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DNA Solves
  1. H

    2011.06.21 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-four)

    Hi All, Don't think I've been here since Scott Peterson trial. I love watching Casey Anthony and her squirmy attorney go down the tubes. I'm not sure what possesses these defense "experts" to agree to testify when there is clearly no defense. Oh, I can't wait for the closing arguments...
  2. H

    How will Jaycee heal?

    I can't imagine and don't want to. I've been thinking so much about their family and hope with time they will be okay. I pray for them and wish them the best.
  3. H

    British student murdered in Perugia, 3 suspects

    Times Online Sorry the link is so long, I don't know how to shorten it. Still this might help. I also think this blog has breaks down a few...
  4. H

    British student murdered in Perugia, 3 suspects

    Hi Danaya, The blood of Amanda and Meredith was mixed fresh in the bathroom. The blood was found in a spot on the sink drain, on the faucet and on the bidet. When luminol was used the bathroom showed up a bloody mess! The bloody footprints under luminol were shown going between Meredith's...
  5. H

    British student murdered in Perugia, 3 suspects

    The physical evidence points to more than one attacker. Bloody footprints which showed up in luminol. Different sized footprints, including that of a woman's shoe underneath Meredith's body. Evidence of a cleanup. There are no fingerprints of Amanda Knox save one on a glass in the kitchen. There...
  6. H

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #2

    Hey all, Been away and apologize for catching up. Is that picture of Casey next to Diane Downs her mug shot?
  7. H

    Where the heck is George???

    Yes! I've been thinking Casey and Cindy would tear each other apart. But according to Cindy it's been pretty normal. They sit down for dinner and talk about their day. You know, family stuff. I wish for some peace and closure but they remind me of Scott Peterson's family too much. It...
  8. H

    Where are they going???

    Cindy: Casey! I bought you those new Sarah Palin glasses to make you look smart, as if you had actually graduated from high school. Why didn't you wear them during the press conference like I told you?! Casey: Mom. God. Shut up. I know. Do you have any gum? Cindy: In my purse. Let me get it...
  9. H

    Where the heck is George???

    Well, I finally got around to watching Cindy's July 31 interview (1&2) and it was amazing how much she likes to be in control. Then I watched her "exclusive" with Holly the Reporter (now on the bad list) and the woman wouldn't shut up. She just talked and talked and talked and talked...
  10. H

    2008.07.17 / 2008.07.23 / 2008.07.31 / 2008.09.08 Jesse G. Interviews

    I know I should have finished this thread but something has been bothering me. I've been catching up on all the interiviews. The video last night or before - the new footage of Casey holding Caylee. Caylee is holding a piece of cake (maybe?) in her hand and Cindy reaches over and tries to...
  11. H

    Try to have some compassion

    Throw them all in and throw away the key. Better yet, toss them to the alligators. The whole family is nothing but white trash.
  12. H

    Should Cindy and George be charged? Do They Need An Attorney?

    I am a looney tune just like Cindy. I voted I don't know yet although I have posted here multiple times that they should be arrested. Usually this is after watching a press video with Cindy spouting off in her lies. I still think they love that baby. But if they are hiding something then...
  13. H

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #61

    As much as I would like to believe these people, I mean the drowning scenario is plausible, but they lie about everything. I have two experiences with drownings. One involved my neighbor and the other a dear friend. It is the worst thing you can ever imagine. I just die when I think about...
  14. H

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #55

    Cindy is getting really close to receiving the Jackie Peterson Award. "We want those."
  15. H

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #55

    Wouldn't be surprised if Cindy always asked Casey if she had an extra key in her pocket and this has changed in her mind that it was Casey carrying it.
  16. H

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #54

    I was gonna say the same thing! For places like Universal, Disney, etc. they have very strict regulations! No way no how! They don't need to hire people under the table. It is a money making machine.
  17. H

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #54

    Pushed her car by herself? Pretty strong for a little gal. I still don't believe anything she says. Say this is true. Maybe someone on the road helped her, who would probably come forward? Perhaps someone was with her, who probably would not! I still would like to know if she cashed...
  18. H

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #54

    Just thinking the same thing! People, have a little creativity! Compliment Nance on her pretty fuscia top instead! I'm so sure! :crazy:
  19. H

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #54

    Wonder how pissed NG is at Greta today?
  20. H

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #54

    Yes but it was a safe place to put her until nighttime and a proper plan was hatched to hide her little body. That makes me sad to type that.

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