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DNA Solves
  1. Sophie

    What's eating you alive re this case?

    For me, it is the busload of innocents who have been thrown under the bus. My friends on here know my theory. But even if IDI, the perp adds to his/her evil by allowing suspicion to be cast on others.
  2. Sophie

    Shootin' from the Lip--Part One
  3. Sophie

    Shootin' from the Lip--Part One

    He has spoken, mostly to say that he still holds out hope for JBR but won't spend any tax payer money unless a smoking gun slam dunk prosecutable case emerges. That said, he has put the Ramseys back in the bucket of suspicion.
  4. Sophie

    Shootin' from the Lip--Part One

    Dave, I've been away. What has happened? PM me or e mail me. I am taking my gloves off...
  5. Sophie

    Was Burke involved?

  6. Sophie

    Was Burke involved?

    I have to say that the debate about Burke makes me horribly uncomfortable. He was a child when all of this happened and I have come to think that the family was badly damaged and attributing any blame to a child sits uncomfortably with me. But...too many innocent people are still being libelled...
  7. Sophie

    Some Advice Please

    Must say, I rather thought that one of the points of Dave's book was to identify the systemic failures that produced this awful injustice since a) the public at large is clueless about them and buy the media stance without question; and b) a guide on how to fail at justice (and, ergo, how to...
  8. Sophie

    Some Advice Please

    Dave, I am so proud of you. I can't find the words to describe how delighted I am for you. WRT your real name, my biggest fears would surround the random wingnuts who have inserted themselves in this case. I suspect you have been abused by them before so they may not frighten you any more...
  9. Sophie

    Thank you

    Just a word of thanks and praise to the backbone of the JonBenet case - Tricia, SuperDave, DeeDee, Madeleine, Tadpole, RiverRat, Legal Eagle, Capricorn, KK, Cynic, Learnin,' Cherokee, WhyNut and so many others - all the people who are always on here advocating for JonBenet. The season is...
  10. Sophie

    Happy Birthday JonBenet!

    Happy Birthday JonBenet: I'm so sorry that everything you might have become was stolen from you and that you were let down by so many.
  11. Sophie

    Let's Make A List....

    To the DA's department: Why - for the love of all that is holy - did you put motive above evidence in dealing with this case? 'Family' murders are notoriously hard to classify motive-wise and a lawyer of Hunter's seniority should know how quickly before a crime the motive can appear: a...
  12. Sophie

    Let's Make A List....

    You know, Madeleine, I am a a major major supporter of ST but I genuinely think he was seduced by the parallels between his own life and that of John (see, eg, his commenting on his personal affinity with John in the interviews) and his incredible belief that Beth would have confided in someone...
  13. Sophie

    Annoying book review
  14. Sophie

    OT - Double Jeopardy Laws to be overturned

    Actually, chrisshope, I think you have hit upon an issue that could batter the common law criminal systems in the next few years.
  15. Sophie

    OT - Double Jeopardy Laws to be overturned

    Didn't want to start a new thread but thought I'd flag up a book that I think will interest a lot of posters on here. It's called 'Defending the Guilty' by Alex MacBride, a barrister. While not a treatise on this case, it has some comical parallels here and there and is a slightly scary but also...
  16. Sophie

    Where do we go from here?

    Nah Dave, industry doesn't go unrewarded.
  17. Sophie

    Where do we go from here?

    What a nice post!
  18. Sophie


    Brilliant thread,Mads. I have been reading DoI recently and this sort of stuff has leapt off the page afresh for me. Eg. John yapping on about how he at least knew he had some control over this situation unlike when Beth died. Seconds later, he's ignoring the demands of the situation he is...
  19. Sophie

    Who molested/abused Jonbenet?

    Don't want to say. Dee Dee since he's still alive, I think. But, I don't think JBR was the first person in that family to be subjected to some nasty goings on...
  20. Sophie

    A quick bit of help

    Well he was in the navy and his company was connected with US defence and he had a soft spot for 'that' sort of literature. He was, coincidentally, a champion class recreational sailor, which is why he knew nothing about 'complex' knots..... Talking of which, was there any discussion on here...

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