2010.04.16 Misty's Silence...

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She's covering her own behind from the consequences of whatever role she had in Haleighs murder and disposal. JMHO.
She's covering her own behind from the consequences of whatever role she had in Haleighs murder and disposal. JMHO.

Totally agree. I do believe Misty would tell the entire truth if she had nothing to do with the actual murder/accident (or whatever it is) I tend to think it is negligent homicide. Drugs, Pee blanket, and the Cinder block are all key elements in Haleigh's demise. IMO.
I think she has been in self-preservation mode most of her life. I would be frightened of any one of the folks to whom she is related and with whom she keeps company.
I can only conclude she is covering her own behind. I cannot come up with any other reason she would be silent for soooo long.
She's covering her own behind from the consequences of whatever role she had in Haleighs murder and disposal. JMHO.

I just wanted to add to this….
Granny said on NG that she has been told 3 stories.
1.Joe killed Haleigh
2.Misty hit Haleigh in the head and Tommy and Joe dumped her body in the
3.Tommy and Joe dumped Haleigh in the river.

So according to granny… either Joe or Misty killed Haleigh.
Misty has from day one tried to say Joe might have done something….
Either way from what granny has been told if we believe her then her
grandchildren are all somehow involved.

I didn’t see NG last night… I just saw a replay of granny talking and after
seeing that I now think that Misty did hit Haleigh in the head and Tommy and
Joe dumped her little body in the river.
I have always thought that Misty was covering for Ron and my thoughts haven't changed in light of the new information that's been put out there.

ETA - I wanted to add that in addition to covering for Ron, I think Misty is covering her own behind as well (that's kinda obvious).
She's covering her own behind from the consequences of whatever role she had in Haleighs murder and disposal. JMHO.

This sums it up for me, she's involved in it up to her eyeballs.
While I've been reading (I so dislike the term "lurker") at WS for many years, I've only recently registered/posted. This will be my first lengthy post, but I would like to share some thoughts about Misty.

While I don't disagree with various assessments of Misty as being self-absorbed, street-wise, promiscuous, etc., I cannot allow myself to believe that Misty is a bad person. Even if you've never read the book that is among my favorites, everyone is familiar with the promo-poster featuring the little waif, Cosette, from the musical based on Victor Hugo's epic novel Les Miserables. In my mind's eye, Misty is that child who was left alone in the world to fend for herself and to find little scraps of affection from anyone who would oblige her until someone took her to his bosom and cared for her, loved and cherished her like his own.

Yes, Misty has parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, but did anyone really ever care for Misty? We know that Misty's parents were frequently incarcerated and that Misty was shuffled to different states to live with relatives. Hers has not been a stable life by any stretch of the imagination, and Misty probably never really felt attached to or loved by anyone. Perhaps moving in with Ronald and his children provided an opportunity for Misty to have the family/home life of which she had been deprived.

While I watched video of Misty standing on the dock with detectives, I was saddened by how helpless and hopeless this young woman appeared. My heart ached for her because she seems so alone in all of this, not unlike the little waif in the Les Miserables promo poster. jmho

What a beautiful post and what a deep an insightful person you are. Often times I feel the same way about Misty. I don't know how I would have turned out if I had had her life.

That being said, when she moved in with Ronald I don't think she could handle the responsibilites of being the cook, babysitter, bottle washer. She was too immature; and yes marred.

Misty is a pretty girl (in my opinion), and it seems like everytime she and Ron got into a fight, she was off partying with another guy or guys. She was popular, young and she should have been dating, going to proms, graduating.

It's a shame really. She looked so lovely at the airport (except she was with that moron Donna). Misty cleaned up nicely and probably for the first time in her life.
Misty's silence (or denials, depending on the day) fascinates me. Maybe I was just a very gullible teenager, but were I in her shoes, being interrogated by LE, I'd have spilled whatever I knew a long time ago.

So what do you guys think is keeping her lips sealed so tightly? How do you think she manages to continually say nothing?

I'm with you all a LEO would need to do is look at me and I'd be spilling everything I knew and half I didn't.

With Misty I think she has never been taught to respect LE. That coupled with a strong sense of self preservation makes it easy for her to lie.
oh, interesting! If we're comparing Misty to the characters from the epic Les Miserables, I'd go with Eponine, not Cosette. And if you go with Eponine, and consider her parents, the Thenardiers, (Hank Sr. & Lisa) then, yes, very comparable. IMO...Ron, however, is no Marius. Nuh uh. So, comparison ends there...(Agree the poster waif is Cosette, Valjean's charge and inspiration, who he rescued early and raised into a beautiful, virtuous and wealthy young woman.)

Thank you for your comments, Ms. Peel. Alas! It has many years since I've engaged in serious literary discussions or taught, so I was thinking solely of the child, Cosette, who was left orphaned and alone in the world. Every picture or video image that I see of Misty reminds me of that helpless little waif. Some might not understand, but I can't help feeling compassion for Misty despite her poor choices. jmo
Every time I start to go soft on Misty, I remember her post on the myspace page to the mother of Ron's 3rd baby... something to the effect of, "I took your man, next I'm going to take your baby."

That showed a serious vicious streak, IMO. She has said other ugly things since the tragedy, but that one was before, so it was... the bare Misty.
Thank you for your comments, Ms. Peel. Alas! It has many years since I've engaged in serious literary discussions or taught, so I was thinking solely of the child, Cosette, who was left orphaned and alone in the world. Every picture or video image that I see of Misty reminds me of that helpless little waif. Some might not understand, but I can't help feeling compassion for Misty despite her poor choices. jmo

Every time I start to go soft on Misty, I remember her post on the myspace page to the mother of Ron's 3rd baby... something to the effect of, "I took your man, next I'm going to take your baby."

That showed a serious vicious streak, IMO. She has said other ugly things since the tragedy, but that one was before, so it was... the bare Misty.

I think you're both right, and yes I believe that's plausible! :)
Thank you for your comments, Ms. Peel. Alas! It has many years since I've engaged in serious literary discussions or taught, so I was thinking solely of the child, Cosette, who was left orphaned and alone in the world. Every picture or video image that I see of Misty reminds me of that helpless little waif. Some might not understand, but I can't help feeling compassion for Misty despite her poor choices. jmo

BDE, I really do see where you are coming from. Misty does indeed come from a checkered and sketchy background. Add her innocent and waif-like appearance into the mix - and yes, I do understand how you can feel compassion for her. I find myself feeling a wee-bit pity for her myself at times. Sometimes I just want to take her under my wing and guide her into doing the right thing. However, you can't let her appearance and terrible upbringing get in the way or cloud your judgement. What she is doing (or not doing in this case) is wrong. She needs to fess up to whatever she knows. She knows more than what she is telling. She's failed several polygraphs. She needs to think of Haleigh - and stop protecting whoever she is covering for. Personally, I think she's covering up for Ron. I think she still loves him deeply (or thinks she does) and doesn't want to loose his love.
Every time I start to go soft on Misty, I remember her post on the myspace page to the mother of Ron's 3rd baby... something to the effect of, "I took your man, next I'm going to take your baby."

That showed a serious vicious streak, IMO. She has said other ugly things since the tragedy, but that one was before, so it was... the bare Misty.

It might have been prophetic. Only she was mistaken about whose baby was taken.
Looking at Misty's upbringing, I think she was looking for someone to take her away from it all. Ron, to her, had what she was looking for. Ron liked the idea that he could control her. In no way am I saying that she isn't a wicked little thing.

Possibly the Silence became a game with Ron promising her things in the future. Examples: Marriage, trips to NYC. etc. Ronald's power over Misty was another drug. For both. How else can you explain (other than them being idiots) them being arrested together & her tattoo of him, AFTER the said divorce.

Misty has always been this little girl. (Which Ron seemed to like) Still scared of what Ron would do if she did something wrong in his eyes. One of her fears, loosing Ron's love. For this...I think she will never tell the truth.
Every time I start to go soft on Misty, I remember her post on the myspace page to the mother of Ron's 3rd baby... something to the effect of, "I took your man, next I'm going to take your baby."

That showed a serious vicious streak, IMO. She has said other ugly things since the tragedy, but that one was before, so it was... the bare Misty.

OMG... I guess I am WAY behind...there's a 3rd baby ????
Thank you for your comments, Ms. Peel. Alas! It has many years since I've engaged in serious literary discussions or taught, so I was thinking solely of the child, Cosette, who was left orphaned and alone in the world. Every picture or video image that I see of Misty reminds me of that helpless little waif. Some might not understand, but I can't help feeling compassion for Misty despite her poor choices. jmo

Ah, I understand what you mean.

Seeing Misty as the orphan. It's good we have those who post to remind us of the importance of compassion.

I wasn't thinking of Mist as an orphan, because of her parents and their high profile recently in hours and hours of jail visits...and her age. (But now that you mention it, Misty might actually had a better chance as an orphan.)

Certainly, Mistiy was in many ways "abandoned" by her family. Her father admits he could have been a better father...her mother - a thief... She is a lost soul. I did like your post; a reminder that our world is still filled with waifs such as Cosette...and it's helpful to think about young Misty and what her world was like in order to understand her better.

Keep posting BetteDavisEyes! You have a lot to contribute!
i wonder if haliegh walked into the two guys doing something to misty .. that would be incest .. mabey that is why her lips are so sealed .. mabey they were all so wasted something disgusting happened and haleigh saw ..and threatened to tell her daddy .. im repulsed at myself for writing it but what else could make her so silent about all this aside from being scared of ron .. mabey its shame
I was thinking Misty was more like Rhoda than Cosette, myself.

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