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DNA Solves
  1. irishnate

    Lifetime movie- Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret

    Didn't watch the movie..had to take a break for awhile..(will come back to it later though) but for me the only person I can visualize for playing convicted killer JA is that girl in the spoof video who is crying for her bbbbbaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnngggggggssssss. Personally, I would love to...
  2. irishnate

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #3

    I tried to watch Convicted Killer statement before the Jury and all i heard was..blah couldn't get past 5 mins of her self serving praise of why she should get life. I think its ironic that NO ONE would give testimony on her behalf. But then again...
  3. irishnate

    SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

    Wasn't sure where to post this so I thought this might be as good of place as any. I am kind of late to the websleuth "party" of posting reactions cause of life, school and work but was finally able to watch Steven and Samantha impact statements. It had to take a tremendous amount of...
  4. irishnate

    Aggravation phase #1

    Is there any video of Juans reaction as the verdict was being read? I have yet to see anything. If anyone has the video of his reaction and can post, I would appreciate it. I bet Mr. Martinez had on his "superman" undershirt under his dress shirt! haha
  5. irishnate

    Aggravation phase #1

    watching JA reaction to the verdict being read, the words of Travis came to mind. As her lip and chin was quivering and a single tear rolled down her cheek. Travis said: "You only cry for yourself" Personally as i watched the trial unfold these months and I listened to her snarky remarks...
  6. irishnate

    VERDICT is IN!! #1

    My relief is for Travis' family. My prayer for them is that they will be able to sleep easy tonight. To Travis: Justice has been found for you. Mr. Martinez was your voice loud and clear through-out the trial. You were heard and you will never be forgotten. To Mr. Martinez: (simply one...
  7. irishnate

    weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #154

    GO to the 2:35 moment and watch from there :)...
  8. irishnate

    weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #154

    I agree with Lampchop on Nurmi. I realize it is easy to pick on the DT for alot of things. Mainly because they are defending JA. We all want justice for Travis and both Nurmi and Willmott are in an essence standing in the way. I think it has been proven that Nurmi didn't want the case and...
  9. irishnate

    trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153

    I think Dr. Demarte did a professional job. I think she answered the questions without being biased and that reflects that she can have compassion on a patient and still remain unbiased. While Dr. Samuels and ALV have years of experience on Dr. Demarte, the fact that she knows that it is...
  10. irishnate

    trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #152

    JW is reaching, searching..nit-picking for ANYTHING that will discredit the witness or help make any point that makes JW look smart! Its not working and Dr.D is not going to crack on this weak pressure that JW is trying to use. The only consolation to this agonizing futile cross is that JW is...
  11. irishnate

    trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #151

    JA has styled her hair the same way Dr. D has her hair styled...*interesting
  12. irishnate

    trial day 48: REBUTTAL #146

    JA IQ is 119...other noteworthy people with that range of IQ Ted Bundy 124 Joel Rifkin 128 Charles Manson 109 David Berkowitz 118 John Wayne Gacy 118. She fits right in :)
  13. irishnate

    trial day 48: REBUTTAL #145

    Is AlV in the gallery? I havn't seen her
  14. irishnate

    trial day 48: REBUTTAL #145

    Demarte and fight! can't wait to see the cross :)
  15. irishnate

    trial day 48: REBUTTAL #145

    I think she is using her Einstein like IQ to correct Willmott grammer.
  16. irishnate

    trial day 48: REBUTTAL #145

    I am so looking forward to the day when I no longer have to see Jodi Arias on my computer monitor. I'll miss Juan in action but not JW or KN...*sigh...happy days ahead!
  17. irishnate

    trial day 48: REBUTTAL #145

    ^^^^^^ exactly..this isn't 2nd grade..this is a court of LAW!!
  18. irishnate

    trial day 48: REBUTTAL #145

    who is going to cross ms demarte? It looks like Willmott cause of all the note taking. The defense is in damage control now.
  19. irishnate

    trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #144

    I am jealous of JM's rockstar status! He is "Awesome! Totally Awesome" *said in in my best spicoli voice from "Fast Times at Ridgmont High"
  20. irishnate

    trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #144

    ty..JM voice kind of trailed off at the end..but either way it was a sweet burn on the DT....I love Willmott head jerk up when she heard that...hahahaha ITS MEERKAT TIME!

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