Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

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I think she should get charged with perjury. She willingly lied and the DT knew she was going to lie the SA knew she did and were ready to go after her. IMO it's too little too late to try to save ICA from herself. And had she stepped up as a parent earlier on ICA probably wouldn't be in this mess. Caylee would be alive and this would not have happened. The blind love parent/child is baloney IMO. There are many bio parents who are crap parents and adoptive parents who are amazing and vice versa. People know right from wrong and if you don't intend to parent as such then you have no business procreating.
Is it only me or did anyone else feel like Baez & Cindy practiced & set up this lie?
As Baez was questioning her he made it so obvious he was acting.. " I don't understand, please explain to the jury how you got to chloroform from searching for chlorophil?" he says. I just felt it was all an act as soon as Cindy got up there & a bad one at that.
Didn't Cindy sound just like Casey.
I think she should be charged ... She knew what she was doing.
Listening to Cindy tell about her searches on the Internet, I thought that she was telling Casey that she knows know that Casey poisoned a pet. Might be she always suspected it, but now she knows.

And what happen with in a day or two in court, Casey had her little rage attack on camera.

Casey's pathology is that she has a self concept or self image that she will die for.

All her goals were material image related.

Some clinical Psych person will have an interesting time figuring her out. Better start with a brain scan.
I hope CA is not charged with perjury, although if she is, she probably won't care. It's child's play considering what she's already been through. I know she's been hateful to others through this entire ordeal, and many of you don't like her, but KC is to blame for it all.

My only problem with this is that I don't like CA for reasons other than KC. She was pointing fingers at others that KC herself didn't. She had investigators going on wild goose chases from her PI's taking photos of the back of little girls at malls and claiming it was her granddaughter. People on this very board were saying, "If I suspect a child I see is Caylee I would grab her." At the time my niece looked a bit like Caylee and if some do gooder thinking they were doing the right thing would have grabbed her they would be dead...sorry but, they would be dead.

She did these things herself. KC wasn't twisting her arm.
"Casey IS the Anthony Family secret, IMO."

Wow, that's really profound! Wish the state could use your quote in closing arguments!
I have a feeling that Cindy on some level is well aware of her daughters capabilities and I believe also she is dropping hints that there is more here than meets the eye.

Who gave the detailed information about the first animal they ever buried? it was before Lee or KC was born so who told the DT?

Cindy knew the Gentiva dates would be investigated so the appearance of falling on her sword was calculated to have the effect it did.

I think there has never been room in KC's life for more than herself and her mother and anyone who interferes with that is in trouble be it George, the dogs or Caylee and I think this is Cindy's way out of that hell yet still be seemingly supportive.

Lastly, I don't blame her one bit I believe on some level Cindy was scared of what her daughter was capable of, and when I think of Lee mentioning "being like the last time" and we wondered what she had killed before (well I did) I'm going to make a guess, it was the dogs.
I would like to see CA charged and convicted of perjury, but I would be OK with a light sentence or even a suspended sentence. I am not out to punish CA for lying under oath as much as I am to prevent CA from being able to testify for KC in the future if by some fluke KC should ever be granted a hearing.

As a person convicted of perjury, CA could be deemed not credible as a witness in any future proceedings if (God forbid) there are any. JMO.
i hope she is charged with perjury..put a little thorn in her side.
Sorry haven't read through the thread. Cindy, at the least, should be prosecuted for tampering with evidence and lying to the court about her "chloro" -whatever searches.....cleaning the car...removing items. We all wouldn't be here had the A's had called the police to the tow yard to investigate THEIR beloved missing granddaughter and theiving, blow-it daughter with the "smell of death" in the car. You can lie to yourself (as if that will change reality), spray Febreze, wash clothes, remove knives all you want but you can't make the finality of death go away. If the A's had been stand up people from the beginning and gone with their suspicions instead of entering the realm of denial, they would have garnered more true sympathy and Caylee wouldn't have had her remains interred with dignity.

Sorry, no sympathy here. She drove that family to where they are now. JMHO
You can analyze it until you're blue in the face and still end up wondering but, knowing Judge Perry that doesn't put up with any nonsense in his courtroom, I wouldn't be surprised if they take her out in handcuffs right behind Casey.

:great: omg ... I hope you are right and I hope that Judge Perry would do this ...

:great: That would be "absolutely" wonderful ... "absolutely" wonderful !

Also ... it would prove that Judge Perry does not put up with LYING in his courtroom ... if he can charge a "spectator" and put him in jail for flipping the finger in his courtroom ... he surely can put Cindy in jail for LYING UNDER OATH ...

Afterall ... Cindy has been "obstructing justice" since "day 31" ...


Being too close to a disturbed person kind of conditions one to go with the flow.
Is it only me or did anyone else feel like Baez & Cindy practiced & set up this lie?
As Baez was questioning her he made it so obvious he was acting.. " I don't understand, please explain to the jury how you got to chloroform from searching for chlorophil?" he says. I just felt it was all an act as soon as Cindy got up there & a bad one at that.
Didn't Cindy sound just like Casey.
I think she should be charged ... She knew what she was doing.

Yes, that question from Baez did sound like an act and Cindy acted exactly like Casey with the added detail. Did you catch the reason she remembered coming home that day because it was near Casey's birthday and if I remember, her anniversary. Always the added detail which was not necessary. I got a kick out of her looking up Clorophill prompted her to look up chloroform that lead to alcohol and peroxide. All lies Then the announcement by her attorney this morning......just like Casey, she is going to carry the lie further by insisting she really did look up these words.
My only problem with this is that I don't like CA for reasons other than KC. She was pointing fingers at others that KC herself didn't. She had investigators going on wild goose chases from her PI's taking photos of the back of little girls at malls and claiming it was her granddaughter. People on this very board were saying, "If I suspect a child I see is Caylee I would grab her." At the time my niece looked a bit like Caylee and if some do gooder thinking they were doing the right thing would have grabbed her they would be dead...sorry but, they would be dead.

She did these things herself. KC wasn't twisting her arm.

BBM, I always say point fingers when you don't want to take responsibility or at the outset take someone down with you if you get caught. I tell my kids that when you point at other people and blame them too, three are always pointing back at you and I will not look at who you are pointing at but focus in on you!!! I advise them to take responsiblity for their actions....then if the other party wants to points fingers, they can go ahead and take some consequences too!!!
She should be charged. She lied under oath, got caught, and also cost the Florida tax payers even more money to have it investigated to prove she is a liar.
When you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth YOU SHOULD!
If she is not charged in this very popular woldwide case what kind of a message is that sending?????????
Okay, this may sound harsh, but where in her actions has Cindy shown she is a grieving grandmother? All I have seen is her lying and covering up for her daughter. Did I miss something??
I wonder if Cindy had post partum with Casey or some type of difficulty around Casey's birth or early life?
We had a president that lied under oath, Martha Stewart went to jail for months!
The whole world has watched this trial, if she is not charged what message does it send?
She should be charged. She lied under oath, got caught, and also cost the Florida tax payers even more money to have it investigated to prove she is a liar.
When you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth YOU SHOULD!
If she is not charged in this very popular woldwide case what kind of a message is that sending?????????

Excellent post...I tried to say this but you said it so much better!
I've heard the commentary that one reason Cindy won't be charged is because she might be needed in the future if there is a mistrial, appeal, etc. I am wondering, though, who in the heck could rely on her for any future truthful testimony? It is already a fact that she lied in court, charged or not, so who could afford to trust her as a witness? So I don't understand this argument. What is it that I'm missing? TIA
Cindy Anthony is too far gone to be able to take part in getting her marriage back together. She has many narcissistic traits and IMO greatly contributed to the fact that her granddaughter ended up dead and her daughter might get LWOP or the DP. A person like Cindy doesn't understand true communication and compromise. She was a spoiled girl in a family of boys. She was narcissistic long before Casey became narcissistic. In other words, she was probably extremely narcissistic from early childhood while it appears Casey's narcissism broke through somewhere around the time she left high school and and spun out of control soon after.

Cindy Anthony should be charged with perjury and suffer some pretty severe consequences. I think the citizens of the State of Florida should rise up and insist that it happen.
The money spent on the investigation and trial is staggering.

The problem is that even if she were to be punished in a way that would be very serious, a person like Cindy Anthony doesn't "get it" and never will "get it." She and Casey both think they're smarter than everyone else and therefore entitled to special treatment and as many passes as they want for their outrageous attitudes and actions. They truly don't understand the breadth, depth and gravity of everything they've said and done in their pathetic lives. Too bad. You don't get a pass because you're incapable of "getting it."

I find this info. really interesting because I myself have been wanting to back up and look at Cindy's childhood. Where did you get this information? I can't find anything about her before she moved to Fla.

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