Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Police obtained a warrant and took Weygers DNA by force. Would a WA judge issue such a warrant if there was no dna from the crime to compare this to?
Likely. In a case like this police would be collecting as much DNA as possible in hope that the day comes where they get a success profile. Police may have stretched the truth as to how much DNA they had when applying for a warrant. Similarly, PW has a lot of political enemies and the judge might not have needed a lot of convincing.

This is all conjecture of course but what isn't up for debate;

They spent years doing intense surveillance of LW.

Why do this if they had DNA? It's possible of course they had partial DNA and this didn't rule LW out some they kept up with the surveillance. I don't believe PW was ruled out on DNA either. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here but they kept as high priority suspect well after they took his DNA.

Also, DNA wouldn't have had to survive the conditions of the CSK bodies to be connected. A rope or car fiber from the Karrakatta scene could have been matched to a fiber from a CSK scene and then the DNA from Karrakatta, if it existed, would have been associable.

That's some sound logic but BC claimed that the link between CG and Karra was DNA.

That being said, it could be just PARTIAL DNA and unable to definitively eliminate all POIs, so this doesn't mean we have to assume that all known POIs are eliminated.
There'a number of levels to this;

1. Police have never ruled out anyone. That doesn't mean people haven't been ruled out via DNA but it's foolish to take the media's word at 100%

2. The info delivered by BC is a bit iffy. Fibres found on JR 56 days later? Fibres lost, then relocated in a massive breakthrough during the Schramm review and then this sniff of rare evidence inexplicitly lost again? There could be legitimate explanations but it can't be denied a few things don't add up.

3. Some people are claiming that Judoman is the main suspect because all the others have been ruled out. Firstly, as stated previously, we don't know this for sure. Secondly, the media can't rule someone out who hasn't been ruled in. So again, we don't know if Judoman is in or out.

Furthermore, there's been no public appeal since 2008. If Macro did get a DNA read you'd think they'd have another crack at getting some news leads. I'm sure in the background they'd be going through everyone on their list one by one and asking for DNA, but on top of that you'd expect some new lead campaigns.


Papertrail, I'm not suggesting that you know this person because I have no idea if you do. But I have a question -- JM has been winning martial art championships since age 22 according to a statement by Bart that you didn't contest... And he would have been around 35 versus the 34 age we were looking for based on the CIA documentary... So he would probably know who the documentary is actually referring to right? He would probably know other martial arts practitioners that were only a year younger then him (34 vs 35) and in the same area of the same midsized city, right? (1) do you agree with this and (2) do you have any access to possibly ask him? Again, I'm not a conspiracy-minded person so if you say you don't know him at all, I will not push any further or doubt your word. You've been quite straightforward on many subjects and I respect you generally.

I have said this before and I will not say it again after this post, I DO NOT KNOW THE MAN YOU ARE REFERRING TO AS JM -- THAT IS THE MAN THAT APPEARED ON THE CIA DOCO SPEAKING ABOUT JANE -- have never met, none of my friends or acquaintances have ever met him, I've never communicated with him using any means -- electronic, in wriitng, or in person. and I never would. END OF STORY.

To reply to your martial arts connections theory -- there were thousands of people in Perth and Western Australia practicing all forms and disciplines of martial arts in the 1990s on onwards. I doubt the man you refer to knew every one of these people personally, or would know of every disciplines' practitioners.

You seem to be narrow-minded to think the reference to 'martial arts practitioner' is referring to one discipline ie Judo.

And whilst I am here, I have never communicated with anyone or any contributor on here prior to posting on here commencing in late 2015. I notice various people on here are referring to me as 'she' -- as I said yesterday, last time I looked, and again it was not that long ago, I do not have what is required to make up the female anatomy - get it ! Do I need to post a picture to make it perfectly clear ?

I don't consider I have extraordinary or special research skills as some people on here allude to -- I just have access to an online source (through a library) where I can access newspaper articles, that my deceased friend's collections were missing. Simple as that. It's pretty easy to do online research.
About DNA. Here is a 'what if'. The perpetrator was adopted, therefore familial DNA would be cancelled out. The perpetrator is not related via DNA to his either parent -- adoption comes to mind ? The mother of the perpetrator went through IVF or surrogate process ?
DNA is a useful tool, however many forensic tests can be falsified or circumvented if you know how. My brother was a policeman and when I was just a little kid he taught me all sorts of ways to plant and destroy evidence. They were taught how to do it in great detail at the police academy so that they would learn that forensic evidence always had to be considered with a large grain of salt. And for no other reason. Honest.

DNA is no different. If you wanted to obtain a totally random semen sample all you had to do was go to one of the 'tanks' in the Barrack Street adult shops. Those booths were/are dripping with DNA samples, and you could obtain yours in total privacy straight off the wall. You could have the police running around in circles for years looking for some poor lonely random dude. You could obtain it months in advance and just store it in a freezer. Even fingerprints are easily transferred. A cigarette butt? A paper napkin with saliva on it? Dirt? Hair? Fibers? Foot prints? Total simplicity. Grab a bag of rubbish from a block of flats, and you can create a 100% consistent forensic hit on a totally innocent individual. Choose your subject carefully (jack wadd tissues from an overseas accounting student, blood from a dude punched outside a bar in Kuta, hair from some homeless dude on a visit to Sydney maybe), and he probably won't appear on any criminal database ever.

If you are creative enough you can establish an almost foolproof train of evidence that points in any direction you want. The key is in not contaminating things with real evidence, but there are even ways to avoid that. I would suggest that if this guy(s) allowed bodies to be found he/they wanted the bodies to be found, and hence whatever forensic evidence the police may have may well be of extremely questionable value, and could point to just about anyone.
-If the offender was/is smart. Clearly, that would seem to be the case.
I've read multiple articles referring to DNA specialists so have always assumed they trying to get a profile. How much of a profile they have now is anyone's guess.

Are you able to repost those articles by any chance? BC reported that Macro got DNA in 2008 from memory. I wonder if they were bringing in the DNA expert before or after? If after then they're still trying to get a larger profile. If before, maybe this was what got them the DNA profile that BC claims Macro have got.
Here is one article that mentions the DNA expert Dr Jonathan Whitaker.

WA Police `promising leads’ report on Claremont serial killings
March 20, 2015:

According to the Post report, detectives have made numerous trips to the UK to liaise with forensic scientists there, including DNA expert Dr Jonathan Whitaker. Dr Whitaker has reportedly visited Perth to work on the case. He is a pioneer of LCN (Low Copy Number), the most sensitive DNA testing yet developed.

It would appear, according to the below quote, that LW was ruled out as a suspect some time before 2008 but exactly when... :dunno:.

Glare of suspicion burnt several innocent men
January 27, 2016:

The scrutiny would continue for years until advances in DNA technology enabled police to finally rule out Mr Williams as a suspect some time before 2008 when he was told by investigators that they “would not be bothering him again”.

2012 article..

January 26, 2012: New DNA hope for cold cases
Read more:

Forensic evidence in all of WA's major unsolved crimes for the past 50 years will soon be retested using a world-first technique for examining DNA.

Acting Supt Gordon Fairman said yesterday police would within months use the more accurate technique to analyse all DNA samples it collects, a move which he believed would revolutionise criminal forensics in WA.

Forensic evidence from cold cases dating back to the 1960s would also be retested to try to identify new suspects.
It would appear, according to the below quote, that LW was ruled out as a suspect some time before 2008 but exactly when... :dunno:.

January 27, 2016:

1. Article was written on 20 year anniversary. They had to write something and would have known their competitors were going to write about DNA. The West have never provided or alluded to a source for this info. Macro have never confirmed they have DNA or that LW/PW/SR etc have been ruled out. They have just run with it as if it's accepted fact. My guess is they are just going on BC's statements

2. If he was ruled out sometime before 2008 then why mention MAP and Sexual Pervert on CIA show? Surely they just DNA compared them and ruled them out?

3. What other possible reason, other than DNA could rule LW out? There's only 2 things that will rule him out - DNA or the unveiling of the CSK.
I have never posted anywhere on this topic before but I have a significant interest in the CSK case having lived and worked all over Perth around that time and for quite a few years afterwards.

So having read all the forums and in particular the Bigfooty CSK threads, I can't quite understand why there is the need to dismiss the "ramblings" of Droc when the way I see it is that he might just know what had happened and has some very valid reasons for wanting justice.

Honestly is there something I am missing into the information Droc provided and to why it is being totally disregarded. I'm not sure I am missing anything (maybe DNA has disproved his account) but everyone is so convinced he was just rambling and here is my argument against that.

- He passed away a few months after trying desperately to tell his story. I mean was this a final effort to clear his conscious because that is what he was implying and I found what he was saying to be both honest (for example his admission of misdemeanors) and knowledgeable. If you have seen his wake video he is talked about in a very respectable/loving way by some pretty high up people who knew him...not quite the rambling, delusional person some try to make out but they say he was very clever and charismatic.

- He went to a substantial effort over a long period of time to try to provide the investigation with information and felt he was ignored by a corrupt and incompetent force. He uploaded a number of formal documents to Bigfooty that describe in great detail alot of interesting information. IMO you don't go to those extents if you are lying or clearly wrong and he was adamant he was right and it was covered up

- His claims of corruption aren't unusual when you consider the time this case has taken and the incompetence which has been openly talked about. So much effort to prove his story over so many years which I know I wouldn't do if in my own mind I knew that what I was trying to prove wasn't true.

- There is something incredibly fishy going on with the investigation and something is being covered up. I mean a car boot chock full of rape gear intercepted at the prossie park in Northbridge and the guy just drives away.

- His account of Taxi Tony makes alot of sense when you examine it against the details of the case. Sure maybe snuff movies was far fetched but then again no-one can say for sure that hasn't happened. I would love to see that text he said he received from "Michelle" but it is fact that Taxi Tony and Droc fraternised with prostitutes and I know a few personally from my years working around Perth and they usually know alot of interesting disturbing stories you know from being in the loop and all.

- Droc provided many examples which in my mind would withstand a great deal of scrutiny and would be difficult to make up or be wrong about. For example, his story about the body in the cellar and the unknown person who was asking for access to the cellar before it was built over. His friendship with Michelle cannot simply be made up and what he knew about her could easily be disproved if the effort was made to do so.

- If you say he simply wanted to try to get back at an old friend in Taxi Tony then as I've said above its not a very worthwhile exercise to go to so much effort to do. What happens when holes start appearing in his "made up" story and besides for an intelliegent man which he clearly was he would surely lose interest in doing that rather that try to prove his allegations over 15 years or so.

It was a shame his time on Bigfooty was spent dealing with know it alls who were more concerned with trying to sound smart with their inane questions and accusations on his personality and spelling ability.he spent so much time deflecting people who were accusing him of lying about himself. It would be like trying to claim a conspiracy theory if you said Droc dying a few months after his last post on Bigfooty had anything to do with those posts but it was such a shame and hopefully nothing fishy happened with that. I'm not saying it did but it was coincedental and not beyond the realms of impossibility. It probably just shows his eagerness to clear his mind as he knew he was nearing the end.

So anyway I think the one thing for certain about this case is the taxi theory. There was no way 3 girls go missing without trace in such a short period of time between confirmed sightings without the use of a taxi. Maybe one girl jumps in say a cop car but not 3. I'm a guy and the only type of vehicle I would jump in no questions asked would be a taxi. Blitz attack yeah you're kidding me right but most probably that happens when you're inside the car which is what Droc was proposing. and then you have to take into account the sighting of the taxi that night near the dump site....I mean that was an anonymous tipoff that to me seemed to be very relevant.

People enjoy giving the odds of who they think was the CSK. At one stage I was 70% Weygers/Ross up until the past year or so when I changed to 90% Droc's was no surprise to me to see Weygers/Ross ruled out and I think the other POI's are pretty slim. Maybe someone like LW and his bizarre stories and habits but apparently not unless the corruption in the case has something to do with this.

So yeah I would like to know why Droc's story has no credence here. Does anyone know if Taxi Tony or Michelle were ever seriously considered in the investigation.
Honestly is there something I am missing into the information Droc provided and to why it is being totally disregarded. I'm not sure I am missing anything (maybe DNA has disproved his account) but everyone is so convinced he was just rambling and here is my argument against that.
I think people are happy to talk about it but there's no Droc/TT champion to quarterback the discussion. There was one guy but he went nutty and started accusing all and sundry (i.e. fellow posters) of being the CSK.

I'm sure a Droc champion would be well received as long as it doesn't get hocus pocus mumbo jumbo.

ps I provided a summary of Droc's claims somewhere. Let me know if you want me to dig it up.
Out of curiosity- how would screen printing fit in with the TT/Michelle theory? Or would one need to assume that BC is not 100% on details?

I wish Droc had posted his complete file before he passed away. Maybe one of his high ranking supporters now has it?
ps I provided a summary of Droc's claims somewhere. Let me know if you want me to dig it up.

It would good if you could mate, I've been on bigfooty forum trying to find it for the last 30 minutes, so much bs to filter through over there, would really appreciate it.
It was actually post on WS. Took me a long time to wade through Droc's ramblings. All I got for it was some psycho accusing me of being in cahoots with Droc as the CSK.

Droc Time line

This is Droc's version of events:

1997 March 14 - CG, the last of the victims goes missing

1997 March 23 - Droc calls crime stoppers

And told them he had information that a swan taxi was at the location at approx midnight and had failed to declare his presence to the task force. He also informed them all the girls resembled the driver’s sister, and his behavior both before the crime, and after, was disturbing.

1997 April 3 - Droc calls crime stoppers again

And told them he knew a taxi driver who was at Club Bay View the night Ciara Glennon went missing, and that he had displayed a fear of being DNA tested Droc also said that in a moment of anxiety TT revealed he was in Claremont that night and left with a fare at 12pm. Droc further informed them he had a dark side to his nature.

1997 May - Droc calls crime stoppers again after CG's body is discovered

He tells them that a taxi driver by the name of TT had been routinely interviewed at Fremantle licensing and had lied about his movements that night. He again also informed the officer that all the girls looked like his sister and previous girlfriend.

1997 - date unknown - Droc calls crime stoppers again

He tells them that TT had previously lied to the task force about his movements on that night, and that the information he had placed him back on Stirling highway at Claremont at approx. 12.20 am and heading towards Mosman Park in a vacant cab. <I assume this is to go back and smoke a joint>

1997 November 23 - This is when Droc claims he first presented his suspicions in writing to Macro. This is referenced in Droc's 1999 November 15 letter to Commissioner M*******.

1998 January 14 - This is when Droc alleges that TT first let slip he was in Claremont that night.

1998 January 22 - Droc meets a Detective M***** and another office at Claremont CIB. The meeting lasts about an hour. The detectives spend an hour trying to convince Droc that TT's alibi is water tight.

1998 December 1 - Droc has heard nothing and police say they have no record of this letter so he sends them another copy. Caporn acknowledges he got the copy sent on Dec 1 1998 in a letter to Droc dated 11 Jan 2000

1998 December 18 - Acting Inspector H****** responds in writing to Droc. This letter has nothing else in it but a confirmation that they have received Droc's letter.

1999 January 21 - Karen Anne Hare makes a stat dec and it says:

Approximately 4 or 5 months after the murder of CG, TT arrived at 435 Marmion St Myaree and informed Droc and herself that he had been interviewed by Macro and told Macro he had a fare to Subiaco and then somewhere else. Ms Hare stated that this was different to the story TT had earlier provided where he claimed he went home to Fremantle for a joint.

Karen's address was c/o Russell St Fremantle. This is the same address that Caporn sent Droc a reply letter to in Jan 2000. But in Jan 1999 Droc's adress is 435 Marmion St as per the below stat dec:

Karen was Droc's girlfriend at the time. BF post 1510.

The Russell St address is that of Droc associate and supporter Professor Newman. ** Just watched this and it says Droc lived in Russell St.

1999 Jan 21 - Droc makes a similar stat dec

It lists his address as 435 Marmion St Myaree

1999 April 8 - Met with Officer L**** to discuss why his claims hadn't been investigated.

Droc claimed that in this meeting;
1. He was told TT did not in fact have a fool proof alibi the night CG went missing.
2. He was told that records indicate that TT was not working for the cab company when SS went missing

Droc agreed with Officer L**** for police to hold off on the inquiry into why Droc's information seemingly hadn't been followed up on the promise he would get a meeting with Macro.

1999 May 10 (approximate date) - Droc meets with D*** S**** from Macro.

Droc claimed that in this meeting
1. He explained why he was suspicious of TT
2. He responded to Macro's questions as to why he didn't come forward with the information earlier <I believe he claimed that he had provided the info just that Macro lost it>
3. Droc insisted this interview be taped. They taped it. Commissioner M******* reviewed it at a later date
4. This was the interview where Droc told them he knew their throats had been cut.
5. He also mentioned Michelle/Michele in this interview
6. He also went all out and mentioned the whole snuff thing.
7. And he said he believed the body was buried in a housing development by a builder called R** G******** on Hampton Rd South Fremantle. TT and a few other Droc believed to be involved lived in the old house at the front of the development. <this is different to the warehouse scenario in WGV he was pushing on BF)

1999 June 15 - Droc writes a letter to Commissioner *advertiser censored******
Droc's address - It just says Fremantle in the letter but it's pretty safe to assume he was living at 31 Russell St Fremantle during this because that where Caporn addressed a response to in Jan 2000.

In the letter Droc says;
1. The reason why Droc knew TT to be in Claremont at 12:20pm on the night CG disappeared was because TT admitted it.
2. Droc claims that he knows Macro didn't follow up his claims because the witnesses he nominated to corroborate some of his claims were never contacts by Macro. Droc has a point here. LW had been a suspect since at least August 1998 so this was the period where Macro were allegedly one-eyed.
3. Droc claims he knew TT was working night shift on the night SS went missing.
4. Droc states he strongly believes SS is buried in a property in South Fremantle
5. Droc says he has been sending letters to Macro for 2 years which suggests he did talk to them soon after CG disappeared. He also mentions Macro lost his evidence and that probably explains the disconnect between Macro and LW and the gap inbetween when police thing he presented the information. There are articles about that confirm WAPOL's evidence gathering system was seriously flawed at the time resulting in lost evidence.

1999 November 15 - Droc write to Commissioner M*******.
Droc claims in this letter;
1. He sent statements re TT to Macro on 23 Nov 1997 (registered post and signed by an officer) and again on 1 Dec 1998
2. That Mr. T******* M***** of the West Australian Newspapers had been informed by Macro that TT was no longer a suspect based on Macro's policy of "alibi for 1 night = alibi for all 3 murders" and TT's alibi for the murders was based solely on his alibi for CG.

2000 January 11 - Caporn writes letter to Droc

Droc's address - 31 Russell St Fremantle

Caporn says;
1. Got you 15 Nov 1999 letter that you sent to Commissioner M*******
2. As for the letter you sent on 23 November 1997 - don't know what happened to it but you did send us a copy in Dec 1998 and we confirm we got that on
3. Acting Inspector H****** responded to your 1 Dec 1998 letter on 18 Dec 1998
4. Your information has been thoroughly investigated
5. WAPOL has an excellent file management system

2000 April 28 - Commissioner M******* writes letter to Droc supporter Christabel and Professor Newman
It appears Droc's confidants met with Commissioner M******* to request Droc's claims be investigated. It is apparent that they believed Droc's claims enough to get a meeting with the WA Police Commissioner.

This letter is a follow up to the meeting and Commissioner M******* says;

1. Macro adequately investigated it
2. I looked at it and watched the taped footage of Droc's interview from May 1999
3. It was also followed up and reviewed by Macro in May 1999
4. Caporn has personally reviewed the file
5. A lot of Droc's information is wrong
6. Despite Droc claiming there's a discrepancy in how many times TT was interviewed, the actual number is 2. TT has been interviewed twice.
7. Taxi logs support TT's interview responses

2000 May - Christabel writes a response to Commissioner M*******.

In the letter Christabel says;
1. Newman and I are still concerned Macro aren't giving Droc's claims the importance which they warrant
2. Our major concern is that these murders are part of an international snuff movie business
3. It's hard to see how this whole thing can be dismissed on the account of one person (Caporn)
4. TT and others Droc named lived in Hampton Rd at the time of SS disappearance

2000 August 29 - CommissionerM******* writes to Droc

He says: We've fully investigated your claims and they have no foundation

2000 August 30 - Droc writes to Commissioner M******* again

Droc's address: still "Fremantle"

Droc says;
1. I know you watched my taped interview. Can you give me a copy?
2. Can you give me access to all the security cameras around Claremont because I'm sure I will see Michelle in them. <at this point, I wouldn't see any harm in Macro getting a picture of Michelle and seeing if she shows up in their surveillance>

2000 October

A journo from The Sunday Times and Mick Buckley (ex cop and PI mentioned a fair bit in DM's book) interview TT. Droc alleges this interview confirms TT was in Claremont at the approximate time CG disappeared (BF post 1565).<It seems that Droc went to the media and they decided to check TT out>

2011 February 26 - Droc sends TT a letter

The contents;
1. He mentions Michelle, B***s and Peter, B***mans, Abbey, Colin
2. Accuses TT of being the CSK
3. Mentions Michele confided in him that she'd done worse things than the CSK.
4. He mention Michele went to Tasmania after SS

2014 December 11 - Article about the house Droc presumably lived in while the murders happened, burns down

2015 January 4 - Sunday Times article mentioning Droc

He was interview by police about a week after the fire and refused to give DNA. The article says he was not a suspect.
Claims Droc made on BF

Droc's claims on BF
1. Michelle was used to lure the girls into the taxi (why would you need a girl if you have a taxi?)
2. The girls were taken to a factory unit in White Gum Valley (WGV).
3. He says it's on police file that TT was interviewed in 2011. Post 1375. That's interesting. Sounds like he still might be a suspect.
4. Droc had know TT for years before the Claremont Killings and knew many of TT's close friends. Post 1407.
5. TT's taxi was a Ford Flacon station wagon that was replaced not long after the murders
6. Droc claims Michelle told him she was involved in the murders. Post 1413.
7. Droc claims Michelle tried to groom him to get involved (but without going into detail).
8. Michelle was a patient at the drug rehab centre that was in the same street that JR's body was found
9. Droc didn't know for some time that Michelle was a street worker and claims although she was very special to him, they never had an intimate relationship. Post 1421. <I read this as Droc being in love with her but the feelings not reciprocated>
10. Droc says that police claim TT wasn't driving taxis when SS disappeared but Droc claims that TT was living in Hampden Rd South Freo in a house with a unit dev at the back and asked Droc if he could rent his shed because the noise from the dev was interrupting his day time sleep (because he was driving taxis at night). Post 1439.
11. At TT's place in Hampden Rd, TT complained about noise from the development at the rear. But he stayed there throughout the noise and didn't leave until after the slab and walls went up. Droc claims this all happened around the SS disappearance. Droc's theory is that he rented the place knowing there was a development happening and stayed until after he had used it for what he intended (burying SS body under the slab). Post 1439.
12. At Hampden Rd there was also a wine cellar under the front house. This has since been filled in. Droc thinks this is another potential location of SS. Post 1439.
13. Droc claims he saw inappropriate comments about himself on the police computer system. Post 1456. <If I had to guess these comments would have something to do with calling him a time wasting nutjob>
14. Droc claims TT has never said a word to him about the public allegations. No "take that blog down or I'll sue you for all the money you don't have" or "stop accusing me, I have nothing to do with it".
15. Droc claims Robin Napper (well respected forensic scientist who is at loggerheads with WAPOL) sent Droc's file to WAPOL when they were doing the Schramm review. Post 1482.
16. The factory unit at Wood St WGV, the alleged location of where snuff films were made (Post1611);
a. Droc says Michelle drunkenly whispered to here one night that there was a secret room
b. Droc visits the factory years later and gets access through the owner. He now sees a side door that was previously hidden by racks of timber. There was also an internal door that had been hidden by rolls of material. This room leads to another room which Droc believes is "the hidden room". The owner explains to Droc that this room was previously used as a dark room. There were still remnants of black plastic blocking out light and the owner said he rented it out to a guy who was an upholsterer as well as a photographer.
c. Droc approached the upholsterer and claims he denied there was a room and upon Droc's mentioning of having seen the room he says he rented it to a photographer and confirmed he knew TT and his crew but hadn't seen them for a long time.
d. Droc also asked him if this is where the Claremont girls were murdered.
e. Droc also asked him why only that part of the building had been washed down when he vacated.
f. Droc once drove past and sat TT and Michelle exiting the premises. <Obviously this is where Droc has theorised snuff movies were made>
g. Droc claims TT was fighting with Michelle prior to each murder and changed houses soon after each murder. <Was Michelle TT's girlfriend?>
h. Droc claims he called the builder of the units behind TT's old residence in Hamden Rd (where TT resided when SS went missing) and made up a story about being the former owner and needing access to get to the outside cellar. The builder informed him that the owner's son had already come around and asked for access to the cellar to retrieve valuables hidden from his Dad because he was a gambler. <Doesn't make sense: Owner (Droc in disguise) calls builder and builder says "Don't worry, your son picked them up because he his them from you because you were a gambler. Have to say I'm sceptical about this whole episode>

The builder told this man (who apparently wasn't TT) that he could access it when they weren't working. The builder told Droc that he came back to work after the Australia Day weekend (when SS disappeared) to notice the dirt floor had been disturbed and he just assumed "the son" had collected his buried valuables. Droc speculates this is when and where SS was buried. As TT lived at the front house at the time and had access to the cellar, Droc speculates this was done to pre-empt a reason for the dirt floor being disturbed.

17. Droc says he has flight records of Michelle flying into Perth from Brisbane two weeks before JR murder. Post 1683.
18. Droc claims he has knowledge that TT was familiar with the Eglington area. Post 1687.
19. Droc claims the factory unit and the two houses he moved into after the last two murders have all been demolished. The inference is that TT likes to live in houses soon to be demolished so any incriminating evidence is destroyed forever.
20. About Michelle: Yes, she lives in Perth, but no, does not see TT. Interesting thing about that, is after the murder of Ciara Glennon three of them congregated at my place, two males outside in the shed, and a third dropping in occasionally, and Michelle inside. There was seemingly much friction, and Michelle was expressing hostility towards him, a hatred,in fact. Soon after she departed for Tasmania, and I do not think they have spoken since. Post 1794.
21. Apparently Droc has been interviewed twice by Macro regarding the CSK case. Post 1846. The most recent interview was 18 December 2014 where Droc refused to provide DNA. Droc's reasoning is he doesn't trust the police because they have shafted him before (apparently it went to court and Droc won the case). Post 1959.
22. Droc claims he lived in the same house with his girlfriend throughout all three murders. TT was restoring his beddy in Droc's back shed. Droc worked security from 7pm until 7am.
23. Post 1913: The person who flew and out of the country after each murder, was from England. A strange character who drove around in an old Ford Cortina station wagon, and an old truck. But the most interesting thing was he almost always jogged everywhere he went. You would come across him up side streets, across parks - though never at all in the city areas, and he was a person that loved to scout old dumping areas for junk to turn into art. One of his favorite places was the pine forests north, and likewise similar areas to the south. He was about 35 at the time of the murders
About Michelle - paraphrased from Droc's posts on BF

- Travelled in TT's taxi regularly
- Northbridge street worker
- Heroin addict
- Charged in WA for trafficking heroin (flying it in I assume) for a convicted murderer
- After CSK murders she moved to NSW and was arrested with a male over a shooting incident and got 5 years in prison. Post 1469.
- At one stage attended Palmerston Farm drug rehab which was in same road as JR dump site
- She was approximately 35 at the time of the murders
- I get the impression she was TT's girlfriend.

Droc's Address

Hard to pin down but it seems during the murders Droc lived at 435 Marmion St Myaree with his girlfriend Karen. It's unclear if he lived at one point at 31 Russell St Fremantle, or if this was Professor Newman's address?

There's also reference to addresses in Henderson and Hamilton Hill.

The Fire

The fire happened at some time shortly before 11 December 2014 when this article was published:

This is one of Droc's former places of residence and where I think he was living during the Claremont Killings.

Droc was interviewed by Macro on the 18th December 2014 and asked to provide DNA.
Other musings from Droc

I am somewhat different than than most people you would meet. I can only give you scant details about how I knew about the snuff movies and the secret room in the factory etc, but I can say that I discovered intimate details, and had such personal and intimate (whisper) details about the woman who for 15 years prior, had an unhealthy obsession with me. I gleaned much knowledge. Such detail that I can and seem unable to erase, an enactment of what happened in that secret room. The same apply s with gleaning details about the taxi driver, such as watching him take photo&#8217;s of blondes on the Fremantle streets, and parades, linked to his rage when his blonde sister dyed her hair black, and the flippant comment that &#8216;people are nothing but cattle.&#8217; to his boss of fifteen years prior when he worked in a slaughter house and that (quote his boss who had no knowledge of my suspicions) &#8220;it wold be just as easy to slash a humans throat.
The routine was this! The girl and he cruised in a cab until they spotted a girl. The girl would offer to share the cab making her feel secure, and then when in the cab, a stun gun was used. They were then driven to the factory where one or more were waiting, the killing and the filming was over before nights end, and the bodies were dumped just before daybreak and transported in the taxi, and with the girl sitting in the back acting as a passenger. They were not about sex, just a hatred for &#8216;rich little daddy&#8217;s brats,&#8217; to quote something the girl said on a previous occasion.

After each girl was murdered, several things happened. One guy left for the UK taking the snuff movie with him, and which is a small fortune on the black market and certain Arab countries. The taxi driver ceased driving cabs after about four weeks after each murder, and changed houses before the next murder, and also recommenced driving cabs, and the girl departed for the Eastern States after each murder; returning at different stages before the next murder, and the gaps between those departures was relative to the long gap between the murder of the 2nd girl, and the murder of the last girl.

Snuff movies are 20 min movies without voices, and old 45 style records and music. From the pick-up point, 15 min to the factory, 20 min plus 10 for filming and prep, and maximum 45 mins to disposal. Midnight as . a starting time, and time to take in some scenery, the body could have been dumped by as early as two o&#8217;clock.

Mystery man is of no relevance. The girl is a former prostitute, heroin addict, and was convicted here in WA once of trafficking heroin into the male prison to a convicted murderer. Her name is not relevant. She has ten of them according to her diaries. It is her image that will be found on the surveillance cameras, but only for the murder of Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon I have staked all on it and challenged the police to allow me to view them. I was refused. It&#8217;ds possible they also may have been accidentally destroyed.

It is difficult to answer those questions. I have an 120 page file on this. I overheard a conversation. For the moment please accept that both the police and media are aware Gajewski was there at the precise time she vanished, and later I will provide you with documentation to that effect.
Yes. Mr. Gajewski was working on the nights all three girls vanished. He was renting a shed at the rear of a property occupied by myself and girlfriend.
As it eventuated, the story he told myself and girlfriend about his movements that night conflicted with what he told the police, and which I discovered when he was interviewed by a journalist, and in company with a prominent private detective, Mick Buckley. In that interview he also denied he had been interviewed by the Task Force, thereby unknowingly revealing that the police assurance he was interviewed as a result of my information provided, was a lie. He was not officially interviewed by the police until 2011.

I have repeatedly accused the police of lying about an interview, in person, and in writing. The alibi the police say he has, amounts to a story involving a drunk who was never identified, and can't be located - because he does not exist. The time frame that the alleged drunk covers, is the actual period where Ciara Glennon was in the cab. A female was used to lure the girls into the cab. Snuff movies were made in a factory in East Fremantle. These are open and public accusations I have made. I would be charged with criminal slander if they were not compromised.
One of the people who I say was involved will be seen on the video surveillance camera, but the police have consistantly refused to allow me to view it. An 80 page registered submission I made to the Commisioner, vanished after it was signed for by the police. I have a copy of their signature.
In an interview with the police and myself it was admitted tat Gajewski had no alibi. I attempted to get a copy of my own interview under freedom of information. It was denied. As early as last week I was informed by the police that (quote)unfortunately that recorded interview was accidentally destroyed.
Droc's whole theory is based on 3 things:

1. TT's dodgy alibi;
a. TT let slip that he was in Claremont on the night of CG's disappearance.
b. TT allegedly claimed he left Claremont about midnight.....then allegedly changed it later to 11:50...and later on to 11:40 (changed it when talk to Droc rather than the Police)
c. He also said at one point he got a fare to Subi and then contradicted this by saying he went back to his place in East Freo to smoke a doob.
d. With the fare to Subi, TT allegedly then picked up someone off the street. The passenger was drunk and troublesome so TT pressed his silent alert to base button that lets base know there is a problem (no GPS tracking or cameras in those days). He then stops at a police station (approx 12:40) leaving the drunk in his cab. He goes into cop shop, comes out 5 mins later and drunk has disappeared.

Droc's theory is; TT picked up a fare, drove to Subi, cam back, picked up CG, murdered her, put her in the boot, pressed the alert to base button, went to cop shop to establish alibi.

2. The discrepancy between how many times TT was interviewed by police. Droc had his knickers in a twist because TT told him once and told someone else never and police say twice.

It's fanciful to think this has any real relevance.

3. That David Caporn was hiding Droc's info because at the time Caporn was up for a promotion and any adverse publicity would put his promotion in jeopardy.
This is certainly possible when we consider Caporn's track record, but surely the easiest way to stifle Droc's complaints about police incompetence and corruption would be to use his information to catch the CSK? All of a sudden Droc is happy and withdraws any complaints, the investigation progresses, and maybe the killer is caught?

It's interesting that TT was allegedly interviewed in 2011 and asked of his whereabouts on the nights of all 3 abductions. What made police go back and have a look after Commissioner Matthews wrote to Droc saying he was satisfied there was nothing to investigate?
Out of curiosity- how would screen printing fit in with the TT/Michelle theory? Or would one need to assume that BC is not 100% on details?

I wish Droc had posted his complete file before he passed away. Maybe one of his high ranking supporters now has it?

I really wish he had uploaded his complete file, never understood why he didnt given the edfort he went through. I Think he managed to upload a fair bit to BF anyway so it ended up being quite comprehensive.

I have always wondered in the back of my mind if one day they will solve this case and Droc aka Noel Coward would turn out being right and the WA Police would end up becoming the laughing stock of the Policing world. It would never surprise me, he seemed to have done quite a thorough investigation.

One thing that always felt strange was the house burning down in I beleive Myaree? Didnt sit right and made me always think he may have been onto something.

You have to give it to the man, he had everything covered in the case, and I mean everything. Body locations, secret industrial rooms, the female passenger to lure.. It was a facinating story.

Anyone reading this forum know Noel Coward aka Droc and have his complete file they care to share? I think we would all love to read it. It would be good if iknowwhatudid could be the guy pushing Drocs story here, maybe you could collect all his old files from the BF thread and repost his evidence for us to analyse. We need a Droc supporter.
Bart, I loved Drocs story, post absolutely everything you have inc any private messages. He has passed so surely they can be made public. Thank you very much for taking the time to collect this information. It makes for a very exciting read
It was actually post on WS. Took me a long time to wade through Droc's ramblings. All I got for it was some psycho accusing me of being in cahoots with Droc as the CSK.

That is because the person you were most likely speaking to was one of the accused, surely that sprang to mind.

I highly doubt TT ane co would have sat idly by whilst Noel aka Droc served up a shitstorm smearing their identities all over some of the most popular forums in Australia. Its highly likely they caught on to the forum/thread, created accounts, and challenged Drocs account of events. I know I certainly would, even anonymously to discredit someone.
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