GUILTY MI - Gabby Barrett, 4, dies of burns, Sumpter Twp, 1 Jan 2018 *B. Fields GUILTY*

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This is only my personal opinion, and I certainly respect others who may disagree with me. My opinion is based on being a survivor of childhood abuses as well as DV in my adulthood. We MUST STOP making excuses for the 'moms' who are equally involved in heinous abuses against their children. If some continue to make excuses for the female.... the grossly abused and murdered children will continue to be betrayed by those in society who may think this way. We MUST hold the 'mom' fully accountable for their own hideous actions/criminal acts..just like we do when a male is involved. To not do so, we are failing the very children so many in society say they care deeply about.

When I see a case such as Gabby's and there is a man involved in the crime along with the child's mother, I cringe, because I know the excuses will come rushing forth for the mom. No mom who does something like this ever deserves any sympathy. NONE! They deserve to be treated the same as the male evildoer involved.

I don't know how many times we have to see or read about cases like this to know, and realize there are very bad, sadistic, cruel moms out there who do unimaginable heinous acts against their child/children. The statistics are there for all to see in black and white. The myth that females or moms are the gentler kinder sex should be put to rest for it simply isn't true. We here at WS know it is not. When 70% of all maltreatment perpetrated against children involves a mother that should be an eye opener of the epidemic countless children are facing each year. I realize those facts are brutal and hard to digest but we must all take them into consideration every time we see another horrible case involving a mother and/or her live in. We cannot coddle nor make excuses for the very ones who are constantly involved in horrific cases like Gabby's.

No one can have the wherewithal to torture their own child unless they too are evilly corrupt inside. They are even worse than their co-conspirator, imo, because all mothers are expected to protect their child/children no matter the cost.

This so called mom is as guilty as her evil counterpart. Imo, no one forced her to abuse Gabby over and over again. She simply, like so many others before her... chose her boyfriend over the child she brought into this world. Gabby was a burden she did not want to carry and neither did the she bedded up with.

I have nothing but disdain for women like her. She was the only protection Gabby had and instead of protecting her like she deserved... she became the nightmare/monster Gabby feared. None of her story lines up and imo, LE isn't believing a word she has said. I guess she made pancakes among all of the filth, feces and urine. Imo, she made that up too as a self serving statement.

JMO though
Domestic violence is a great evil and apparently society is not doing enough to deal with it.

People want love. Some people believe that jealousy shows love. I see it where I live. It is a mark of how much someone is loved. The bruises.

I keep harping on this. If we changed schools from being punitive to having children problem solve, I think we could make a big change. Having children talk about feelings. No more shaming.

Shame is a big problem maker. Kids to ashamed to bring their friends home because of lots of issues. Kids shamed by parenfs and teachers.

There are plemty of studies out there that show these approaches work.

And parents must stop hitting their children. It teaches them that being hit is OK.
I know I read somewhere that in recent years domestic violence has declined but I am still looking for the link. It may be in the Bureau of Justice statistics PDF link at this same site. I also read that the killing of intimate partners has also declined.

I saw this though when I was searching and the part I highlighted its quite interesting and something I wasn't aware of until now.

The report examines violent crimes (rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault) and property crimes (household burglary, motor vehicle theft, and theft). It also includes data on domestic violence, intimate partner violence, injury to victims, and weapon use.


In 2016, U.S. residents age 12 or older experienced 5.7 million violent victimizations—a rate of 21.1 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 12 or older.
The rate of stranger violence (8.2 per 1,000 persons) was higher than the rate of intimate partner violence (2.2 per 1,000).
Unfortunately, Michigan doesn't have the death penalty. Life without parole will have to suffice.
Barrett spoke to WJBK about his daughter Sunday night at a candlelight vigil held in her memory.

“She didn’t have to pass the way she did, but I hope we get justice for her really soon,” Barrett said. “I know we may not have a lot of information at all, but it just hurts.”

Barrett told the Free Press that he last saw his daughter in September, just before turning himself in on an outstanding warrant. He was released from jail two days after his daughter died.

“I got to give her a kiss and a hug and say I loved her,” Barrett told the newspaper of that last visit.

A REMINDER: Gabby's father is a victim on this site and will be discussed accordingly. The two adults police believe are responsible for Gabby's murder are in custody.
I think one of the worst things I have a hard time stomaching in this case is Gabby's own mom tried to blame her murdered child. No child would dare get into scalding hot HOT that parts of Gabby's skin was found in the bathtub. HOT enough for her precious little toe to drop off. Gabby had to suffer so much before she died.

I will never become desensitized when it comes to little children like Gabby and so so many others like her who have also had to endure a horrifying painful death. It still stuns me at the depravity that can be done to the most defenseless among us by their viscous violent abusers.

Imo, she was held down being forced to sit in the scalding hot water until she became unresponsive. IMO, they premeditated to get rid of Gabby by scalding her to death, and that is why both are charged with first degree murder. Maybe Gabby knew secrets and they both knew she was getting old enough to tell someone?

Do we know if these two animals fled before or after Gabby was found?


IIRC, they were not there when Gabby was found unresponsive. So, imo, they left her to die alone.

They had already fled from their home before Gabby was found by other family members. If I have it wrong then I am sure another poster will give you the correct information.
In 2016, U.S. residents age 12 or older experienced 5.7 million violent victimizations—a rate of 21.1 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 12 or older.
The rate of stranger violence (8.2 per 1,000 persons) was higher than the rate of intimate partner violence (2.2 per 1,000).

This is kind of surprising to me and very interesting in lieu of data on young child victims and “known person” vs. stranger violence.


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IIRC, they were not there when Gabby was found unresponsive. So, imo, they left her to die alone.

They had already fled from their home before Gabby was found by other family members. If I have it wrong then I am sure another poster will give you the correct information.

Thank you! My blood boils every time I come near this story. Monsters. If the egg donor had actually been a victim as well, IMO she wouldn't have come up with this BS story. Don't you think?

O/T but just wanted to say my Marine was stationed at New River for quite a while! :D
It said the 4-year-old was found unresponsive and in cardiac arrest in the home's bathroom.

She also had bruises all over her body and severe "burns on her legs from the knee down, on her buttocks, posterior to both elbows," it said.

In the petition, state officials said police told them Gabrielle was so badly burnt, one of her big toes fell off her body.

According to the state, Michigan State Police investigators found "a large amount of melted skin in the bathtub drain."

snips from BDE's link - Graphic description of injuries beneath spoiler. CAUTION

I hoped and prayed I would never read about another innocent child suffering severely like Victoria Martens did here ever again. I just can’t understand how you could do this to another human being let alone your own child? How can you carry out and watch an innocent child suffer extreme pain?

If there is no death penalty in Michigan then I hope they take life without parole so that the jury and everyone in court is spared seeing evidence of what happened to Gabby. I would imagine law enforcement etc may need counselling after the horror they have seen.
I would imagine law enforcement etc may need counselling after the horror they have seen.

I thought the same. You know when a medical examiner that has been on the job for 27 years says it's the "worst child death case" that they've seen it's... horrific. That poor baby girl. :(
This is only my personal opinion, and I certainly respect others who may disagree with me. My opinion is based on being a survivor of childhood abuses as well as DV in my adulthood. We MUST STOP making excuses for the 'moms' who are equally involved in heinous abuses against their children. If some continue to make excuses for the female.... the grossly abused and murdered children will continue to be betrayed by those in society who may think this way. We MUST hold the 'mom' fully accountable for their own hideous actions/criminal acts..just like we do when a male is involved. To not do so, we are failing the very children so many in society say they care deeply about.

When I see a case such as Gabby's and there is a man involved in the crime along with the child's mother, I cringe, because I know the excuses will come rushing forth for the mom. No mom who does something like this ever deserves any sympathy. NONE! They deserve to be treated the same as the male evildoer involved.

I don't know how many times we have to see or read about cases like this to know, and realize there are very bad, sadistic, cruel moms out there who do unimaginable heinous acts against their child/children. The statistics are there for all to see in black and white. The myth that females or moms are the gentler kinder sex should be put to rest for it simply isn't true. We here at WS know it is not. When 70% of all maltreatment perpetrated against children involves a mother that should be an eye opener of the epidemic countless children are facing each year. I realize those facts are brutal and hard to digest but we must all take them into consideration every time we see another horrible case involving a mother and/or her live in. We cannot coddle nor make excuses for the very ones who are constantly involved in horrific cases like Gabby's.

No one can have the wherewithal to torture their own child unless they too are evilly corrupt inside. They are even worse than their co-conspirator, imo, because all mothers are expected to protect their child/children no matter the cost.

This so called mom is as guilty as her evil counterpart. Imo, no one forced her to abuse Gabby over and over again. She simply, like so many others before her... chose her boyfriend over the child she brought into this world. Gabby was a burden she did not want to carry and neither did the she bedded up with.

I have nothing but disdain for women like her. She was the only protection Gabby had and instead of protecting her like she deserved... she became the nightmare/monster Gabby feared. None of her story lines up and imo, LE isn't believing a word she has said. I guess she made pancakes among all of the filth, feces and urine. Imo, she made that up too as a self serving statement.

JMO though

Thank you for this, ocean.

I had to take a breather from this thread earlier. There is no room here for any good karma to be going Mom's way.
WHY? Why would anybody do this to a child? I will never, ever be able to understand this. When my daughter hurts,, I hurt. When we were putting our outside Christmas decorations up, she tripped on the sidewalk and busted up her knees (she loves to run). It was the worst fall she's had so far. She completely freaked out, to the point that we had to hold her down in order for me to be able to clean and bandage her wounds. Once we had her all set up with ice cream and a movie, I went to the garage and bawled. Seeing her like that broke my heart. I'm tearing up just typing this. I knew she'd be ok, but seeing the absolute fear in her eyes, with her little body shaking, really upset me. I don't understand how anyone can do things like these people did.

I hope BOTH of these people rot in prison for the rest of their miserable lives. Even having been in abusivve realationships myself, I can't muster up any sympathy for the mom. I think Fields was probably the main abuser here, but even if she never laid a hand on Gabby (I think she did), she allowed it to happen. There isn't a person walking this earth that would be able to harm my child and get away with it. I would die trying to save her.

There's no way Gabby went into that tub on her own. We don't have our water heater set high enough to injure anyone, but my child refuses to get in the tub if she sticks her toe in and thinks it's too hot. I'm pretty sure nobody but someone completely out of their mind would get into a tub with water that hot.

My daughter is 5, and has big, beautiful brown eyes just like little Gabby. I don't want to sound self centered or anything, but I don't think I can continue reading these threads. Every time I see them, I picture my own child, and I just cry. Gabby deserved so much better than this. Every child does. RIP sweet girl.
Unfortunately, Michigan doesn't have the death penalty. Life without parole will have to suffice.

Actually, “life without” is a tougher punishment, IMO fewer appeals allowed, longer time to have to contemplate their losses. I would possibly prefer death over having to stay behind bars for 60+ years.
Elise, thank you for contributing and caring. Some of our cases are too hard to follow, and I have had to walk away from them to save my own emotional control. Don’t feel bad about that. Your daughter is lucky to have such a good Mom —- as all our children deserve.
Actually, “life without” is a tougher punishment, IMO fewer appeals allowed, longer time to have to contemplate their losses. I would possibly prefer death over having to stay behind bars for 60+ years.
Morally, I'm okay with the DP in some cases, but it has so many legal and fiscal drawbacks. Ugh. It is definitely easier to get a conviction without it. LWOP is just as effective, with less notoriety and no escape from the reality of your bad choices, every day, for life.
IIRC, they were not there when Gabby was found unresponsive. So, imo, they left her to die alone.

They had already fled from their home before Gabby was found by other family members. If I have it wrong then I am sure another poster will give you the correct information.

One report (of many I read or saw) suggested that CD's mother had been trying to reach her and couldn't. Given the history of DV, her mother thought that CD might be injured and went to the home to check on her. CD and BF were gone.
One report (of many I read or saw) suggested that CD's mother had been trying to reach her and couldn't. Given the history of DV, her mother thought that CD might be injured and went to the home to check on her. CD and BF were gone.

:stormingmad: How could they?

Couple charged with murder, abuse of 4-year-old girl to be extradited

Updated 11:04 AM; Posted 10:38 AM

The Michigan couple who hid from police during a week-long manhunt that ended with their arrests in Georgia have waived their extradition hearings and will likely be transported back to Detroit in the next two to three weeks, the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office says.

The petition for removal of the 1-year-old notes abuse Gabrielle appears to have suffered, including burns in various stages of healing throughout her body; and a missing toe, presumably lost due to severe burns. It also said states police investigators found large amounts of melted skin in the bathtub drain, according to Channel 4 News.

The police chief wouldn't confirm or deny those details.

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