parents were involved?

    I had to choose "other" because I think that both parents are somehow involved in the case. Maybe someone is blackmailing them or they are involved in some sort of scheme.
  9. P


    I think that people do odd things during times of stress so I am trying to not read too much into how the parents acted when they discovered their daughter missing. What may immediately occur to one person could be the last thing to occur to another. Had it been daylight I think it would have...
  10. P


    For some reason when I first heard about this case I instantly thought of the movie "Man on Fire" (good movie, if you haven't seen it). In the movie a young girl is kidnapped and eventually it comes to light that her father (without the wife/mother's knowledge) arranged to have his daughter...
  11. P

    pageant doco "Living Dolls"

    I did a Google and found out that Swan's mother died in Feb 2003. She was sent to live with her father in Alaska and he passed away this past summer. Poor girl.
  12. P

    Woman found dead in lift after 16 days

    That is terrible! I assume that she would have been yelling and stomping about trying to get help - no one heard her? That's like something straight out of a nightmare.
  13. P

    AR AR - Nona Dirksmeyer, 19, Russellville, 15 Dec 2005 *Arrest*

    I can't find anything! It's so frusterating. Let's get this person off the street. I'm sure that the girls at that college will be terrified to go back after winter break knowing that the killer is still out there.
  14. P

    AR AR - Nona Dirksmeyer, 19, Russellville, 15 Dec 2005 *Arrest*

    Did anyone else notice that her boyfriend, Kevin Jones, is listed as her finace in the obit? I didn't realize that they were engaged.
  15. P

    AR AR - Nona Dirksmeyer, 19, Russellville, 15 Dec 2005 *Arrest*

    She sure experienced a lot of loss for someone so young - her father, both sets of grandparents, and an aunt all proceeded her in death.
  16. P

    AR AR - Nona Dirksmeyer, 19, Russellville, 15 Dec 2005 *Arrest*

    How devastating for her family and friends. A young girl living by herself - I did it too when I was her age but I realize now why it made my parents uncomfortable. There is no mention of forced entry, and from the pictures I've seen it doesn't look like someone forced their way in. That...
  17. P

    IMO, perp obsessed with violent displays

    Holdontoyourhat- I don't understand why you feel that the prep wrote an "unusually violent ransom note." IMO it is an unusually "mild" rasome note. They start by saying that she is safe, they respect John's business ect. ect. Yes, they did mention killing her twice but they didn't go in to...
  18. P

    is there really an acute mark on "attache" in the note?

    You're right! Why the heck would you need to write the .00? To make sure that someone didn't misunderstand and think that the ransom was for $118,000.32? Silly! Why not just make it $120,000? Well actually, if you're going to go to the trouble of kidnapping a child why stop at $120,000? Why...
  19. P

    is there really an acute mark on "attache" in the note?

    Has anyone else commented on the way the letter "a" was written throughout the letter? Most of the a's are written just like the letter a looks when typed - with the little tail or hook on the top. I rarely see someone write the letter a that way. If you look at the "a" in Law Enforcement" it...
  20. P

    is there really an acute mark on "attache" in the note?

    JonBenet's name does not appear in the ransome note.

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