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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. K

    The missing evidence

    I pinched the dirty spoon comment from someone yesterday. Folks were saying that they had been glued to the tv and were wearing their t-shirts inside out; Someone said that she was stirring her tea with an upside down dirty spoon (using the clean handle part). So, Im revealing that my entire...
  2. K

    The missing evidence

    From reading the entire thread and way too many more threads and stirring my tea with a dirty spoon... I bleeve that Schu7 has since reconsidered that computer-history-deletion-Padilla-ICA-can-barely-turn-on-a-computer part of the theory that he initially proffered. Not speaking for him...
  3. K

    The missing evidence

    BBM wow.... New posters have to start somewhere. We were all "new" once. "Zanny" is also a slang name for a prescription drug that is misused recreationally and sold illegally on the street. But I would not,"LOL" someone for not knowing that information. Nor would I generalize it as a...
  4. K

    The missing evidence

    Imo the opening poster's theory (to whch I believe you're referring) is a spot on possibility and quite likely - except for the LP part, which the poster, Schu7, has since rescinded. moo
  5. K

    The missing evidence

    AGREED!!!! And if ICA made chloroform, Im Mary, Queen of Scots. That is all. moo
  6. K

    Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

    RESOUNDNG APPLAUSE! So much word. Yes, there are other examples, but they escape me at the moment. That is all.
  7. K

    What questions are still unanswered?

    I think George is lying about when he last saw ICA leaving with Caylee. I wish I had the clip (anyone?) in which GA describes in excruciating detail what ICA and /or Caylee were wearing on what would have been, at the time a routine day. And he's a man. I've heard women describe...
  8. K

    What questions are still unanswered?

    If Krystal Holloway was such a "great volunteer," as George claims, in the efforts of looking for Caylee and GA needed to comfort her for her illness and administering said comfort required his going to her residence, why didnt Cindy go to Holloway's residence too? Additionally, I've heard...
  9. K

    2011.07.02 Sidebar Thread

    Bwahahaha....BuffaloChuck.... "counting silverware" and "Mr. Shovel." Thank you for that! First laugh of the day and I really, really needed it. hugs, man. :-) You remind me of that, "Will and Grace" episode where "Lorraine Finster" was stealing silverware from Karen... in an unusual...
  10. K

    2011.07.02 Sidebar Thread

    Yes, THIS. GIVES. ME. CHILLS. Also, it seems to me that there had to be some threat of Cindy taking Caylee and ICA would likely be, "Oh, no you wont." I mean, this idea that stealing was the only point of contention doesnt make sense or it sounds incomplete (duh.) as it...
  11. K

    2011.07.02 Sidebar Thread

    Add to Lee's assertion of an argument, didnt a neighbor hear two women arguing/raising voices/ etc? The other way I have leaned at times is the thought that possibly it was something as simple as ICA left Caylee in a hot car somewhere too long and no passersby noticed her (hot car -...
  12. K

    2011.07.02 Sidebar Thread

    I do see your point, but it seems that Caylee had to have been already at least slightly verbal and would have already indicated in some way to someone (GA, CA etc) that something was horribly wrong and that bad things happen when she goes places with Mommy. Additionally, why was it THAT...
  13. K

    2011.07.02 Sidebar Thread

    I missed bits of this trial. Did they (either side) EVER mention the argument/fight bw ICA and Cindy on or about that June 15/16? tia
  14. K

    Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

    Apparently Cindy lying on the stand under oath is OK if Nancy Grace says so. And if I hear NG say one more time that ICA, "Set Cindy up for perjury," I swear... .....I'm gonna.... I'm gonna.... ....stir my tea with a dirty spoon. moo
  15. K

    2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

    I know, right? If nature brought this monster to fruition who nurtured the monster? Who enabled? Who covered and covered... check after check? time after time? Who, even IN THE FIELD OF NURSING, did not persist, or even try that I know of, to get the monster some legitimate HELP...
  16. K

    2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

    Forgive me for saying this, but how do we know that ICA wasnt contemplating killling her mother?... AND SHE JUST DIDNT PULL IT OFF for some reason... known only to ICA? If so, (hypothetically, of course) what stopped her? Was it bc of the argument or whatever? Some unknown...
  17. K

    2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

    Ok this may make me a pariah, but here goes... As a psych nurse, I feel for ICA. NO, of course, I DO NOT EXCUSE HER FOR KILLING HER INNOCENT CHILD - if she did. I just FEEL. ...months and months of active listening... watching... assessing...observing ....Something happened in...
  18. K

    2011.07.01 TRIAL Day Thirty-three (Afternoon Session)

    BBM ...and there it is... that is all .
  19. K

    2011.07.01 TRIAL Day Thirty-three (Afternoon Session)

    YES!! Why not? :-) No surprise there bc Donj consistently rocks it. Yes.. the PC did it... or either it was the evil monkey from Chris' closet on "Family Guy" who did it. moo .
  20. K

    2011.07.01 TRIAL Day Thirty-three (Afternoon Session)

    The bamboo testimony reminds me of the recent superfluity of BING search-results-overload ads. I still say, per the commercial: "hot-moms-who-wear-jeans-that-match-their-teens'-jeans." Bamboo flooring, bamboo plants, bamboo eaten by infertile pandas, bamboo song by Shakira, ...... moo

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