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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. sliggy

    2010.04.13 Theories thread as a result of the search

    I hate to be graphic but I cannot get my head around this rope/cement block in the lake scenario.... I get confused after reading/viewing all the info about this possibly being a case where Haleigh was tied to cinder blocks and tossed into the lake. If this is the case... how far can you toss...
  2. sliggy

    2009.04.06 Nancy Grace

    So now this video where she is in the white this the SAME day (same clothes anyway) she was put in front of the cameras with JB straining to shed a tear and playing with her hair during the press conference??
  3. sliggy

    2009.04.06 Nancy Grace

    I heard it too...I even backed up my DVR to listen two more times...clearly he said when asked who told you where to look or who said Caylee was dead and he said 'Mr. Anthony'. :eek::confused:
  4. sliggy

    2009.04.06 Document Release

    yes that's what I have been saying. It's a laptop and maybe she is watching a DVD or on a kids website. my kids get all zoned out watching things like that. It's not a camera flash, it's the light from the screen.She has the SAME look on her face as the pics we see over and over on the white...
  5. sliggy

    2009.04.06 Document Release

    My point exactly. Thank you.
  6. sliggy

    2009.04.06 Document Release for the 'dark circles under her eyes' she had a deep set indent under her eyes, the lighting coming from this laptop or whatever it is in this picture only accentuates that. NOTE the picture of her on the home page at WS; the infamous picture of Caylee laying on the couch, hand on...
  7. sliggy

    2009.04.06 Document Release

    I have to chime in on this whole 'how bad Caylee looks in the photos thing' that she looks drugged etc. First off, I have 2 kids, one is 7 the other is 4 so I do have a frame of reference. Also note I am not a fan of Casey and I don't believe her claim of innocence, not even close. However...
  8. sliggy

    George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#2

    I'm also having a hard time understanding that IF he was so suicidal and HAD 'empty pill bottles' (if this is even true) then WHY would he not be taken by ambulance to monitor his vitals etc?? Instead he is casually loaded into the car of the police chief? Makes zero sense to me. I don't think...
  9. sliggy

    George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#2

    Investigators said the eight-page note indicated George Anthony was at the end of his rope, and that once he was gone, his family would have a better life. He wrote about how strong his daughter, Casey Anthony, is and said he doesn't believe she hurt her daughter, Caylee. However, he did make...
  10. sliggy

    Whoa! Meter Reader gave tip on August 13th!

    Here's what I don't get.... 1. If it smelled badly for 3 days in August....why did neighbors not call or check it out? The house across the road is CLOSE there where the remains were found 2. I just cannot see how if she had been dead for almost 2 months at that point how the smell could...

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