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  1. L

    Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams & Liberty (Libby) German - The Delphi Murders - #149

    Today is the day. My heart is overjoyed for the girls and their families. May justice be served!
  2. L

    Found Deceased FL - Cassie Carli 37, & Saylor (safe) met Ex to exchange custody, Navarre Beach, 27 Mar 2022 *Arrest

    Their exchange was in public. And, would daylight have helped? He could’ve done the same thing to her had the exchange been before sunset versus after sunset. She did nothing wrong here, & it irks me for anyone to insinuate otherwise. (Not directed to the poster of the quote!) I am so sick...
  3. L

    Found Deceased NV - Naomi Irion 18, kidnapped from pkg lot, car fnd, Fernley, 12 Mar 2022 *Arrest* #3

    Exactly! Plus, he initially stalked her at a deserted nature area where she was walking her dogs, then drove to lie in wait for her in his car across from where she would have to drive to exit the nature area. Then, he followed her for a period of time, down streets, through store parking lots...
  4. L

    Found Deceased NV - Naomi Irion 18, kidnapped from pkg lot, car fnd, Fernley, 12 Mar 2022 *Arrest* #3

    That’s what I’m thinking. I know the tactics of “daytime car guy” are different than those TD used to kidnap Naomi, but it wouldn’t be hard to change one’s technique. If “daytime car guy” was TD, maybe he’s an idiot & really thought a woman would be flattered to have him follow her, then tell...
  5. L

    Found Deceased NV - Naomi Irion 18, kidnapped from pkg lot, car fnd, Fernley, 12 Mar 2022 *Arrest* #3

    Re the cleaned up video from the GH show: The woman in her car must’ve been terrified, but she stayed calm & kept her wits about her. In light of what happened to NI, & how the creepy stalker guy in the car really does appear to be TD, the woman taking the video is lucky to be here. I had chills...
  6. L

    AZ AZ - Phoenix - UP90304 - WhtFem Infant in McDonald's Restroom - POI on CCTV

    Oh, my heart. Rest in peace, sweet little one.
  7. L

    GUILTY VA - Noah Gabriel Trout, 2, found alive, nursery at Riverview Baptist Church, Giles Co., 2 May 2021

    I worked at a church nursery for many years. There is no way in h*ll any of us would’ve allowed a stranger to walk away with one of our babies/toddlers. We had sign in sheets, name tags for babies & parents, & a pager system. Not to mention most of our families were regulars, so we knew which...
  8. L

    Found Deceased TX - Natalie Chambers, 31, daughters Izabel (4) and Elise (2), found deceased, Dallas, July 2020

    Wow...this is even worse than if they’d all died of overdose. Those poor baby girls suffered for hours, then, before they died. They must have been screaming for mommy & beyond terrified. It makes my heart ache to think about.
  9. L

    NJ - Rebecca Gavilanez-Alectus, 32, blugeoned to death by partner Mayra, Brick Township, 17 May 2020

    Looks like she has been apprehended in Houston, TX, where she traveled by...bus. Brick murder: Fugitive accused of killing wife with wine container arrested in Houston
  10. L

    Found Deceased WI - Kathleen Ryan, adult, teacher, car found burned with body inside, St. Francis, 2 Feb 2019 #2

    Well, sheeit. This new information just took me from a strong belief her death was a homicide, to wondering very much if it wasn’t a case of “misadventure.” Thank you very much to inmyhumbleopinion for finding the information. So very sad. Whatever happened, her family loved her and misses her.
  11. L

    Found Deceased SC - Faye Marie Swetlik, 6, Cayce, 10 Feb 2020 #5

    No, I think this just means the roommate found CT very injured/possibly dead, saw police right outside, & notified them in person. I don’t think it means the roommate notified them about anything to do with Faye. JMO
  12. L

    Found Deceased SC - Faye Marie Swetlik, 6, Cayce, 10 Feb 2020 #3

    I wish search/tracking dogs had gone along with LE to search for Faye, house by house. Maybe they would’ve been able to pick up her scent & alert to her presence when police initially searched CT’s home — assuming she was ever in his home, clearly. I am praying TOD ends up being shortly after...
  13. L

    Found Deceased SC - Faye Marie Swetlik, 6, Cayce, 10 Feb 2020 #2

    I wonder if LE suspected she was being held somewhere in the neighborhood, & tried to keep the potential kidnapper calm by acting like suspicion was being cast upon her family? A diversionary tactic?
  14. L

    Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #9

    When I was about Gannon’s age, I did a cartwheel in the kitchen (bad idea, kids) & my bare foot hit the knobby edge of a cabinet handle on the way down. It cut clear down the bottom of my foot, lengthwise, & there was a good amount of blood. However, even with a significant cut that bled a good...
  15. L

    Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #8

    Has anyone else wondered if the hiking trip to Garden of the Gods could be connected? Did SM do whatever she did, then get the idea to hide Gannon in some hidden spot she’d happened to notice while out hiking the day before? I know GotG is vast, so this sounds plausible. Are there bodies of...
  16. L

    UK - Louis Johnson, 16, killed by machete attack at train station, Croyton, 27 Jan 2020

    What are postcode wars? Is it like gangs claiming territory? The article didn’t make it clear. I wonder why he thought he was a dead man walking after the morning’s attempted attack by a stranger? I might have thought just bad luck, a crazy person, etc., & not assumed I was a walking target...
  17. L

    CA CA - Kristin Smart, 19, San Luis Obispo, 25 May 1996

    Renting it would be a safer option than selling. Renters wouldn’t have the authority to dig up the backyard or make large renovations, etc., so the backyard would likely remain undisturbed. I rent & I can’t think of any scenario that would cause me to dig up my backyard. If there was a problem...
  18. L

    Found Deceased OH - Harley Dilly, 14, walking to Port Clinton High School, 20 Dec 2019 #5

    Quoting the above, that “Police have been called five times to the Dilly home since 2016,” that would mean that Harley would have been TEN years old (eleven, at the oldest, if it was later in 2016) at that time, as it was four years ago. That’s so young.
  19. L

    Found Deceased OH - Harley Dilly, 14, walking to Port Clinton High School, 20 Dec 2019 #5

    My oldest, my 14yo son, felt sick this morning, so I called him out of school & let him stay home. He wasn’t violently or seriously ill, just felt “a little sick” & likely run down from his long days of school & extracurricular activities. Okay, so he rests today & will be back at school next...

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