trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153

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Holy Crap, I never heard that! If she did....well, I have no words. Seriously. SICK.

Again, and this is only my recollection, it wasn't worded exactly as I did, but implied the same thing. Maybe one of her journals or something she had written, but I do remember seeing it. It would fit in perfectly though with what she did immediately after killing Travis, by going to RB's house, and again hitting up on someone on the flight after Travis' memorial service.


The only reason why I watched the CA trial was because of Baez. :blushing:


I'm just going to sit back now .. and I'm not going to ask the obvious question..

OMG OK .. here I go, my curiosity has gotten the better of me ...


I've also been wondering why she left the blood on the sink instead of sluicing a few cups of water over it with that plastic cup. The bloody sink speaks volumes. Why try to wash away all that blood but leave that?

Because she wanted it to look like a murder, but not like SHE committed it. So, the blood in the sink is ok but not DNA on the body or elsewhere.
OMG....Linda? WTF?

Engagement? Travis chose PPL over school and fiancee? Ack!!!!

Ring Jodi stole was an engagement ring??!!??!!!

Oh, wait, it was on TV.

Silly me. Nevermind.
This is :twocents::moo:
I don't think the tiger/bear question was snark.
I don't think it indicated that the juror thinks JA suffers from PTSD.
I saw it as a test of Dr.JD's impartiality and I think she failed.
From what I saw of the PSD test, the questions about symptoms were independent of the cause of trauma.
The question as I heard it, specifically referenced the PDS test.
Therefore, the results of the test - sp. a dx of PTSD - should not differ if causes differ.

DrJD very clearly demonstrated how Jodi's behavior was/is NOT in accordance with someone who suffers from PTSD. I see this as incontrovertible, frankly.

Flame away.

I think the juror was saying the Bear (Travis suffered horrific trauma) and if the Tiger (JA) has trauma it is because of the trauma she put Travis through and it was after the fact and not because of so called abuse.
Ok so I thought about this too and still can't figure out how she overpowered him! I mean, she did - that's no question but how she wasn't beaten up (as he defended himself) I will never know. I'm pretty sure in one of the photos he's pulling his hand back to hit her. I think she startled him and that would be a natural response (or if he noticed the weapon). i'm wondering where she got him first to immobilize and take over? I think he was still able to walk around at first (the blood at the bathroom sink) and due to blood loss and her attacking him, he fell. The pictures are haunting but they leave a lot of questions.

What struck me was her desire to see the photos in all those videos. "Morbid curiosity" she kept saying. She wanted to see the autopsy photos specifically. To me that's showing she gets off on this and if given the chance she would reoffend. I really think she's a budding serial killer.

No remorse
Taking photos and that's her "MO" and how she captures them forever. Her trophies if you will. She kept bringing up her photos in the interrogation, if she talked about him at all.
no feeling of guilt or remorse

Also, the photos are the same sequence as "psycho" (I swear to god on everything). I've read somewhere else that she lived through films and fictional characters. I'm wondering if this was part of it? I looked at the side by side of TA's photos and the film .. it's pretty obvious.

firstly, may I say the psycho reference just made the hair on my arm stand up because that association has been in my head and I assumed it was just the common shower nude theme. Now I will have to watch that scene alongside the sequenced photos. Very interesting observation.

Your thoughts on her fascination with the photos and the autopsy photos, etc I think are dead on too.

Now to your first paragraph, I am one of the few who do not believe for an instant that JA left physically overpowering him to chance. That is why I am in teh minority in that I feel she shot him first, then stabbed after a gun mishap. Why else go to the trouble of stealing and taking a gun to a planned stabbing? I know, I know, the ME feels the shooting came last. I just have never been able to see it. I just don't see this reptilian thinker (wow, Dr. S and I DO agree on something) not shooting him first. I think the knife was the improvisation.
Weeeellllll.....*ducking rotten fruit*

I'm pretty sure Willmott/Nurmi won't get a not guilty for THEIR client.

I'm still galled and appalled that Baez pulled it off, but he did. And there ya go.

I'll, of course, eat my words should this DT get the same verdict. And brimstone and sulphur will fill my nostrils as Beelzebub claims his Earthly throne. :(

But, but HE didn't pull it off if you ask me. The lack of intelligent thinkers did! He clearly got the ultimate LUCKY!

I have to say I really like that jurors can ask questions in AZ. Most of them seem to give a read on what they are thinking.

FL need to add this to their sunshine laws.

In the CA case, then we could have seen that, "When does the dessert lady come again?" Would not have left us as dumbfounded

!I'm not joking about that. It is the TRUTH!
She said it to Flores in interrogation she said "I had to move on" she was crying with her head on her knees. It sounds like she's about to confess then she back-pedals.

Thank you!

I think Dr. Demarte did a professional job. I think she answered the questions without being biased and that reflects that she can have compassion on a patient and still remain unbiased. While Dr. Samuels and ALV have years of experience on Dr. Demarte, the fact that she knows that it is unethical to give "gifts" or anything that might be considered as unethical shows that experience does not prove ethics.
I will give Willmott credit, she tried, searched, nitpicked and did her best to unnerve Dr. Demarte and damage her credibility. But as this trial has proven over this months, the entire Defensive Team is unprepared and at times seems desperate.
As far as the questions the jury asked Dr. Demarte, I find it reassuring that Juan didn't ask any follow up question. That reflects that he felt Dr. Demarte answered the question without bias and with credibility.
I am going to miss Dr. Demarte on the stand. She was a breath of honest professional air that the courtroom witness chair has been missing.
Why, why, why doesn't anyone ever say there is a high probability that camera ended up in the washer by accident?
>snip< BBM

I have said that about 50 times in as many threads. lol

I think she put it down on the bed while she was rushing around and forgot about it. I think it was entangled in the sheets when she yanked the bedding from the bed and when she went back for it (who knows why ... maybe to remove the memory card she realized she'd forgotten) she couldn't find it and had no time left to do a thorough search.

She figured she'd deleted the photos and that would have to be good enough.
He was dashing, slick and had the momentum to keep up. :seeya:


I'm just going to sit back now .. and I'm not going to ask the obvious question..

OMG OK .. here I go, my curiosity has gotten the better of me ...


Is disagreeing flaming? :) Cos I'm gonna disagree, but I'll do it with a big hug if you like :D

If I'm thinking of the same test, the main one Samuels gave, then there is a focus on the patient describing the incident. There is a numerical score, but the test seems best as almost a guide for an interview in my opinion. Surely the professional is supposed to consider the 'essay' portions of the test and take what the patient says as important to the Dx.

It makes no sense to try to decide whether trauma happened sufficient to cause PTSD if a patient lies about the incident causing PTSD. Folks have different stress/fear thresholds, so the diagnosis is based on the actual incidents and the patients' actual reactions to those incidents. Fictional incidents have no relevance to the Dx at all, imho. Except that they strongly indicate malingering!

It's hard to explain if you think about it like a math equation or similar. Because it deals with the human mind, what happened and what the patient thinks about that (and how their body reacts, etc) is crucial. PTSD is not a consistent entity otherwise. The same event will not cause PTSD in all people.

{Taking the hug:)}
Have you seen the test? It looked like just true/false to me.
The reason she "can't remember" is because the stabbing was so excessive. It doesn't fit into her self-defense case. So, instead we have a series of escalating incidents of abuse, her inability to shake Travis from her life, her shooting him (accidentally) and then 'blacking out' due to being abused previously. It's a veritable jenga tower, and every piece has its place.

So she needs the jury to believe she can't remember.

But even if she can't remember the fact is she's the one who stabbed him. And like you said: it doesn't fit into her self defense case. Whether she remembers or not; she did it and it was overkill, not just neutralizing a threat.
I see you are out of context. :giggle: Hope you have a better time in veracity! :)

Just got back from Veracity! Lovely place, but the exchange rate is a real bear. Or is it a......:facepalm:

Maybe it WASN'T Jodi's jealousy of another woman with Travis.

Maybe she thought Travis needed to die because he knew the truth about her and threatened to tell that would be a complete determent to the new life she had planned for herself.

Jodi had written a whole new plan as a righteous, pure, virginal Mormon. She saw entering the sanctity of the Temple as the new goal. Travis was the roadblock.

I don't deny Jodi could have deep feelings for someone, but the end was always a thing NOT a person. For instance, according to Jodi's own testimony, the house with DB was not to create a life with him, but a stepping stone to becoming a real estate investment mogul of some kind flipping houses.
OMG....Linda? WTF?

Engagement? Travis chose PPL over school and fiancee? Ack!!!!

Ring Jodi stole was an engagement ring??!!??!!!

Oh, wait, it was on TV.

Silly me. Nevermind.

I don't think it matters. In court the jury heard she stole Travis' ring. Whether it was his own ring or bought for someone else .......she stole it and that is what they will remember. It goes to the obsessive jealousness she had for him.

Ok, I'll try again. No one addressed my concern on HLN After Dark, how no matter the topic there are at least two NG. I do not watch HLN AD but change to the channel to see the results. It concerns me immensely as the female defense like to point/shout out "hung jury." It only takes one to hang a jury and over and over night after night there is never a unanimous verdict. What say you? moo
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