trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153

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One of our wonderful sleuths pointed out, re the camera, that it was Travis' property. Maybe in her manic murderous state, JA thought, "If I steal it, they'll know there is evidence in there." I thought that was brilliant idea on the sleuth's - not Jodi's - part!



That has been my theory. Especially if a camera was stolen and everyone of his friends knew how much Jodi was into photography and stuff, they might think she had something to do with it. Plus I think she knew the camera was in the washer. She might've wanted it to look like whomever cleaned the sheets threw the camera in by accident (even though it was her purpose to damage it all along).

Ok, I'll try again. No one addressed my concern on HLN After Dark, how no matter the topic there are at least two NG. I do not watch HLN AD but change to the channel to see the results. It concerns me immensely as the female defense like to point/shout out "hung jury." It only takes one to hang a jury and over and over night after night there is never a unanimous verdict. What say you? moo

I say the purpose of HLN after dark is not to arrive at the truth by reason. The purpose of HLN After Dark is to be stupid and wind you up so that you start throwing things at the TV and end up giving the cat PTSD that's triggered by loud people with big teeth, so when they go to the commercial you are so relieved at the change of scenery from stupid people saying stupid things that you will buy tickets on Expedia, Chantix or whatever crap they happen to be selling.

That is, until the entire channel changes format to include such things as a reality TV show about two bisexual dwarves who are competitive slip-n-sliders who moonlight as private detectives.
Come to think, I believe she she was in a hurry to clean-up, and grabbed all the bloody towels, sheets and the camera someone got knotted up in there.

She threw the stuff in the wash frantically, and didn't have time to do a thorough clean-up and took the chance the camera would never be found and if so the pictures are deleted and the SD card possibly water damaged.
At first when it began it was all Guilty and I think HLN thought they should shake it up and not make it cut and dried every week.

Holly Hughes makes up the evidence she needs as she goes along and so do the other mock defense team. The jury has heard the real and true evidence and those sitting in the mock jury box do not....far from it.

So that silly show is not representative of the real jury.

Thanks! That is what I want to hear.
firstly, may I say the psycho reference just made the hair on my arm stand up because that association has been in my head and I assumed it was just the common shower nude theme. Now I will have to watch that scene alongside the sequenced photos. Very interesting observation.

Your thoughts on her fascination with the photos and the autopsy photos, etc I think are dead on too.

Now to your first paragraph, I am one of the few who do not believe for an instant that JA left physically overpowering him to chance. That is why I am in teh minority in that I feel she shot him first, then stabbed after a gun mishap. Why else go to the trouble of stealing and taking a gun to a planned stabbing? I know, I know, the ME feels the shooting came last. I just have never been able to see it. I just don't see this reptilian thinker (wow, Dr. S and I DO agree on something) not shooting him first. I think the knife was the improvisation.

If you google it - you can find the sequence lined up. Just prepare to go "Oh my god". It's that similar.
I think the knife was used first only because psychologically "knife = sex". I had a study where offenders all had been involved in multiple homicides with knives, I was made to draw a conclusion as to what the knife represented and why they chose it. It's the act of penetration. They also indicated frenzied assaults and all were planned attacks aka personal.
I just see Jodi doing things like this:

1. shows up in AZ unannounced and begs to stay or sleep for a bit.
2. she gets one "last time" (I bet she even said it that way) in.
3. She sneaks in photos of him nude and he puts the camera up.
4. She takes her own nude photos. They do not look like she posed and he took the images. She's setting the stage because she's going to keep the images
5. She starts taking photos in the shower hours later (4 hours later).

I think she ambushed him after snooping around and finding out he was still going to Mexico. I believe 100% that was the catalyst. I'm wondering if he was going to propose on this trip and she found the ring? It was premeditated but as a BPD she's looking to get worked up and angered.

There is a strange 4 hour period that's unaccounted for.

When it's over she throws everything in the washer and the camera goes with it because now she doesn't want to get caught.

OR she throws everything in a wash in a hurry (she notices the time). But I just think she was far more calculated than that.
ok this might be a crazy question but here goes..

What difference does it make if she had PTSD or not?? it was POST TRAUMATIC??? are they trying to say she killed him because of the traumatic alleged abuse?
I just dont see how the PTSD can help her get out of a first degree murder charge.

Shooting him was self-defense according to defense but the rest is not so they are going with PTSD to cover the stabbing. If she can't remember because of PTSD that she should not be given the death penalty.
He was dashing, slick and had the momentum to keep up. :seeya:

I must admit it was much easier to listen to him questioning witnesses than JW's high pitched voice and sarcasm especially directed toward Dr. DeMarte.


It wasn't in with the bedding (the bedding was in the dryer). It was with Travis' clothes and the bloody towel in the washer.

I think it was with the bedding because she would have felt it if she was carrying just the clothing and towels.

I've accidentally washed a bottle of perfume in the washer with towels and the banging in the inside was godawful, made more stressful because it's a front loader and I couldn't open the door. Sigh.

But who knows what was in her feverish little brain.


Jesus all the nuts are crawling out of the wood work lately.

Hoping he doesn't actually have anything on him

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I couldn't figure out the basis of the bear vs tiger question but I'm not sure it really matters. Dr. D. was very clear the whole way through her testimony that she considers the source of the stressful event and the subsequent answers about that source to be valid only when linked and as a real occurrence. Meaning: if the test taker has lied then she ipso facto considers it an invalid test result and cannot be used.

I don't know whether that constitutes impartiality but she was consistent in her belief that one type of stressor cannot be substituted for another and have a valid test result.
What SCARES me is HLN After Dark. Every topic, there are at least two NG. And as that annoying Defense lady likes to say, a hung jury. I have not watched it in a long time, I do however change to HLN at the end to see the results. So my concern is, and I feel it should be 12 guilty. Some of the topics were a no-brainer, and yet resulted in what would be a hung jury. Now that really, really scares me more than anything. Can anyone relieve my of my panic? As the talking heads keep drilling in our brains it only takes one for a hung jury. moo

IMHO, from every topic I've seen them do on After Dark, the defense does NOT use the evidence/testimony directly from trial.

For instance, in the episode where they re-enacted the killing, the defense showed that the gunshot could have happened with the right angle IF JA was all the way to the wall where the scale was. Her own testimony said that she was in front of the sink, in the middle of the bathroom.

So how can they expect to get reasonable "verdicts" if they are presenting invalid info?

IMHO, I wouldn't give it more than an entertainment value. I think their juries mean nothing. The voting isn't based on accurate info.
ok this might be a crazy question but here goes..

What difference does it make if she had PTSD or not?? it was POST TRAUMATIC??? are they trying to say she killed him because of the traumatic alleged abuse?
I just dont see how the PTSD can help her get out of a first degree murder charge.

Absolutely agree 100%. Neither BPD nor PTSD get her off the hook for this overkill murder.
ok this might be a crazy question but here goes..

What difference does it make if she had PTSD or not?? it was POST TRAUMATIC??? are they trying to say she killed him because of the traumatic alleged abuse?
I just dont see how the PTSD can help her get out of a first degree murder charge.

I thought the only purpose of using PTSD was to explain her fog. For those of us (ahem!) who don't buy it.
Shooting him was self-defense according to defense but the rest is not so they are going with PTSD to cover the stabbing. If she can't remember because of PTSD that she should not be given the death penalty.

However, was the cause of the PTSD JA "having to act in self-defense" or the alleged abuse by Travis before she "acted in self-defense"? If it is the former, she caused her own PTSD.

Just hoping the jury doesn't buy any of this.

Come to think, I believe she she was in a hurry to clean-up, and grabbed all the bloody towels, sheets and the camera someone got knotted up in there.

She threw the stuff in the wash frantically, and didn't have time to do a thorough clean-up and took the chance the camera would never be found and if so the pictures are deleted and the SD card possibly water damaged.

That's been my thought for a while now. In my mind I can't see her doing it deliberately, you know since she's a photographer.....

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I finally gave up I tried to make a jpeg loaded it to my album then blew margins & ya know at that point ... I didn't really care that much anymore too much work! :floorlaugh:

If you have Windows, check to see if you have a Sniping Tool.

If you don't have the Snipping Tool on your desktop, you can launch it by going to Start | All Programs | Accessories | Snipping Tool.

Once the tool has been launched, the display fades a bit to facilitate your capturing of whatever part of the screen you wish. The tool's control window also appears.
If I was a matchmaker, I would match Beth with Anderson Cooper as I love them both so very much!

But dayum, Anderson is not ....well we know, but still, I am thinking that they are perfectly suited 'cept for that which I won't say....

He is soooo cute and smart and so is she!

They are my favorite reporters!
DrDrew is giving his opinion that Dr. DeMarte is a bit defensive. Huh? I don't think so, not one bit, not at all. What does he have to say about the snarky Jennifer?
I don't think it matters. In court the jury heard she stole Travis' ring. Whether it was his own ring or bought for someone else .......she stole it and that is what they will remember. It goes to the obsessive jealousness she had for him.


AND JM has a good faith basis of putting the stolen ring into the court record. Defense did not object either.

I have heard about the missing ring many times before today. JMO
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