Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

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Hi All!

I'm starting a thread here today to discuss Cindy's testimony---How small damning details about ICA seem to always slip into her statements.
The big one for me was early in the trial: Sleepy dogs in the months that chloroform had been researched but before Caylee was found in a trunk full of it. Nobody asked Cindy what symptoms the dogs had, she volunteered it. AND NOW we know that whole testimony was bunk, b/c she never even looked up bamboo or chlorophyll. So why throw that BOMB into her answer?
Why do these statements INCRIMINATING her daughter seem to 'pop' out accidentally, when CA is seemingly testifying FOR ICA's benefit?

My opinion is that CA & ICA have classic Passive-Aggression toward one another. Instead of confronting problems in their relationship, they seem to keep & hold them in silent 'grudge matches' and never let go.
IMO, even though Cindy APPEARS to be testifying for the benefit of her daughter, stuff just keep popping out that incriminates ICA instead.
So, Cindy may not consciously want ICA locked up, her internal ANGER at ICA has Cindy, either purposefully or passively, dropping bombs throughout sworn testimony. (Court and depositions)

I had a whole list of these in my head yesterday, but I've smoked since then. Let me see if I can think of a few more...(NOT chronological)

Called the dead dogs Ginger and Cinnamon "My babies", volunteered info that they were mama & baby dogs dying at home w/in SIX MONTHS of one another. When ICA a Senior in H.S.

Caylee was a Preemie? IMO, a subtle dig at ICA lying back then. Plus mentioning Mrs. Grund was at the shower....I think that planted seeds in juror's minds about whether ICA was claiming Jesse as dad, so due date screwed up.

IIRC, CINDY is the only person who brought up ICA's check charges, and I remember she only brought it up as a reference to the time frame of another unrelated event?

Said that bleach, acetone, etc...."All stuff we had in the home."

Does anyone else see this pattern here? I think Cindy is the kind of parent who is constantly disappointed in you, but never says why. Just 'punishes' her children psychologically with passive-aggression.

Can y'all remember any other examples of the BOMBS Cindy had thrown? I had like a dozen in mind yesterday. I think they are a fascinating look into real passive-aggression in action. And since CA never gives less than a novel on any question, I find her testimony FULL of them.....Can anyone think of more?

(If any mental health workers wish to chime in or offer a good link about Passive-Aggressive behavior, that would be awesome!)
I believe that CA should also be charged with Obstruction. Forgot to put that in my previous post.

I am sorry but it saddens me and amazes me that people say it's OK because she lost her daughter/granddaughter. The law is the law.

I don't think she needs years and years in jail. Maybe just 30 days or something. It needs to be shown that lying under oath has a consequence and maybe something positive will come out of this horrible crime. Isn't that how it all started, because the Anthony's (Casey, Cindy and George) thought they were above the law and just lied, lied and lied?

I agree.
The A's turned a "just another" murderer that got caught into a media event, that wll go on for another year.

I believe grieving grandmother should have trumped grieving mother and CA should have NEVER perjured herself to save her evil daughter, therefore she should definitely be prosecuted for committing perjury to the fullest extent of the law!!
Hi All!

I'm starting a thread here today to discuss Cindy's testimony---How small damning details about ICA seem to always slip into her statements.
The big one for me was early in the trial: Sleepy dogs in the months that chloroform had been researched but before Caylee was found in a trunk full of it. Nobody asked Cindy what symptoms the dogs had, she volunteered it. AND NOW we know that whole testimony was bunk, b/c she never even looked up bamboo or chlorophyll. So why throw that BOMB into her answer?
Why do these statements INCRIMINATING her daughter seem to 'pop' out accidentally, when CA is seemingly testifying FOR ICA's benefit?

My opinion is that CA & ICA have classic Passive-Aggression toward one another. Instead of confronting problems in their relationship, they seem to keep & hold them in silent 'grudge matches' and never let go.
IMO, even though Cindy APPEARS to be testifying for the benefit of her daughter, stuff just keep popping out that incriminates ICA instead.
So, Cindy may not consciously want ICA locked up, her internal ANGER at ICA has Cindy, either purposefully or passively, dropping bombs throughout sworn testimony. (Court and depositions)

I had a whole list of these in my head yesterday, but I've smoked since then. Let me see if I can think of a few more...(NOT chronological)

Called the dead dogs Ginger and Cinnamon "My babies", volunteered info that they were mama & baby dogs dying at home w/in SIX MONTHS of one another. When ICA a Senior in H.S.

Caylee was a Preemie? IMO, a subtle dig at ICA lying back then. Plus mentioning Mrs. Grund was at the shower....I think that planted seeds in juror's minds about whether ICA was claiming Jesse as dad, so due date screwed up.

IIRC, CINDY is the only person who brought up ICA's check charges, and I remember she only brought it up as a reference to the time frame of another unrelated event?

Said that bleach, acetone, etc...."All stuff we had in the home."

Does anyone else see this pattern here? I think Cindy is the kind of parent who is constantly disappointed in you, but never says why. Just 'punishes' her children psychologically with passive-aggression.

Can y'all remember any other examples of the BOMBS Cindy had thrown? I had like a dozen in mind yesterday. I think they are a fascinating look into real passive-aggression in action. And since CA never gives less than a novel on any question, I find her testimony FULL of them.....Can anyone think of more?

(If any mental health workers wish to chime in or offer a good link about Passive-Aggressive behavior, that would be awesome!)

Interesting. Will post later.

In the meantime do you have a link to the original picture from which your signature pic is taken?
It's ridiculous that Cindy Anthony should get a free pass simply because she is the mother of the defendant. Of course she should be charged.
A classic example is on those jail house tapes. When Casey asks her about her cameo and Cindy replies. "which one?" Cindy goes onto call her "sweetheart" while calling Casey a liar
OMG...it seems like forever ago that this started. Everything that has happened yet it's still like at the beginning. Cindy, Cindy, Cindy. Still in competition with Casey.

Been here from the very 1st post and will be here, God willing, when ICA is convicted. Cindy has lied and lied and covered up and impeded and slandered innocent people (I, personally, will never forgive her over what she did and said to Tim Miller. Vile woman!) She always got a pass because she was a "grieving grandmother" :sick:. And, with a lot of people she still gets that pass because of the grieving grandmother excuse but, also, she might lose her daughter.

In the beginning, most people were asking, why did Cindy let this go on for so long? This is after we learned that ICA and Caylee lived with the Ants. And that ICA had no job. And, why is she not trying to find out where Caylee is? What started the protests at the house, besides ICA being released, was Cindy yelling at the media and public to "get off our *advertiser censored**ses and find her grandaughter"!! Really, Cindy?? The answer to that is living in your house. You are lying for her. Coddling her. Covering up for her. You and George smelled human decomp in the damn car!! This went far beyond denial with Cindy. And, it continues to this day.

I suppose what I, personally, wanted to see from Cindy from the beginning to this day.....put Caylee first. Bless her heart....she was only 2. She loved you. Stop using her for your "grieving grandmother" excuse. For your media shows. For money. Stop lying for her killer.

Caylee :rose:

Forgot to add.....YES!! Charge her with anything they can come up with. Without her and GA's lies, Caylee might have been found sooner. We might have found a cause of death. Caylee's little body might not have been torn apart by animals.....OMG, yes, charge her.

I so agree with everything you have stated, Amster. Thank you!

I watched this too, and I don't
recall seeing that footage before.
It was stunning to watch, knowing what we know now...
CA goes on and on and on about ICA's fake job,
goes into the fake scholarship that she couldn't take because of Caylee,
(nevermind that she didn't finish high school)
on and on and on...

I have no doubt that this family has suffered terribly
because of ICA throughout the years,
but I agree that enough is enough...they need to stop the insanity
and face the facts...they will never be able to properly mourn Caylee and heal if they don't face the fact that ICA is responsible for it. I firmly believe that they have been covering for her most of her life,
and the whole family has spent years trying to cover for the fact that ICA is NOT NORMAL. Casey IS the Anthony Family secret, IMO.


BBM There it is!
hi all!
my 1st post .

what kind of drugs is this family on does anyone know? Cindy has had a change in medication, which is sometimes the root of irrational behaviour. Perhaps if someone could get to the bottom of what these two were on (CA and KC) it could explain something.

But regardless, Cindy should be prosecuted. A high profile trial and a high profile perjury like this can't be just given a pass or it could serve as a bad example. Besides, kids are watching too. They need to know we wont abandon justice for them for the sake of a few crocodile tears. Cindy hasnt suffered nearly as much as she would have everyone think. I pray for Caylee. I have twin girls around the same age as she was when she was last seen. It behooves me to think how this could have happened when Caysey was under the watchful eye of her mother.

What do we know about the fight of June 15??? I cant seem to find anything other than in Cindy's mom's emails. why wasnt this included as evidence and testimony n the defense?
I think she should be prosecuted, but she won't. The state may need her if an appeal goes through and having a perjury conviction will not serve them well. I respect but disagree with Nancy Grace and others that think it's forgivable that Cindy lied as she did. She lied during the investigation and impeded it. She lied during the trial. I understand if she wants to plead like crazy for her daughter's life during sentencing, but her actions could have resulted in Casey getting away with murder; no justice for Caylee and the rest of society at risk. She knew for a FACT that Casey was responsible for Caylee's death the minute she learned how Casey was blaming the family. They know for a FACT what they did not do.

Every murderer has a mother; it's okay for them all to lie in hopes that these dangers are again thrust upon the rest of us? Their murderous children's lives are more valuable than everyone else's. Incredibly selfish and unforgiveable, imo.
I am shocked and appalled that Cindy would lie so blatantly under oath!
And continue to lie, through her attorney on national TV, saying she maintains she did the searches, and she did not say she did them on March 17th and March 21st.
That is MORE LIES! The searches were NEVER done, period.

It has been proven with evidence that Cindy NEVER did a search for "chlorophyll" (spelled any kind of way) on that home computer - EVER - it is nowhere on the harddrive at any time.

It has been proven that Cindy never typed in "chlorophyll" and it morphed into a search for "chloroform" - didn't happen. Cindy did not type in chlorophyll, nor chloroform, nor how to make chloroform.

It has been proven that Cindy did not type in "neck or breaking" - and it was NOT a "popup" as she said.

Cindy did not EVER type in searches for bamboo leaves being poisonous for dogs.

It has been proven that Cindy's boss did NOT ever alter her work timecard to show that she was at work if she was really at home on her computer. Work emails show that Cindy was on her work computer making entries on patient records on March 17th and March 21st at the time the chloroform searches were done on the Anthony's home computer.

It has been proven that Cindy did NOT do a search for "hand sanitizer" on the home computer.

Cindy did NOT access her work Gentiva website from HOME ever.

There is no proof that Cindy ever called George about the ladder being UP on JUNE 16th (or 17th) as Cindy said on the stand. Another LIE to try to help the Inmate.

It is wrong for Cindy to get on the stand and tell outright, blatant LIES ... and wrong for her attorney to continue to support those LIES with more lies ... and wrong for Baez to put Cindy on the stand knowing she was going to tell these lies.

I believe Cindy should be held accountable for breaking the law.... but I am willing to wait until this trial is completely over and this jury does not have to be distracted with the separate issue of Cindy's lawbreaking. IMO
I think CA is crazy like a fox.

She had swung back and forth for the last 3 years. I will never forget one of the first jail house tapes where Casey says "You don;t know my involvement?" and Cindy says in this singsong voice "Well sweetheart I don't know your involvement" I really really felt like CA was happy ICA was in jail and was enjoying her media interviews and her new status.

CA has a love hate relationship with ICA and I'm not sure if she lied on the stand to save her from the DP or to make sure the state would then go on to PROVE she could NOT have done those searched thereby sealing Casey's fate with regards to premeditation.

I've almost had the feeling now at the end of this trial she is actually trying to play both sides. She's trying to look like the greiving grandmother and the martyr trying to save her daughter while everything she does actually puts another nail in Casey's coffin. I find myself wondering if it's on purpose.

I honestly don't know if CA is trying to help Casey or subtly help convict her. She is a narcicisstic control freak and I honestly believe CA enjoys this drama.
I have NO sypmpathy for her and in fact believe that if it wasn't for CA we wouldn't be here now.
I say throw the book at her, she is guilty of far more than perjury.
I hope CA is not charged with perjury, although if she is, she probably won't care. It's child's play considering what she's already been through. I know she's been hateful to others through this entire ordeal, and many of you don't like her, but KC is to blame for it all.
Hi All!

I'm starting a thread here today to discuss Cindy's testimony---How small damning details about ICA seem to always slip into her statements.
The big one for me was early in the trial: Sleepy dogs in the months that chloroform had been researched but before Caylee was found in a trunk full of it. Nobody asked Cindy what symptoms the dogs had, she volunteered it. AND NOW we know that whole testimony was bunk, b/c she never even looked up bamboo or chlorophyll. So why throw that BOMB into her answer?
Why do these statements INCRIMINATING her daughter seem to 'pop' out accidentally, when CA is seemingly testifying FOR ICA's benefit?

My opinion is that CA & ICA have classic Passive-Aggression toward one another. Instead of confronting problems in their relationship, they seem to keep & hold them in silent 'grudge matches' and never let go.
IMO, even though Cindy APPEARS to be testifying for the benefit of her daughter, stuff just keep popping out that incriminates ICA instead.
So, Cindy may not consciously want ICA locked up, her internal ANGER at ICA has Cindy, either purposefully or passively, dropping bombs throughout sworn testimony. (Court and depositions)

I had a whole list of these in my head yesterday, but I've smoked since then. Let me see if I can think of a few more...(NOT chronological)

Called the dead dogs Ginger and Cinnamon "My babies", volunteered info that they were mama & baby dogs dying at home w/in SIX MONTHS of one another. When ICA a Senior in H.S.

Caylee was a Preemie? IMO, a subtle dig at ICA lying back then. Plus mentioning Mrs. Grund was at the shower....I think that planted seeds in juror's minds about whether ICA was claiming Jesse as dad, so due date screwed up.

IIRC, CINDY is the only person who brought up ICA's check charges, and I remember she only brought it up as a reference to the time frame of another unrelated event?

Said that bleach, acetone, etc...."All stuff we had in the home."

Does anyone else see this pattern here? I think Cindy is the kind of parent who is constantly disappointed in you, but never says why. Just 'punishes' her children psychologically with passive-aggression.

Can y'all remember any other examples of the BOMBS Cindy had thrown? I had like a dozen in mind yesterday. I think they are a fascinating look into real passive-aggression in action. And since CA never gives less than a novel on any question, I find her testimony FULL of them.....Can anyone think of more?

(If any mental health workers wish to chime in or offer a good link about Passive-Aggressive behavior, that would be awesome!)


So much word.

Yes, there are other examples, but they escape me at the moment.

That is all.
What is up with this? Never heard about GA trying to work a deal for ICA.

His remark is in the transcripts of his interview with LE. If you can't locate it, I will supply the text and link when I have time. Did not mean to get O/T on this thread. It is amazing what jumps off those pages now, after testimony.
Well, if KC gets charges for lying to the police, well, Cindy should too. I think all that money they're set to make on movie deals etc., should be paid in fines to the OCSO. As far as the perjury goes, yep, nail her. She's caused as many delays with her obfuscation as KC has. JMO

I totally agree with you Quiche.
As for possible future money from books, movie deals...I think Cindy and anyone else in family who committed perjury in this trial should be prohibited from profiting from their lies.
Yes I do believe very strongly that Cindy Anthony should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I was furious yesterday when I saw Mark Lippman spouting off at the fact that his client stands by her testimony of LIES, ALL LIES regarding the computer searches!!! I think I may have been a bit more sympathetic had she been honest about it and said, hey my Caylee is gone and I am terrified for my daughter to get the death penalty. It is absolutely clear to me where ICA learned how to lie, and when confronted with the lie to still stick to it. It is appalling.

IMHO CA needs to be arrested and prosecuted for her perjury.

I totally agree! Or Lippman could have just said NO COMMENT to any media inquiries, and said it would not be appropriate to comment on that at this time. But, for the lawyer to continue the LIES is completely unacceptable. That's why Cindy continues to lie, with support from others. And why the Inmate has always lied, knowing her mother would not hold her accountable for it.
YES CA knew she cleaned the car (evidence), CA knew she gave the LE the wrong brush for DNA, CA knew she was lying and hurting the search for CAYLEE.
Then CA LIES under OATH, CA knows what she was doing!
CA should be punished by law in some sort of fashion because we all are under the same laws, she is no better than any other person that lies to LE!
I hope the judge thows the book at anyone that lied!
If it were not for CA / GA enabling and lying for ICA, maybe dear CAYLEE would be alive.

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