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  1. U

    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #4

    Thanks Raine1212!!!!! ok the unclaimed,nice!! i'll check it out ,you guys have done amazing things there,as reported on Tricia's show.I'm very good @ finding things,i found my birth mother in only 5 months of looking!! i played a few hunches and longs shots,and they turned into me standing in...
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #4

    thanks for asking Raine1212 ,nice to know i got @ least one friend out there in WEbSleuth land
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #4

    @ raine1212 !! YES!!or i hope so. I love her shows!!! are u going to the show?
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #4

    wit that tape i'm proving ,some folks "think" Dorner took his own life w/ a single gunshot to the head,AS FACT. IF it is a fact prove it,has been and will be my stance. otherwise just call it "hear-say" ,so we can move on and have a picnic.
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #4

    Voice ,Or there could be an alive person in that building @ !:02:57 "We have more smoke gas from suspect" Is that the sound of a dead person?
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #4

    London guradian,says" No Cable ,phones or internet service" in regards to their "torched" cabin
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #4

    If you do ever take the time to listen to whole recording,the cops say several times we have ammo going off inthe cabin,thus declining the fire dept. From entering,and putting the human blaze out. So it's very safe to say police still thought dorner was alive 30 + minutes after the 30:00 mark(...
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #4

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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #4

    @ Seajay ,that doesn't make any sense.just more bunk.
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #4

    @ country girl so, by your logic your now contesting the authinticity of this recording,sorry i can't help you there,it's real,and no gunshot ,just some guy telling dispatch there might have been one ,a far cry from the "sound of a gunshot"
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #4

    @ Country girl , right just WORDS from LE ,without actual "Gunshot sound " big difference
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #4

    @country girl,the BLACKOUT on twitter was a real tyrannical move on LE's part. Made no sense ,Dorner had no access to the internet.At ALL. .Suppose he did, Are we suppose to believe Dorner turned himself into an octopus and could shoot and "Text" @ the same time.another highly unbelievable...
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #4

    why aren't you guys listening the ACTUAL Police scanner recording to pick apart the illogical statements said by yourselves and the MSM. @ 30:00 a voice comes on and Says "it sounded like one gunshot from inside the residence" with NO AUDIBLE GUNSHOT SOUND on the recording. PERIOD> So where are...
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #3

    @ Voice ,i never said "Lying" ,about where the gunshot.i meant it could have come from a different location.perhaps ,the sounds from the fire gave it that impression. My point is the LOCATION of that gunshot is unproven to have come from that cabin :from Dorner. Like i said if you can Prove it...
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #3

    @ Voice,"Doner killed dorner.period" that's just your take .unproven.period. if you can prove that with a link or article backed up by at least 3 sources i'd love to see it." just cause LE said it went that way" doesn't make it a FACT. STILL UNPROVEN.
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #3

    @ Voice ,i did take some time to think about your last post,Well I heard a gunshot.period. Location of gunshot ,unknown? Ok so you saw ,where this gunshot took place w/ your own eyes,so your a witness then? Or did you just hear the audio like everybody else did . I didn't 'see" the gunshot i...
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #3

    i saw on the internet a very poignant statement , it went something like this : If the Laws in this country don't work for the worst of us,Then they will not work for the best of us,either." . i'm here not as a Dorner Fan,as said before. But i'm here to back up the LAW in America. our ,very...
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    CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #3

    @ bookkeeper . NOPE a big NOPE!!!! Could have NOT BURNED him down, and could have created a barrier and did what happened @ "Wounded knee".Yep real easy like. Dorner didn't kill the couple ,,did he? He said he didn't want to hurt them ,just wanted to jack the car.

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