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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. G

    IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #1

    You can go to Resonate church website and scroll to bottom to click on messages from previous few weeks.
  2. G

    IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #1

    This occurred to me too. I'm sure investigators will look at the church members. My mind immediately jumped to male perp, but I'd even entertain that a female might've done it.
  3. G

    IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #1

    I'm curious about why some posters' radar on this one is going off (wanting to see exactly why their gut impulses match my own) while also recognizing my own tendency to immediately go to worst-case scenario. Judging from his public statements, this guy is a far stronger person than I would be...
  4. G

    IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #1

    I wonder how they determined so quickly that they were unrelated.
  5. G

    IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #1

    Yes, I was thinking that an hour workout sounds about right for someone his age and appearance. Even if gym 30 minutes away, that probably leaves a maximum of 2 hours for this terrible deed to have been accomplished. (But most likely gym is closer.) If he got home at 8:30, then he may have left...
  6. G

    IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #1

    This is a tough one. I know the husband is always #1 suspect unless and until ruled out. I actually listened to the audio of the couple's question & answer session recorded just weeks ago at their church (available on the church site). Eerie, to say the least. Was thinking to myself, "No way...
  7. G

    GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #10

    That's what I thought when the detective said that. To me, when someone says, "I work out of my home," it means that his or her home is their headquarters or "base of operation." May just be a regional colloquialism. On another note, I wonder if RH would confidently allow a trial to go...
  8. G

    GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 4

    My thought processes have been similar to yours. If more than one perp, I can almost hear one of them saying, "Dude! They're gonna trace that (knife, machete, bullet) back to you!" Then, as you say, "ad-libbing" begins. Living in Georgia, to me, the death of Meredith Emerson is still sorta fresh...
  9. G

    GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 4

    Yes, and it catapulted me out of that it-can't-happen-in-our-family mentality. We felt fortunate they didn't shoot my dad, although it nearly scared him to death. The crime was pre-planned, as they had a weapon and get-away vehicle able to contain lots of valuables. As for the Dermonds, I...
  10. G

    GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 4

    Oh sorry, I wish I knew where I found that. I will keep looking. (I hope it wasn't an older article posted with a recent date--thus the confusion.) The article recapped the case and talked about how her mom misses her terribly, especially on holidays such as Christmas. It also said her mom and...
  11. G

    GA GA - Shirley, 87, & Russell Dermond, 88, Putnam County, 2 May 2014 - # 4

    Hi All--I haven't posted since the Celina Cass case happened. (Hoped for quick resolution to what happened to that poor, sweet girl. I see it's still unsolved but that persons associated with case were recently arrested.) The Dermond case has my attention for a different reason. I live in...
  12. G

    aggravation phase #9 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

    I think that lwop and being in the genpop would not be a picnic for her. I can see JA being perceived as a scrawny weakling, despite her overly vaunted braininess and "intelligence." And her snotty mouth would tick off just the wrong person. There's always a "Big Sue" around who can sucker...
  13. G

    Aggravation phase #7

    I've never seen a tear on her face--ever! Really poor acting here. She's going through that box of Kleenex like there's no tomorrow--rubbing her nose and scrunching up her forehead. That will make her nose red but that's it. Maybe she'd cry real tears if she would think about something really...
  14. G

    Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

    Absolutely agree. She should not be allowed to disengage in any discernible way. Can't quite get a feel for the judge--I had thought she was running a tight ship, but then I read that actually she has not and has favored the defense. Does this mean that she is not exercising the right to control...
  15. G

    Poll for the Armchair Psychologists

    Cate, maybe I'm looking at the ugly in her that goes all the way to the bone. I live in a city with several universities, and coeds are everywhere. I guess that to me, she looks worse than many of them. There's no light in her beady little eyes and no lovely distinguishing feature. Maybe I'm...
  16. G

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    I had those exact thoughts. Is this woman that mesmerizing that she just melts these guys to the point they throw common sense out the window? He is sympathetic to her and did NOT ask the hard questions. Ex: She says she's the only one who knows what happened. He should've responded, "Then what...
  17. G

    Poll for the Armchair Psychologists

    I haven't posted here since the disappearance of Celina Cass. That case really captured my interest and indignation. I've been drawn into this one, too, and have been reading WS this past week to catch myself up to what has gone on these past five months. This person does think she is special...
  18. G

    Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias - What do you believe?

    The first time I heard about it was on NG tonight, too. One thing that struck me, that I think is indicative of a narcissistic personality's inordinately high opinion of themselves, is that her singing of "O Holy Night" is terrible, i.e., flat and devoid of emotion. Yet she perceives herself as...
  19. G

    TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #9

    I have not followed this case at all, but the title containing the words "Signal Mountain" caught my attention. I recently drove up Signal Mountain to visit a relative, and I was struck by its curvy roads with lots of sheer dropoffs. We were extra cautious driving up the mountain because we did...
  20. G

    Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 7 *Arrest*

    As I said upthread, I found this at ABC news and other sites. Here is the ABC link. I used the word "banned" in my initial post. Again, this is all according to the bio dad, and he could be mistaken, or things may have changed since he...

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