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DNA Solves
  1. D

    What is your #1 top indicator that Terri IS responsible for Kyron's disappearance?

    Now that we know from another child that Kyron was sceduled to be in the talent show, it looks totally guilty that Terri did not attend. I know she knew about it because it was posted on the billboard outside the school. She is a stay at home mom so there is absoltuely no excuse for her not to...
  2. D

    Does Skyline school bear any responsibility?

    I am a former teacher. If I was very familiar with a certain mother and I was 100% sure that she told me she was taking her son out that day for a drs. appointment then I would have done as Kyron's teacher did...nothing. If I didn't know the parent or was even slightly confused about he date of...
  3. D

    What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

    People talk of what Terri has lost...her child, her reputation, her career, soon her home, but what about Kaine? Shortly after losing his biological first born son, he finds out that the person he was closest to in the world, the person he entrusted that child to, had tried to have him killed...
  4. D

    What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

    It's definitely worth watching. It made me think of Desiree's statement at the last presser about the fact that Terri hides her thoughts and emotions so you never can tell what she's thinking, if she's telling the truth or who she really is. That is what I saw in the garage clip. A complete lack...
  5. D

    The White Truck Seen by Jim K

    The posterboard is not a chunk. It folds completely flat and has a depth of about 3/4". It could easily have rested upright on the floor or the back or front seats. I have a school age child and a small car. There has never been a problem transporting these. Don't forget, there's also the trunk...
  6. D

    If Terri didn't do it, then why.....

    She failed the lie detector tests, she is not protesting her innocence, she is not actively involved in trying to locate Kyron...those are some of the main reasons I think she's involved. Some say they don't see how she could have gotten him out of the school without anyone...
  7. D

    2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

    As I suspected, he is the sole owner of the house. As I stated earlier in the week, I believe that financial motives were a big part of the mfh plot. She had absolutely no independent source of income nor does she share any ownership in the house. She is completely under his power financially...
  8. D

    The Science Fair-IB Expo and the Electric Project

    You are absolutely correct. As a former teacher I can tell you that no, we didn't always call home when a child was absent but, if I had seen the child at the school earlier in the day and then he was gone, I would have absolutely called or had the office call home. That would have been a huge...
  9. D

    The Science Fair-IB Expo and the Electric Project

    The second pic of the diorama is against a background of green-on-white flowered wallpaper...definitely not in the classroom and not a pic I remeber seeing on Terri's FB. I could be wrong but I think it's important to find out where these pics came from.
  10. D

    The Science Fair-IB Expo and the Electric Project

    I agree with you and stated early on that I thought he disappeared on the volunteer's watch. I think he may have split off from his group to go see the electric project that someone, likely his abductor, lured him to.
  11. D

    TH's body language

    I agree with the above posters. She kept looking at bio parents for clues on how she should behave. Nothing authentic was emanating from her. I also thought she was a bit over-the-top when she threw her arms around everyone's shoulders like a coach and then around Kaine's waist in a rather...
  12. D

    If TH hid Kyron or worse...what is the motive?

    I'm going to be Terri for a moment (her birthday is close to mine so I think I can kind of get into her head a little). "I've raised Kaine and Desiree's son for the last four or five years at great sacrifice to my personal goals and Kaine has the nerve to kick MY son out! Then he goes and starts...
  13. D

    POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

    My theory is that she got rid of Kyron by selling him somewhere outside of the U.S. She wanted money and she wanted to hurt Kaine badly. She also wanted her life back and her little girl all to herself with the money to support a nice lifestyle. I also think she followed the Madeleine McCann...
  14. D

    Family Press Conferences

    LE simply MUST find something solid they can arrest her for or she will not talk. Think about her motives...right now they can't seem to arrest her so she is still free and can try to get K back, at least part time. If she says anything at all, they will have grounds to arrest her and she will...
  15. D

    Stranger abduction theory

    I don't think Terri is capable of killing someone but I do think she was capable of getting Kyron out of the school and into the hands of someone who could steal him out of the country and place him with another family. This was definitely NOT a stranger abduction. How do we know this...only a...
  16. D

    2010.07.03 Sheriff confirms Kyron last seen *inside* school

    At one point, LE had said that they were interviewing everyone who was at the school that morning, including parents, staff and deliverymen. That last word caught my attention. A deliveryman could have asked for his help carrying something. Kyron would have felt safe in his school environment...

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