I hate to say this, but if one of my old friends murdered someone in this manner, I would not speak on their behalf in Court. I just wouldn't want my name associated in anyway. Much less, if we haven't talked in years, I probably know nothing of them currently, so what difference would it make? I tend to forget people that are gone from my life for years, call me shallow, but my mind just forgets. Of course, I would not be doing t.v. interviews either.
As far as it being legal or not to say you are donating funds to a charity, I'm not sure, but would say it is not. However, JA is not responsible for that website, what it says, what it does. That is her *friend* doing that. Even if JA tells the adult friend to do it, any repercussions fall on the person doing it, not the person that is in 23 hour lockdown with no access to a computer. The adult friend can simply choose not to do it and put herself in danger of breaking any laws "on behalf of anyone." That doesn't hold up in Court, so don't do it.