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  1. D

    Yet Another --- Diver is suing Casey

    Puzzled by those who are critical & disparaging of ANY citizen who wishes to file a suit of any kind against this woman. The Bad Seed was given her day in court, why should any other citizen be denied that same right ? Any American citizen who feels they were wronged has the privledge of...
  2. D

    Gravestone Jetties near Oak Beach

    One final (?) note on the tombstones. I had completely forgotten about this very minor story till I read this thread. I recall reading about this guy noticing them & 'solving' the mystery. It was a little human interest story, amusing & easily forgetable. I would be willing to bet 99.9 % of LI's...
  3. D

    UID Victim: The Female Toddler, UP9704, found Gilgo Beach Apr 2011

    I agree. Why would you not release as much information about this child as possible ? While I don't belive this is related to the SK, that's no reason not to make every concievable effort in enlisting the public's help. Every life has equal worth. In many ways, the young & unborn deserve even...
  4. D

    NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10

    Very true but . . . talking with a lot of hand gestures is pretty much the norm for most of us native New Yawkas & Laung-Eyelandaz lol
  5. D

    Death Takes an Agent - Profiting from the Death of Caylee **NO DISCUSSION PLEASE**

    Borrowed, thankfuly & with respect from the 'Current News' thread; excuse me while I vomit . . . <mod snip>
  6. D

    ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition

    Well it seems the new day has arrived with a new round of baseless, unfounded bile being spewed forth against Ms Gonzolez. The peculiar vendetta being waged against an inocent victim has dragged this thread into a cesspool and is an embarassment to the entire forum.
  7. D

    2011.07.09 - Per Mason, Casey is not going home

    Just a quick note on the use of words: The child killer is niether a 'celebrity' or 'famous'. She is 'infamous'. There is a very distinct difference. Ex: Charles Lindburgh was both 'famous' & a 'celebrity'. Bruno Haumpton was, and is, 'infamous'. Sharon Tate was both 'famous' &...
  8. D

    Tim Miller: Possible Lawsuit against Casey

    Let me propose a new acryonm : BSCA Having watched 'The Bad Seed' the other night . . . I felt as if I was seeing a movie about the infamous child killer's own childhood ! Also, the 'BS' part of BSCA works on another level too . . .
  9. D

    ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition

    I agree. The time has come for this to be stopped. It is an embarassment to the site. At this point it is one of 2 things; libel or trollism.
  10. D

    ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition

    I find the vitriol, bile & baseless, undocumented accusations against Ms Gonzolez, repeated ad nauseum in this thread, both puzzling & disturbing. Did Ms Gonzolez commit a crime ? Steal ? Kill someone ? Is it a personal grudge ? Is she an ex ? Did she throw rocks at your dog ?
  11. D

    Tim Miller: Possible Lawsuit against Casey

    Do it ! Only costs about $25 or so to file a claim in SC Court. My Gosh, how great would it be if there were HUNDREDS of these ! (& I'm not joking)
  12. D

    ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition

    It has been public knowledge since she first surfaced that her name is Zenieda Fernandez-Gonzolez. Why is this innocent person being vilified here as a scam artist and worse ?
  13. D

    Tim Miller: Possible Lawsuit against Casey

    I pray, honest to God, that people crawl out of the woodwork and hound the killer with lawsuits. Even dragging her into Small Claims Court. Think about all the people who donated either time or money or material assistance in the search for her murdered child. Each & every one of them could sue...
  14. D

    NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10

    It might all be much ado about nothing. According to Newsday, the Suffolk County Police Department clearly stated he is, quote, "not a suspect". Then again, maybe that's just a tactic they're trying. What is clear is that SC Police Commisonor Dormer says they have no idea what happened to...
  15. D

    2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

    I did not watch the interview as it is common knowledge that people like this are compensated for their appearences, (ABC 'news' rewarded one juror with an all expense paid vacation to Disney). I DID email the show, Fox News & the fox parent company to voice my opinion & ask for disclosure...
  16. D

    What Previously Sealed Evidence could we ask to have unsealed now, under FL's Sunshin

    The source of all this bull is once again Wendy Murphy. If anyone seriously, or even in passing for a mere second, thinks the state of Florida had evidence of prostitution and child *advertiser censored* and purposely burried it. . . . well what can I say ? If you believe the unbelievable then I...
  17. D

    $217,200 Annually for cow poop!

    "relying on hundreds of thousands of dollars of Government grants." Pure insanity. Our tax dollars should not be spent on this. If it truely is a good system it can survive on it's own. It's called capitalism. November 2012 can't get here fast enough.
  18. D

    2011.07.11 Today's Current News **NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE**

    Excellent, well rounded short article concerning - reasonable doubt - jurors - the Casey Anthony case & how it relates to the US Attorney General's office & certian future trials of national importance...
  19. D

    What are you sick of hearing since the verdict has been announced regarding Casey?

    Sick of hearing; - the state didn't prove their case - the jury based their decision on the evidence - Nancy Grace is the cause of public outrage - the killer was molested by her father - the name "Casey Anthony" - the pity for the mother of the killer
  20. D

    Cindy's cousin speaks out about George's guilt

    NO she was not. She was just some random person who called a small local radio station in the middle of Texas of all places. For goodness sake, even the DJ's basically laughed at her. The fact that there's a thread concerning her 'statements' at all is amazing. The fact that it's lasted...

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