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DNA Solves
  1. sonicGG

    VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #4

    RE: Rimer I think everyone has stated my case against him eloquently. I checked him out when his name first emerged and looked over his material. The main problem is his method leads straight to witch hunts. Think West Memphis Three...The Bible and Christianity itself was once considered...
  2. sonicGG

    VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #4

    Just a personal preference since I don't read too many novels recently though I might certainly read yours. I think a non-fiction article, especially if this goes to court and all the details come out or there are actually some more twists and turns, would be a compelling piece that a major mag...
  3. sonicGG

    VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #3

    Interesting speculation on what the defense will do for an angle but unless there was deep parental abuse, I doubt that will fly. The family just seems like your typical dysfunctional American unit with the mom just letting Sam shut himself up in his room for endless hours and his dad maybe...
  4. sonicGG

    VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #3

    I would say it is a synergistic thing but it is a very good Mcluhanesque point that the medium is much more influential than the message. I think there are very good arguments to be made regarding video games creating a disconnect from reality. BTW, I used Laberges methods pretty seriously for a...
  5. sonicGG

    VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #3

    Here's the article. Rimer seems like, well, a tool. Here's one article from some neo-pagan that is critical of him. I will keep looking for more info on Rimer.
  6. sonicGG

    VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #3

    Well there was a supposed "occult expert" brought in early on in this case and I do remember some claims of occult symbols. I'll dig up the link from the first thread later if you'd like. I use the quotes because the "expert" seemed to lump everything from taoism to Egyptology into the "occult".
  7. sonicGG

    VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #3

    It is surprising about the media since they usually love a good witch hunt. In those local news clips, the reporters seem to be salivating to get some gory details. I think some of the fascination for myself is not the gory details but rather the irony of the horrocore connection (as opposed to...
  8. sonicGG

    VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #3

    Greetings all. I am another newly registered member but have been lurking here since the beginning and come from the same "rigorous" forum that PAX does (:wave:). Major props to everyone who has been posting here since the beginning. I don't know why I am so fascinated with this case but now...

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