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  1. M

    Interview with Casey - Is it finally happening this time?

    When did they ever prove that Caylee was in the trunk? Where's the proof that Casey and only Casey was in possession of that car for the 31 days? George, Lee, Cindy, Jesse G. and possibly the ggrandparents also had keys to that car. I never saw a single piece of evidence that looked like solid...
  2. M

    Interview with Casey - Is it finally happening this time?

    Should have said I guess, that I am one of the few who believe Casey didn't do it. I have my own idears about who did.
  3. M

    Interview with Casey - Is it finally happening this time?

    I equate that with a different Mz Anthony" hehe.
  4. M

    Interview with Casey - Is it finally happening this time?

    Can't wait to watch!! We will finally hear the truth and not just the version of her mother, eh.. and those other family parrots.
  5. M

    Witness accounts

    >>GZ DID take the blame for shooting Tray. He contends that he was attacked, and as of right now, NONE of us have any proof that he isn't being truthful, that he created that website, or that he lied on the witness stand. Sybrina Fulton stated 2 questions she would ask him, and said she wanted...
  6. M

    Witness accounts

    I'm pretty sure there's a witness out there who can back GZ up that he did put the flyers out. A witness named Sherman Ware. JMO
  7. M

    Witness accounts

    IF his mother was there, WHY did she stand by and watch while they taped him saying the guy on the ground wore red? Why didn't she speak up? I also found it interesting that in his 2nd interview, he aid that it could have been him that was profiled, he was so obviously COACHED into that...
  8. M

    Witness accounts

    I'll have to say agreed on that. But the reason is because he was someone who was not afraid to stand for what is right. He made a lot of enemies when he took that stand against SPD in the Sherman Ware incident. Old disgruntled ex-girlfriends and co-workers aside, GZ is a man of honor...
  9. M

    Witness accounts

    It could quite possibly be his ex-fiance. MOO
  10. M

    2012.05.17 Doc Dump Thread

    They can NOT take someone to the hospital that refuses to go. That would open them up to a lawsuit too. GZ did not have insurance, I am sure he did not want to have a $15,000+ hospital bill that he would probably be sued for. JMO
  11. M

    2012.05.17 Doc Dump Thread

    Something to go hmmmmm about. One of the witnesses says that they hear someone say "ah, ah, ah" (sounds of pain) then " I have a gun. I have a gun. take my gun! .. this sounds to me like someone getting robbed and trying to give the bad guy whatever he wants. On Pg 40.. one of the witnesses...
  12. M

    2012.05.17 Doc Dump Thread

    What he actually told her, and she stated this on her television interview, is that he said "If it makes you feel any better,the guy who was screaming is alive." IMO, he was trying to make her feel better that she wasn't able to help when she heard someone pleading for help. MOO
  13. M

    2012.05.17 Doc Dump Thread

    Isn't that the sloppiest bit of documentation that you have ever seen? I thought I was in the twilight zone when I was trying to get through that! Even the Autopsy Report was sloppy. JMO-IMO-IMHO-MOO 'n stuff.
  14. M

    FBI considering hate crime charges against Zimmerman #1

    Yes, you are right about that. I went back and did some more reading, and found that it was indeed about life. They even have a place they call gooncity. There's some real interesting videos on youtube about that area of Florida. Especially Carol City and Miami. Not that I think Tray was...
  15. M

    FBI considering hate crime charges against Zimmerman #1

    Down there in Florida, the young black folks call themselves GOONS. I think that is a term related to sports, because the football and basketball teams use it. I found this out by looking through about 50 facebook profiles of graduates from Liberty City high school and Michael Krop high school...
  16. M

    The cries for help

    Trying to get caught up here. I've been real confused since the topic split off into separate threads. I am way back on page 11, and in the discussion of what GZ was wearing. Strictly my opinion here, but in watching the tapes again, where he is taken into SPD that night, it appears to me that...
  17. M

    The cries for help

    Spot ON AJ!! GZ already had made a call to 911, so he knew they were on the way. The help he needed was for someone to come out and try to get whatever/whoever was on GZ, OFF of him. In effect, he is right when he said that noone helped him. :moo::moo::moo:
  18. M

    The cries for help

    I have a link to a slowed down version of the 911 call, and on it, you can still hear screaming After the shot. It isn't an MSM link though, so not sure if I am allowed to post it? :moo:
  19. M

    Witness accounts

    It was pretty hinky too, that Tracy Martin and Benjamin Crump talked to the g/f before notifying LE about her. I'd almost have to say that was witness tampering... :moo::moo::moo:
  20. M

    Witness accounts

    No Ma'm, these days, anyone can take a cell phone, or a camcorder and tape news shows, put them on youtube, and then edit to their heart's content. As a matter of fact, I read somewhere that that is how the tapes of GZ being taken into SPD on the night of the shooting got leaked. Someone copied...

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