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  1. G

    Going back to the beginning

    Sounds like drugs to me.
  2. G

    RC doesn't believe the gun story? Do you?

    Agreed. There would be blood everywhere.
  3. G

    RC doesn't believe the gun story? Do you?

    I haven't read the whole thread so if I'm repeating what someone else said, I'm sorry. I may be swayed to believe that Haleigh was killed by a gun shot wound, but I do not believe that the it was intentional. I believe it was an accident. Whether Tommy was playing with the gun, or Misty was...
  4. G

    2010.06.03 Misty and Tommy's court appearance

    THAT'S the pic I was talking about!
  5. G

    2010.06.03 Misty and Tommy's court appearance

    Yowza! Misty looks terrible. She's put on weight, her complexion is spotty, she's not wearing make-up...she looks younger than she ever has.
  6. G

    2010.5.24 JVM/Fields quote: Is this case a garage sale?

    "...if I was tellin' you the truth right now would you believe it? Games people play in the middle of the night... ." I think you just hit the nail on the head!
  7. G

    2010.5.24 JVM/Fields quote: Is this case a garage sale?

    Or how about, "Let's throw it on the wall and see what sticks." Any one of these statements make it sound like they're just throwing random cr@p out there to see if anyone will think that ANYTHING is worthy of being the REAL TRUTH. It kind of seems like political double talk wrapped in...
  8. G

    2010.05.17 Nancy Grace

    I missed NG last night and I'm trying to catch up on what I missed when I read this. OMG! I've never read anything more disgusting. Trying to sell the letter so they can buy a used car?!? You know, I didn't think much of these people to start out with, now I don't think I can say on here what...
  9. G

    2010.05.04 No one takes the blame for anything!!!

    It is a post like this that makes me sad that we can only thank once! TWO THUMBS WAY, WAY UP ON THIS!! I couldn't agree more!
  10. G

    IF Ronald Cumming Is Involved in Harming Haleigh What is His Motive? *LIST*

    I'm just throwing theories out there, so don't flame me, 'k? If RC were involved in the death of Haleigh, I don't believe her death was the result of an intentional attack. I believe Haleigh's death was accidental through either rage, or accidental OD. Covering up the death WAS intentional on...
  11. G

    2010.04.21 - PCSO asks Bloggers and TV Personalities to back off....

    I'll bet she's had more than a couple of $$ donated to her by now. You know, if Nanny Hollers is being manipulated, whoever doing it is being REALLY smart about it. I mean, who is going to donate money to her just so she can reassure Misty/Tommy? "Boo hoo..I hate it in...
  12. G

    2010.04.21 - PCSO asks Bloggers and TV Personalities to back off....

    IF NG would apologize I'm sure it would be pointedly towards RC and TN, and completely ignoring CS. :furious::banghead:
  13. G

    Grandma Hollars speaks

    Is Nanny Hollars credible? IMO, no. She is repeating what she "heard," but starting to add her own little comments to the stories. She's doing her very best to try and make things better for her beloved Misty...but I think she is doing more harm than good. That comment she made about "not...
  14. G

    2010.04.16 - Crystal's Attorney Issues Press Release

    I feel so very sorry for her. It is the nightmare you can never wake up from. How terrible for her and her family. ...and I know it is OT, but I think MIZZ NANCY owes CS a GIGANTIC apology for treating her so badly all this time.:furious:
  15. G

    2010.04.16 Misty's Silence...

    Me too! Everything that I knew, everything I thought somebody else might know. Heck! I would probably admit to stuff that I did, but didn't have anything to do with the investigation.
  16. G

    2010.04.07 - Misty Complains Of Treatment In Jail

    Oh, yeah! Isn't that the place that makes them wear PINK shirts too??
  17. G

    2010.04.07 - Misty Complains Of Treatment In Jail

    You mean that MISTY isn't a HILTON (like Paris, right?) :innocent:
  18. G

    2010.04.07 - Misty Complains Of Treatment In Jail

    Harsh conditions? Really? She's not a summer camp. She's in jail and more than likely going to prison. She's comitted more than one major offence. She's likely to skip if she would ever get bonded out, she's not cooperating with LE, she's segregated for punishment as much as she is for her own...
  19. G

    Jail videos from 2/2/10 & 2/4/10 (Released 2/12) #2

    So, does that bring her up to 11 counts now? How much is her bond now??
  20. G

    New Jail Video, Misty and Tommy Croslin 02/12/2010 - (Patty G made videos viewable)

    At this point I agree. With the rampant sibling rivalry between Tommy and Misty, I wouldn't put it past Misty to do the robbery and try and pin it on Tommy....but that is just my own speculation. Unless they find Tommy's or Misty's prints in the other house near the point of exit or entry it is...

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