2010.04.16 Misty's Silence...

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Mar 6, 2009
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Misty's silence (or denials, depending on the day) fascinates me. Maybe I was just a very gullible teenager, but were I in her shoes, being interrogated by LE, I'd have spilled whatever I knew a long time ago.

So what do you guys think is keeping her lips sealed so tightly? How do you think she manages to continually say nothing?
hi, oh gal, I would go for being petrified at unleashing Ron's fury than being grilled by LE - JMOO.
Misty's silence (or denials, depending on the day) fascinates me. Maybe I was just a very gullible teenager, but were I in her shoes, being interrogated by LE, I'd have spilled whatever I knew a long time ago.

So what do you guys think is keeping her lips sealed so tightly? How do you think she manages to continually say nothing?

I would have to say her "street smarts" and way she was raised and the fact that she has a lawyer advising her. Also, I think she is devoid of much feeling for anyone but herself, or those who can bring her pleasure. Pleasure being sex, drugs, food, cigarettes, security, party pals, et al.

For Misty it's all about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :banghead:
Me too, I would of peed my pants even being stopped by an officer for anything.
I was 50 before my 1st speeding ticket and cried so hard.
I could never cover up or lie due to a baby's death.........
I would of confessed on day 1 to everything I knew, even if I was to go to jail.
But you and I are normal...........Misty is very hard core for her young age.
She quit school at 12........I was playing with Barbie's
She was living with a guy in Daytona IIRC at 15? ( we were thinking of our 1st kiss)
She was living with an older man (RC) taking careof 2 children at 16 ( I was thinking of
going steady)
At 18 was in jail for drug trafficing and accused in Haleigh's disappearance I was going to the prom)
As The Sheriff said, she knows she is in trouble... known for along time, she had something to do with Halieghs death, I have no doubt about that at all JMO
Misty was raised around criminals. Her mother, father, brother, and boyfriend among many others have all done time and have rap sheets. Drugs, crime and incarceration were probably a regular topic of conversation for the better part of her life. She as a result knows how to keep her mouth shut. However, since she is now facing serious time herself, she is starting to crack in hopes of saving her own behind.
Misty's silence (or denials, depending on the day) fascinates me. Maybe I was just a very gullible teenager, but were I in her shoes, being interrogated by LE, I'd have spilled whatever I knew a long time ago.

So what do you guys think is keeping her lips sealed so tightly? How do you think she manages to continually say nothing?

I think she is/was afraid of ron so she went along with their story. I also think everybody made contingency plans. "If we are arrested, we will say this", "if so and so confesses, we will say this". But as time has worn on, drugs left their systems, LE's bearing down on hank & lisa, lindsy being threatened with the loss of her children, they are all starting to know this isn't going to go away with a small fine or short sentence. I hope that misty looses her attitude, nobody in the family can continue to pay money into her account, she's young, scared, and must pay for whatever her part is in all of this... LE has probably let her know they have more info than her i seen three. If her roll was more miner than the other's, maybe she will finally talk.
Misty's silence (or denials, depending on the day) fascinates me. Maybe I was just a very gullible teenager, but were I in her shoes, being interrogated by LE, I'd have spilled whatever I knew a long time ago.

So what do you guys think is keeping her lips sealed so tightly? How do you think she manages to continually say nothing?

"I still love him, mama". I think that pretty much sums it up, for me anyway
Misty's silence (or denials, depending on the day) fascinates me. Maybe I was just a very gullible teenager, but were I in her shoes, being interrogated by LE, I'd have spilled whatever I knew a long time ago.

So what do you guys think is keeping her lips sealed so tightly? How do you think she manages to continually say nothing?

Me too! Everything that I knew, everything I thought somebody else might know. Heck! I would probably admit to stuff that I did, but didn't have anything to do with the investigation.
Anyway she spins it, Misty's silence was, at the very least, about protecting Misty from responsibility. (Secondarily, it could have been about protecting herself from Ron's wrath.)

Even if Misty did not witness Haleigh's death, if she was involved in any criminal activity at the time (drugs?) while she had responsibility for Haleigh, and something happened to Haleigh under her watch, she can be charged with responsibility in Haleigh's death (criminal negligence) - bad stuff. Particularly as she failed to call 911. Add to that knowledge of Haleigh's death after the fact and continued failure to come forward, IMO you could add some sort of accessory or conspiracy (cover-up).

Now stories are adding knives and/or guns to her neck in a knife/gunpoint abduction of Haleigh in an effort to mitigate negligence charges.

Is the abduction story true? Doubts are strong because there is that pesky 911 call and interviews afterwards where Misty fails multiple times to mention any such thing.

IMO, without even having actually killed Haleigh, Misty is legal toast. Just like Hardy said at the press conference. As well she should be.

Her silence was about her effort to remain un-toast.

Her silence points (at the least) to her involvement in some sort of crime during events that led to the death of Haleigh. (If not her direct involvement in Haleigh's death.) IMO

oh, I keep forgetting - she was 17 at the time, so should add that I'm not sure how that mitigates her responsibility...
I have to be honest, I have prayed that this poor little girl was ok for all of these months, but I try not to listen to RC or MC too much. It scares the heck out of me that in today's world there are still people that uneducated and lacking in morals. I don't like the term white trash at all, but I would think with our education system, television, newspapers and other influences, people would be more eager to learn and adjust. I sound snobby and I don't mean to, but this whole family scares me from Ron's temper and foul mouth down to all of the lies and drugs and just overall "backwardness." I can only hope this is a very SMALL pocket of our population. I also hope that justice is served.
I think it's pretty simple. Her silence was to stay out of trouble, whatever trouble it was...and whatever new trouble it might bring.
While I've been reading (I so dislike the term "lurker") at WS for many years, I've only recently registered/posted. This will be my first lengthy post, but I would like to share some thoughts about Misty.

While I don't disagree with various assessments of Misty as being self-absorbed, street-wise, promiscuous, etc., I cannot allow myself to believe that Misty is a bad person. Even if you've never read the book that is among my favorites, everyone is familiar with the promo-poster featuring the little waif, Cosette, from the musical based on Victor Hugo's epic novel Les Miserables. In my mind's eye, Misty is that child who was left alone in the world to fend for herself and to find little scraps of affection from anyone who would oblige her until someone took her to his bosom and cared for her, loved and cherished her like his own.

Yes, Misty has parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, but did anyone really ever care for Misty? We know that Misty's parents were frequently incarcerated and that Misty was shuffled to different states to live with relatives. Hers has not been a stable life by any stretch of the imagination, and Misty probably never really felt attached to or loved by anyone. Perhaps moving in with Ronald and his children provided an opportunity for Misty to have the family/home life of which she had been deprived.

While I watched video of Misty standing on the dock with detectives, I was saddened by how helpless and hopeless this young woman appeared. My heart ached for her because she seems so alone in all of this, not unlike the little waif in the Les Miserables promo poster. jmho
I believe her silence all along has been to protect brother, ToC. I will still stand by my believe that ToC told MC what transpired later on. I believe if MC was at the home when ToC & JO came in she was passed out due to drugs. She could have been somewhere partying and I am sure if that is the case LE has witnesses that can prove it. I have felt for months now that ToC was up to his eyeballs in this and that JO was right there with him.

I think she has been able to keep quiet for fear of Ron.. it has been obvious since the begining how well he is able to control her.
I think her silence has it's roots in stupidity. I think that until recently (re: finally yesterday LE says she is 'calm' and 'knows she is in trouble') she thought she was untouchable and had a tight story. I think that now that she is behind bars and separated from those who were involved (jmoo) she is having more doubts about keeping the 'secret safe'.

I bet any money LE has used lines like (jmoo) "Ron told us everything" or "Timmy and Tommy told us what happened", etc to shake her loose. And it only takes one little flake to come out of that wall she put up before the whole thing starts coming down. This is what I think happened/is happening and I think it all stems from arresting this group and putting them in cells... where yesterday the sheriff said they have had "plenty of time to think" about it.

eta: I do not think she is scared of Ron per se. She strikes me as one tough cookie. moo
While I've been reading (I so dislike the term "lurker") at WS for many years, I've only recently registered/posted. This will be my first lengthy post, but I would like to share some thoughts about Misty.

While I don't disagree with various assessments of Misty as being self-absorbed, street-wise, promiscuous, etc., I cannot allow myself to believe that Misty is a bad person. Even if you've never read the book that is among my favorites, everyone is familiar with the promo-poster featuring the little waif, Cosette, from the musical based on Victor Hugo's epic novel Les Miserables. In my mind's eye, Misty is that child who was left alone in the world to fend for herself and to find little scraps of affection from anyone who would oblige her until someone took her to his bosom and cared for her, loved and cherished her like his own.

Yes, Misty has parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, but did anyone really ever care for Misty? We know that Misty's parents were frequently incarcerated and that Misty was shuffled to different states to live with relatives. Hers has not been a stable life by any stretch of the imagination, and Misty probably never really felt attached to or loved by anyone. Perhaps moving in with Ronald and his children provided an opportunity for Misty to have the family/home life of which she had been deprived.

While I watched video of Misty standing on the dock with detectives, I was saddened by how helpless and hopeless this young woman appeared. My heart ached for her because she seems so alone in all of this, not unlike the little waif in the Les Miserables promo poster. jmho

oh, interesting!

If we're comparing Misty to the characters from the epic Les Miserables, I'd go with Eponine, not Cosette. And if you go with Eponine, and consider her parents, the Thenardiers, (Hank Sr. & Lisa) then, yes, very comparable. IMO

Ron, however, is no Marius. Nuh uh. So, comparison ends there.

(Agree the poster waif is Cosette, Valjean's charge and inspiration, who he rescued early and raised into a beautiful, virtuous and wealthy young woman.)
IMO, she knows exactly what happened. She simply isn't talking because she is trying to protect certain individuals. There are many reasons I believe this, but the latest being: "But it’s gonna hurt two people. It’s gonna hurt two people." & "No, you just think Chelsea, use your head. And you’ll know."
If implicating Joe or Tommy was just a cover story, she would have used that to her advantage long ago. During that convo with Chelsea, she did not/would not mention names[trying to protect..not implicate].The only thing that makes sense to me is that shes worried about someone/s she cares about getting life in prison/DP- and she doesn't want to be the sole reason. She's hoping Chelsea, grandma Flora & the rest of her family will not disown her- and trying to get that hint of validation from them.

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