
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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Like many of you,I always find it amazing how the Ramsey's disregarded the THREATS in the ransom note,how easily they ignored it and not only didn't warn the cops during the 911 call BUT called their friends over.

But I never paid attention to this:

I was trying to get

24 this 911 person to -- it just seemed like it

25 took forever, to drag through, you know, crazy


1 by that time.

2 Anyway, got the message across, she

3 said she would send somebody out, and oh, God in

4 heaven. Oh, then I phone -- called our friends,

5 Mr. and Mrs. Fleet White and Mr. and

6 Mrs. Johnson, they live in Boulder. I think

7 John went back up to get dressed.

8 And I called them and told them

9 that she's been kidnapped, she is missing. And

10 then I walked out through here, and opened the

11 door, and started waiting for -- front door --

12 started waiting for the police to show up.


14 I was standing on the (INAUDIBLE)

15 and pretty soon a squad car came -- you know,

16 officer came up. And I remember thinking

17 because it said somewhere in the note, if you do

18 that, if you call somebody, that's not good.

19 Blah, blah, blah.
And I just remembered

20 thinking oh, my God, I hope they are not

21 watching me. I mean, what if they are watching,

22 if the policeman comes, I mean all this was just

23 rushing through my head

not only did she call everybody over but she also did tell them she was kidnapped?wtf?what if one of THEM did it?

she waited for the cops outside on the front porch??didn't the note say they were being watched?


blah blah blah,I was HOPING they don't watch?hoping???
the threat said her child will be BEHEADED!


this doesn't sound like a person who's talking about how she reacted when her child was KIDNAPPED and in the hands of some psychos who threatened to BEHEAD her.

you don't treat such a subject with BLAH BLAH BLAH.
btw,didn't she say she never read the entire RN?
the threat re calling the police is in the middle of it
Depends on the day and the circumstances Madeline. Some days, she only read the first sentence or two, some days she knows everything that was in the letter.

As I said prior, as well as many others, she not only KNEW what the note consisted of, but did everything possible to ensure that if there HAD been a kidnapping, that JonBenet would be killed.
perhaps we are all naive and wrong.....maybe they did it for the thrill......cause there are times when I really can't find any logical explanation for their behavior.sometimes it all seems so twisted that it doesn't even fit the "they did it to protect Burke" scenario.....they both give me the creeps sometimes.
hey.Ted Bundy was intelligent and seemed normal too...............but evil and did it for fun and to show the world how smart he was.
there are way too many things that are creepy and sick about this murder.this wasn't a simple accident+cover-up...........who the hell uses a garrote on a child,dead or alive,no matter what you believe......even if as staging as most of you believe (I don't).....and all the religious mambo jambo...............all this is very creepy...........
and JR always being so excited like a little child who got a new toy when speaking about those "little clues".........and PR "the note threatened to behead my child BLAH BLAH BLAH"....sends chills down my spine........
perhaps we are all naive and wrong.....maybe they did it for the thrill......cause there are times when I really can't find any logical explanation for their behavior.sometimes it all seems so twisted that it doesn't even fit the "they did it to protect Burke" scenario.....they both give me the creeps sometimes.
hey.Ted Bundy was intelligent and seemed normal too...............but evil and did it for fun and to show the world how smart he was.
there are way too many things that are creepy and sick about this murder.this wasn't a simple accident+cover-up...........who the hell uses a garrote on a child,dead or alive,no matter what you believe......even if as staging as most of you believe (I don't).....and all the religious mambo jambo...............all this is very creepy...........

thats exactly the point I´ve been busy with
How did the come to the garrote?
I´ve never heard of something like that before,
I can´t imagine the parents "searching quick in internet" for something that
except they saw a movie or read a book about it
I said I can´t believe that because they both are religious, arent they(well I know PR is dead) it is hard to believe they did stage all stuff or was a sex game, but it is not impossible
all I want it is the truth will come out soon , justice for this little girl!
Being "religious" is meaningless as far as doing evil. Many Priests are "religious" yet they molest children. The 911 attackers were "religious" too- yet they murdered over 3000 people in New York because they are "religious" and felt it was the "religious" thing to do.
I hope the worst ring of Hell is reserved for people who use the mask of being
"religious" to avoid blame for the harm they do to others.
Speaking of 911, watch 'In Plane Site". DeeDee. I have stories about that too, they take place at the same hospital as the ghost stories. Sorry, back on topic.

Anyone who believe in God, most likely believes in Satan. That he is evil. The classic 'good vs evil'. It is what we grow up with. The evilness that humans can inflict upon each other, continually amazes me. There are many people who appear normal and sane, but do horrendous things. Many serial killers have been described as charming, that they appeared to be 'normal'. Scary indeed.
thats exactly the point I´ve been busy with
How did the come to the garrote?
I´ve never heard of something like that before,
I can´t imagine the parents "searching quick in internet" for something that
except they saw a movie or read a book about it
I said I can´t believe that because they both are religious, arent they(well I know PR is dead) it is hard to believe they did stage all stuff or was a sex game, but it is not impossible
all I want it is the truth will come out soon , justice for this little girl!

to me they sound more like fanatics sometimes and that's not always good.and IMO they just use religion as an excuse, ït is up to God to forgive","she's in a better place",etc,basically what they are saying is please drop it,we wanna move on,we don't care who did this because we wanna forget about why would a parent feel like this.
Brilliant thread,Mads. I have been reading DoI recently and this sort of stuff has leapt off the page afresh for me. Eg. John yapping on about how he at least knew he had some control over this situation unlike when Beth died. Seconds later, he's ignoring the demands of the situation he is 'controlling' and drinking hard liquor. This is the small stuff, but I'd also posit that it's the route to hell..
You know,dont get me wrong,but I so understand why L.Wood wants his clients to remain SILENT.:innocent:

IIRC JR says it in his depo as well,his attorneys were concerned that he might say something that he shouldnt.

It-s not like they-re the most brilliant liars on the planet,on the contrary...
Hi! Newbie to the site -not to the case- but no expert :) I have read a many of the threads on this page over the last several weeks and decided to join up and see if you all have some answers I either overlooked or can't seem to find. Formulating my theory here but didn't know where to post this and couldn't make a new thread, so blah,blah,blah sounded good!

1) Was there any statement made by FW? I couldn't find anything.
2) Was the window swabbed for fibers, DNA, etc.?
2a) Another thing about the window story that is bothering me is that JR made it a point to say he crawled through that window, in his underwear. Doesn't anyone think it's stange that someone would remove shoes and clothing while climbing through broken glass? Did anyone call this out?
3) What shoe size does PR wear?
4) The head injury - where exactly on the skull was the point of impact (the hole in the skull)? Top, back, left side???
4a) Could the head injury have been a "dropped from a height on the top of the skull" kind of injury??
5) The garrote - was a meaning behind this ever determined or suspected? Was it used in a book, movie? Did it have a symbolic meaning that anyone could think of?
5a) Was it determined that the knot on the garrote was in the back of the neck at all times but the bruising? Could the garrote have been moved on the neck?
6) The stun gun theory -- though the marks were not "burns" as a stun gun would indicate, does anyone have enough knowledge to determine the "healing" marks of a prior stun gun use and what they would look like?
7) When JR left prior to the discovery of the body, was it ever determined how long he was gone or where he went? Was he ever observed?

I am sure this stuff has been covered but I am asking you pro's to guide me a little to these answers
6) The stun gun theory -- though the marks were not "burns" as a stun gun would indicate, does anyone have enough knowledge to determine the "healing" marks of a prior stun gun use and what they would look like?

You just HAD to ask, didn't you?:crazy:
Sorry :loser:
Don't feel bad because I've wondered about that myself...since it was stated that there was prior abuse, I've wondered what all kinds of abuse and if any measures were taken to hide it. just my opinion, but the golf club incident alone, should have been grounds for an investigation . If something like that happened here, the dr would be required to report it... and that's not a new rule. MOO.
IMO this is not a garrote that was used on JB and I've been trained 40 years ago in the use of a garrote and again in 1981 for anti-terrorist training. This attached picture is for 40 years my idea of what a garrote was/is or similar.

The information on the net defies what I believe a garrote was. Here is a pic of a true garrote.

US Special Forces Garrote, Vietnam War

Vietnam War US Special Forces Garrote. Also issued in survival and escape and evasion kits. Clandestine Items.htm
Sorry :loser:

Just letting you know where I stand. It's my experience that stun gun marks don't last all that long, and they don't do permanent damage (or at least, they're not SUPPOSED to). Mine took about two days to fade.
Just letting you know where I stand. It's my experience that stun gun marks don't last all that long, and they don't do permanent damage (or at least, they're not SUPPOSED to). Mine took about two days to fade.

btw,since we're talking about personal experiences.....I burned myself with a hot tray of pizza slices last week....the first 24 hours the burn was red then it changed its color into brown,the SAME color as JB,s abrasions.....I still wonder whether those were not burn marks indeed....but I am sure it wasnt a stun gun but something else.....maybe a cigarette burn,they found a box of cigarettes down in the basement IIRC.
btw,since we're talking about personal experiences.....I burned myself with a hot tray of pizza slices last week....the first 24 hours the burn was red then it changed its color into brown,the SAME color as JB,s abrasions.....I still wonder whether those were not burn marks indeed....but I am sure it wasnt a stun gun but something else.....maybe a cigarette burn,they found a box of cigarettes down in the basement IIRC.

One thing's sure, isn't it? If anyone asks for a way to sober a person up. this will do it faster than anything I know!
IMO this is not a garrote that was used on JB and I've been trained 40 years ago in the use of a garrote and again in 1981 for anti-terrorist training. This attached picture is for 40 years my idea of what a garrote was/is or similar.

The information on the net defies what I believe a garrote was. Here is a pic of a true garrote.

US Special Forces Garrote, Vietnam War

Vietnam War US Special Forces Garrote. Also issued in survival and escape and evasion kits. Clandestine Items.htm
wow I know I sound crazy! but it's so dainty! like a delicate necklace.

OH I get how it is dangerous! it's like piano wire! prob could almost behead someone. it just looks so innocent. :twocents:

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