trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153

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I have said that about 50 times in as many threads. lol

I think she put it down on the bed while she was rushing around and forgot about it. I think it was entangled in the sheets when she yanked the bedding from the bed and when she went back for it (who knows why ... maybe to remove the memory card she realized she'd forgotten) she couldn't find it and had no time left to do a thorough search.

She figured she'd deleted the photos and that would have to be good enough.

It wasn't in with the bedding (the bedding was in the dryer). It was with Travis' clothes and the bloody towel in the washer.
Sixteen words........

"A guy will go places with a hardon that he wouldn't go without a machine gun" ... author unknown
Sociopathy is in the DSM. It's called anti social personality disorder now. BPD is NOT sociopathy.

While I personally am not an expert, my GD's therapist defined BPD as the female equivalent of Anti-social personality disorder.
Because she wanted it to look like a murder, but not like SHE committed it. So, the blood in the sink is ok but not DNA on the body or elsewhere.

That's exactly what I have been thinking. She had to get her blood off of Travis' body. (cut finger) And probably her DNA from another body part. Somebody posted a link to pictures last night that I've never seen. I knew there was a hair or two of Jodi's left at the scene, but I didn't know there was what I call a clump, on the floor. Not blond hair, so it came from the day she killed him. Has it ever been discussed that perhaps Travis pull her hair out in a fight for his life?
But even if she can't remember the fact is she's the one who stabbed him. And like you said: it doesn't fit into her self defense case. Whether she remembers or not; she did it and it was overkill, not just neutralizing a threat.

Agree = as to the letter of the law, that is true, but then you get into all the battered women syndrome and the PTSD, and all of that, while not considered insanity, could mitigate.

Jurors are humans, ruled by their own experiences, their own values, their own belief structures, baggage and so forth. All of those things will come into play in their considerations, whether they want them to or not. The DT knows it, the Pros knows it. So even though the overkill goes completely against what we know of equal force, one person, who is swayed by all the different diagnoses, could keep JA alive.

That is all this mess is about as afar as I can see. But when the DT plays those cards, JM and TEAM Travis can only respond by refuting, to negate that as much as they can.
Ok, I'll try again. No one addressed my concern on HLN After Dark, how no matter the topic there are at least two NG. I do not watch HLN AD but change to the channel to see the results. It concerns me immensely as the female defense like to point/shout out "hung jury." It only takes one to hang a jury and over and over night after night there is never a unanimous verdict. What say you? moo

I think it is quite likely that at least one, maybe two jurors are sympathetic to the Domestic Violence angle. So it will all hinge upon the Closing Arguments, the Juror Instructions and the Deliberations. If we get a strong group of persuasive jurors onboard with Juan Martinez's theories, then it will be a GUILTY verdict. Especially if there is an effective jury foreman.

I saw an interview with the FCA Jury foreman---he seemed to singlehandedly steer that Verdict off course by giving them false info about the meaning of the jury instructions. I hope that does not happen here, but I doubt it because there appears to be some very smart, quick jurors. JMO
Jodi left the camera behind because she ran out of time.

The roommates were due home and RB was expecting her.

I think she was taking a chance running it through the wash? Or maybe the jury thinks if she knew so much about cameras, why did she leave it behind as evidence?

She left the camera because it was Travis'. Not that she would be concerned with "burglary", but it would have been one more thing to get rid of, and it wouldn't jive with the "random Murder" (since she botched her original clean up) she had hoped the police would believe it was since she didn't think it would be connected to her. JMO
I feel dirty saying this, but the sheer entertainment value and actual value of this trial might be better if JW was swapped for Baez. At least he would be somewhat coherent and would come prepared. Also, I kinda want to see JM and Baez square off. But even he nor OJ's dream team could get Jodi off for this one. Unless he's got a time machine and a magic wand to make June 4,2008 disappear.
ok this might be a crazy question but here goes..

What difference does it make if she had PTSD or not?? it was POST TRAUMATIC??? are they trying to say she killed him because of the traumatic alleged abuse?
I just dont see how the PTSD can help her get out of a first degree murder charge.

You are in awe of this woman? THUD! Surely not.

Why are you in awe if I may ask? Many smaller females over the decades have heinously murdered males far larger than them. She sure doesn't corner the market. Some have even murdered them........removed their bodies from the home either burying them in the backyard or loading up their bodies and dumping them in another location.

None of those other women left photos of their murder though as it was happening from what I recall.

Men aren't bullet or knife proof........they can be mortally wounded just like anyone else. She did this obviously in an element of surprise. Travis never stood a chance whether this had been a male or female predator.

She sure doesn't leave me in awe of her. She is what nightmares are made of and one of the worst most evil remorseless defendants I've ever seen. She makes me literally ill.


One thing that bothers me is the gun and the fact that she shot him in the exact spot, exact within a inch of where he had the gun held to his head before. Same place exactly. How terrified he was that this was happening and how helpless he felt while he held by the gunman. And that, if it ever happened again he would not know what to do. I believe this gave Jodi confidence that if Travis never tried to get the better of the gunman that he would do exactly what he was told to do should it happen again. Jodi may have felt had she had the gun on him he would have cooperated. To me putting that bullet in the same exact spot where he had been threatened is too much of a coincidence in a case where the defense wants you to believe a series of coincidences.
I agree with this assessment. This question worries me as well. What difference does it make if a bear or a tiger attacked me, I'd be just as scared all the same, thus the outcome would be the same. MOO

Then I don't think your fear would qualify as PTSD - more like fear of all animals, or all wild animals, or something like that. At any rate, you wouldn't be responding to the specific animal that caused your fear.

IIRC, Jodi said on (Samuels') test, that the incident was cuased by a stranger so it follows that she should experience PTSD when she is among strangers. Travis was hardly a stranger.
firstly, may I say the psycho reference just made the hair on my arm stand up because that association has been in my head and I assumed it was just the common shower nude theme. Now I will have to watch that scene alongside the sequenced photos. Very interesting observation.

Your thoughts on her fascination with the photos and the autopsy photos, etc I think are dead on too.

Now to your first paragraph, I am one of the few who do not believe for an instant that JA left physically overpowering him to chance. That is why I am in teh minority in that I feel she shot him first, then stabbed after a gun mishap. Why else go to the trouble of stealing and taking a gun to a planned stabbing? I know, I know, the ME feels the shooting came last. I just have never been able to see it. I just don't see this reptilian thinker (wow, Dr. S and I DO agree on something) not shooting him first. I think the knife was the improvisation.

I'm still with you on this with the gun first. I just think she brought it there and used it and that allowed her to get such an advantage over him. The bullet trajectory did not go through the brain based on someone on one of the TH shows. So I think he managed to get up and went to the sink screaming at her to get help and to see how bad it was and she stabbed him in back of the head a few times as he looked in mirror.

He falls to floor and starts to crawl away and she stabs him in back a few more times. Then at some point he rolls over to try to defend himself and gets it in chest and on hands and feet. Finally as he tries one last time to crawl away and is almost dead, she gets his throat.

But it really doesnt matter and I see arguments for both ways. The main thing is she planned this murder no matter which weapon she used first.

She may have planned to use both weapons no matter which came first because maybe she thought by getting LE to look for 2 people, she would never be suspected so she thought.

She is where she needs to stay and is very dangerous. I am convinced she was planning on killing again with the 9mm she just bought. And she had more knives too.

She is already showing signs of getting in trouble in jail. Mark my words that she will have some serious incident in jail like another fight or something, but the next time it will be more serious like she will try to strangle a fellow inmate. I hope the other inmates stay on guard around her. It is way creepy how she gets so close to Wilmcott and her mitigation specialist. Way too close for comfort around a known killer.
Ok, I'll try again. No one addressed my concern on HLN After Dark, how no matter the topic there are at least two NG. I do not watch HLN AD but change to the channel to see the results. It concerns me immensely as the female defense like to point/shout out "hung jury." It only takes one to hang a jury and over and over night after night there is never a unanimous verdict. What say you? moo

I've heard they are people from the offices or whatever so makes zero difference to me...likely they are being paid also,don't forget these shows are paid to sensationalize things

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That's exactly what I have been thinking. She had to get her blood off of Travis' body. (cut finger) And probably her DNA from another body part. Somebody posted a link to pictures last night that I've never seen. I knew there was a hair or two of Jodi's left at the scene, but I didn't know there was what I call a clump, on the floor. Not blond hair, so it came from the day she killed him. Has it ever been discussed that perhaps Travis pull her hair out in a fight for his life?

the camera could have also been bloody and needed a good washing
I feel dirty saying this, but the sheer entertainment value and actual value of this trial might be better if JW was swapped for Baez. At least he would be somewhat coherent and would come prepared. Also, I kinda want to see JM and Baez square off. But even he nor OJ's dream team could get Jodi off for this one. Unless he's got a time machine and a magic wand to make June 4,2008 disappear.

And Jose used Social media to try his case. Dudes a snake
You get someone cornered in the shower and stab them in the chest like that...when he is in a sitting position, stomp his legs to keep him submissive while continuing to stab/slash. Remember what that chest wound is doing, feeling his chest/lungs up with blood, filling his bronchial tubes up with blood. Travis is starting to lose his life already at this point. Don't forget he is wet/naked slipping probably on his own blood and water.
My ex knew what his surgeons looked like when he finally came to in ICU from a very small stab wound in that chest area, the drainage tubes made a bigger scar...massive scar from the surgeon's scalpel. He died on the table a couple of times...he knew what those surgeons cause he was looking down on them and his body. He was more muscular, taller and younger than Travis, he was 18. I met him after this though when he was going through the anger/grief of that happening to him (he was protecting a girl).
A lot of mothers out here praying our sons never, ever meet someone like Jodi.

I've also been wondering why she left the blood on the sink instead of sluicing a few cups of water over it with that plastic cup. The bloody sink speaks volumes. Why try to wash away all that blood but leave that?

What I have surmised, but have no basis in fact for, is that JA thought her blood was there on the floor mixed with Travis' (where the slaughter started), and would dry and be found.
If her blood wasn't on the sink, she didn't need to bother cleaning that. She had a lot to take care of and get out. There was so much other blood that she could never have cleaned it all, so I think she thought she was getting rid of hers by diluting the bloody floor. It's likely he tried to get the knife from her at the shower right after the seated shower photo, imo.
One of our wonderful sleuths pointed out, re the camera, that it was Travis' property. Maybe in her manic murderous state, JA thought, "If I steal it, they'll know there is evidence in there." I thought that was brilliant idea on the sleuth's - not Jodi's - part!


Another quotable quote, seen today on TH show:

Jail Interviewer (detective?): "Do you want to put your family through a trial?"

Jodi Arias: "Can I do it all without a trial? Or does there have to be a trial?"

Or she thought 'if I steal it, it makes me more suspect because everyone knows I'm a photographer. Only thing stolen is a camera?
And she calls herself a photographer, but she's really just someone who takes pictures. I think she really thought the SD card wouldn't survive the wash.
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