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  1. L

    FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #11

    About 4 years ago my husband was transferred to Orlando we stayed near millennia mall ..until we found something else being from up north I hadn't heard that much regarding jennifers case ...but every single day I stayed in that condo when I would go out I would see the huge missing poster for...
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #4

    What.about the fact of who lived in the house in front of the trailer did they not hear or see anything suspicious? Now we are hearing tonya didn't even know how to use a gun per sister many days later where bodies found ? Plenty of time to clean up ...thus guy is a straight up pyscho...
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #4

    Ok I wonder if "tonya" allegedly shot amy which I doubt was the shot gun just laying around hunting season ended nov 30 so doesn't a sportsmen probably like clean or oil gun and put away I'm not a hunter but that's what my friends husband does at the end if each season ...just my thinking also...
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #4

    I'm still puzzled by James interview disturbed me
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #4

    Ok I'm still not buying that tonya & Amy were friends ... Doesn't seem likely to me....don't think she was there having coffee. She was lured out of that house under duress or lured....IMO
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

    ITA I moved from a big city my whole life to a small town in south ga I know stuff about people I never even met it is so different everybody knows everything about everybody I even think they know what time you go to the bathroom lol!!!
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

    Let's pretend Amy was "with" accused why would she have to go to that nasty trailer ? Why didn't she just do it in her own house? Come on? And I probably would have shot my man first...right where it counts I wouldn't kill him I'd let him miss "it" for the rest of his life because he would've...
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

    What kind of person writes on fb that a woman who just got brutally murdered is loose? Come on let's have a little respect for those 2 little innocent boys!!!!!
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

    Ok I.know I am about to hear it from you guys but I just seen the interview with husband something not sitting right with me (smiling and laughing) I tried to think what I would feel like and how composed I would be .....I hope I'm wrong but something is fishy to me
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

    Has anybody heard how they r cousins dads are bros or through mom? Just curious
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

    I don't know that I could stand by my family if they had done this .... It would be real hard
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

    Could be my mistake was reading a post yesterday I thought it said sex with minor under 14 but they were also speaking on juliani Cardenas case & could have been talking about his alleged abductor I'm going to try to find which he was talking about
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

    And yes those poor little boys robbed of their mother & childhood as far as I'm concerned and tonya's and now the suspects too
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

    Well he does have domestic violence conviction & sexual assault of minor under 14 on record so didn't think to much of women right?
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

    Question did I read correctly that some family member lives in front of trailer on same property?
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

    Yes but this guy has a bad record right... And what did he want to borrow sugar lol if you aren't there for your kids and this shady character admitted to being there around 9 he seen her at 7:30 and 10 she's missing I would think a trip to at least talk to him warranted idk IMO
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

    They didn't say trenches but my thought is if holes were for water or sewge like someone said they would've been more like trenches not holes tree removal possible but it's completely frozen & freezing is he removing trees with cold & snow ....idk
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    GUILTY MI - Amy Henslee, 30, Hartford Township, 24 Jan 2011 - #3

    Your right that trailer looks like a front for some shady business!!!

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