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DNA Solves
  1. L

    GUILTY NJ - Kara Alongi, 16, charged in abduction hoax, 30 Sept 2012

    I believe you are right. I heard about this case about 2 hours ago and she had 40,000ish followers then.
  2. L

    MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 10/31/11

    I looked up "tampering with a motor vehicle missouri" in Google and this MO government page said: 569.080. 1. A person commits the crime of tampering in the first degree if: (1) He or she for the purpose of causing a substantial interruption or impairment of a service rendered to the...
  3. L

    Cyndy Short: "I will continue to search for Baby Lisa" PC tomorrow

    As long as she doesn't start holding regular pressers I don't feel like the one tomorrow will be too much of a big deal. HOPEFULLY it will just be for her to maybe clear up some confusion about her leaving the DB/JI legal team and to express her support for the family and the search. I won't...
  4. L

    LE Serves Warrant on Family Home #6

    There are also framed baby foot/hand prints in Lisa's room. (via this video:
  5. L

    LE serves search warrant on family home #4

    IF (and it's a big if) she is receiving benefits she may have cash benefits on her EBT card (again IF she is receiving benefits), which would allow her to purchase baby wipes with. Who knows though...
  6. L

    LE serves search warrant on family home #4

    Oh yes I definitely agree with you. Sorry if I seemed like I was being a know it all or going way OT.
  7. L

    LE serves search warrant on family home #4

    Great info, just one minor thing, that the Star of David is a six pointed star whereas a pentagram has five points.
  8. L

    LE serves search warrant on family home #4

    Lol... I was thinking strictly a powder room but I like your explanation better
  9. L

    LE serves search warrant on family home #4

    Google says in some states half baths are listed as .1... that makes no sense to me lol but HTH
  10. L

    Live MSM coverage on Baby Lisa 20 October 2011

    I don't know if we would be privy to that info? Confidentiality I think... MOO
  11. L

    LE serves search warrant on family home #4

    Do you think it is a bathroom though? Half/full/whatever? I can't imagine that it's just a regular window...
  12. L

    LE serves search warrant on family home #4

    The only REALLY weird thing to me about the floorplan (other than no bathrooms...) is that the computer rooms stretches the width/length (whichever one it is lol, can never remember) of the house. That is, it goes from the front to the back. That seems like a HUGE distance for one room to span...
  13. L

    LE serves search warrant on family home #4

    The floorplan seems to be something drawn up specifically for this case; that is it doesn't seem like a blueprint someone found or anything (MOO). I think this is the case since there is the noticeable lack of bathrooms (first of all) as well as measurements and anything like that. Measurements...
  14. L

    LE serves search warrant on family home #4

    Here is my unscientific (lol) breakdown of the windows and what rooms they belong to, based on pictures of the back of the house that we have as well as the floorplan. Floorplan from the timeline thread (too big to embed) There are a total of four windows on the back of the house. I...
  15. L

    LE serves search warrant on family home #4

    I think the little window is the master bathroom window. The bathrooms seem to be left out of the floor plan but it seems to me that the window directly to the left of the little window is probably Lisa's and that the little window is part of the master suite.
  16. L

    LE serves search warrant on family home #4

    You are correct... the master bedroom is in the back of the house according to this floorplan (from the Baby Lisa timeline thread). (BTW this is my first post... hope I did everything right...)

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