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  1. S

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

    There will be a verdict now for death penalty. There will be a verdict now for the death penalty. There will be a verdict now for the death penalty...I am saying this non stop. I want this to be over!!! Praying for Travis's family...and the jury.
  2. S

    SIDEBAR #4- Arias/Alexander forum it still 10:30a Phoenix start time? I know it's on here somewhere but just need a quick answer. Thanks!
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    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    I'm wondering if JA's family statement of 'I hope the jurors didn't hear that' may be referring to the post conviction interview. If so, that may mean that the interview was discussed in the courtroom and maybe her attorneys begging the judge to let them off...JMWATM (just me wondering about...
  4. S

    VERDICT is IN!! #1

    Glad to see you are thinking straight and have your priorities in order!!!
  5. S

    VERDICT is IN!! #1

    Take a deep breath then you'll know for sure.
  6. S

    VERDICT is IN!! #1 is one of them.
  7. S

    VERDICT is IN!! #1

    As Larry the Cable Guy would say "now that right there is funny, I don't care who you are!"
  8. S

    Unedited Police Interrogation Videos of Jodi

    I so agree with you. The way she ate the sandwich reminded me of a wild animal. It just doesn't track with her controlled behavior and verbal manner at all. More than just yuck or wierd. It was disturbing to watch her eat.
  9. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 and 05/07/2013

    re JA's tweet considering suicide, who can ever forget her testifying that she was gonna commit suicide but the razor cut hurt too bad.!
  10. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    I thought I saw juror #8 wiping tears right at the end of court on Friday. I feel bad for him. This trial will change the jurors lives forever...even the ones that were removed before the end. Praying they get it right.
  11. S

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

    Do we know anything official on how long the judge will give everyone to get to courtroom (or HLN) when jury says they have reached a verdict. I'm assuming 30 min. to an hour but I haven't seen anything to know for sure how far away I can go from home. I have signed up for WAT alert. I'm...
  12. S

    trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

    You are so right. I've noticed when she talks, she spews the big words but every now and then something will pop out that sounds surprisingly unpolished. Someday I'd love to go back through all those big words and count the times they were used incorrectly. She and Casey Anthony definitely...
  13. S

    trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

    And....she's soooo proud of herself when she objects or says something snarky during questioning.! But yes, nice clothes.
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    weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #155

    hmmmmm....where's her cutesy little bangs?
  15. S

    weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #154

    Well, well well....Happy Bday to you.....and Meeeeeeee too LOLOL We should sing to each other hahaha!!
  16. S

    trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #142

    Just got here...why do they have everyone sitting in different places (Jodi, JW, Travis's family, etc)????
  17. S

    trial day 34: the defense continues it's case in chief #98

    Soon glad for trial today because we are driving 11 hrs and have xm radio to get HLN !!!!! Can't post much tho cuz I am struggling with this new tablet ugh
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    trial day 33: the defense continues its case in chief #96

    (A tiny bit OT but not really) OK here we go: I had an appt. today with my therapist. I've been working through issues with a bad car accident when my DH passed out while driving 6 mo ago. A heart specialist just did extensive testing and said he could drive again, so a week ago he bought a...
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    trial day 32: the defense continues its case in chief #93

    Seems to me that it's possible that Nurmi, Wilmott and Samuels had a discussion that the test date/diagnosis could/would be a problem, but hey, it's worth a try to slip it through since they couldn't come up with anything better. They forgot one thing....Juan Martinez!!!!
  20. S

    the question phase continues: Arias on the stand for the 18th day #85

    Just finished watching youtube from all of yesterday. Of all the things that JM said to her during all of his various questioning, my very very very favorite is awhile back when she was crying on the stand. JM didn't miss a beat, he didn't hesitate, he just said ma'am were you crying when you...

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