100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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From Beth Karas on Dr. Drew show: The jurors are submitting more questions as these questions are being answered.

How do they know they are submitting questions instead of just taking notes?
Her affect is so flat. Also, she doesn't realise that a more realistic answer to "were you jealous that Travis was taking another woman to Cancun" is yes. it would have been a normal emotion to have. IMO she thinks denying what's normal makes her seem less guilty and the opposite is true.

It's like the time my son and I were the only ones in the house and there were cookie crumbs on the coffee table and I asked him if he'd been eating a cookie and he replied, 'I don't like cookies.' uh huh, sure.

She's like a child denying the obvious.


Your observation is spot on :rocker: She's oblivious to the obvious. And....she lacks humility.

She grates on my every nerve. Even Casey didn't have this gnawing effect on me.
Watching DD makes me feel even more sad. He is sitting there with the devil in his lap, not knowing that SHE would be the one to take his life, and in such a horrific way.

I hate her even more now. UGH!! :furious::furious:

It makes me tear up. Even when talking he was still affectionate to her as she sat there like a bump on a log.

And when I see him pointing his finger to the right side of his forehead describing the gun being put to his head during the robbery is so haunting knowing he was shot in the head on the right side.:(
Actually, I think this is another Jodi projection issue. IIRC from those post-mortem pictures, which I tried really hard not to ever look at, didn't Travis have cuts on his ankles? So now Jodi says she did.

Was Jodi DNA ever found under TA's fingernails? This was the first we heard about ankle scratches,cuts whatever. TA had ankle / foot wounds consistent with having been dragged along the floor plus some bruises. IIRC
Believe me if Nurmi could have pushed that he would rather than this ridiculous bs she is spewing.

They said for her 'mental condition' meaning not remembering. I really think it was a sarcastic question.

She isnt insane............she is just a garden variety sociopath and the prisons are full of them.


Lol! And the funniest thing ever is, she's probably getting advice from all the sociopaths she's locked up with in "the big house"! Because, remember, they're all smarter than the rest of us...
Is there any way to watch tonight's Doctor Drew without a tv?

Not that I know of, however, at the moment you're not missing much. He's referring to JA laying in Travis' lap during the friends' video as a cat. Currently surrounded by several of mine, with one in my lap, I resent that comparison.


:tsktsk: Yeah, well, she snuck in a new improved grabbing the shelf in the closet lie today.

We gained a grabbed the shelf, but lost a holster on the gun.

Please do it again, Jurors. :poke:
Originally Posted by Allyne Smithe
... The timer button wouldn't come into play there--the choice is only 10 seconds or 2 seconds--and the continuous shoot function on that camera should have taken more photos closer together. See the review on the Sony DSC-H9. http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/sonyh9


Agree. I doubt the timer was intentionally set to take the pictures. To my understanding, a timer would take a series of photos with the same amount of time between each shot. Like every 10 seconds on the nose *click* after another 10 seconds exactly *click* and so forth.

Those photos seem taken at random intervals. So my guess is that it was being kicked and bumped around accidentally, triggering the snap-shots.

Again I say: Call it karma or whatever you will, but God doesn't like ugly.
This morning Jodi was asked did she leave her camera in the car or bring it in to do video of her and Travis together. She said both were true. I cann't remember the brands, but if I heard right she said that the larger camera that took videos was left in the car, and she always had the smaller camera that wasn't able to take video (which was brought in) in her purse. This baffles me. How does it make both statements true? If she left the camera that takes video in the car, how could of she taken video of them having sex together? Did anyone else catch this, or did I hear it wrong?

The larger camera left in the car can't take video, according to her. The small Olympus she keeps in her purse can. She's got an answer for everything.
Today she was into the word "de-edify"....which isn't a word.

Maybe she meant de-deify?? lol

de·i·fy (d-f, d-)
tr.v. dei·fied, dei·fy·ing, dei·fies
1. To make a god of; raise to the condition of a god.
2. To worship or revere as a god: deify a leader.
3. To idealize; exalt: deifying success.
Why the problem with her having a cut left ringer after the murder? She admits to stabbing him so why doesnt she just admit that she cut her finger at that time....of course the attack by Travis with the breaking of same finger might complicate things. Yea like that really happened

That finger is the only outward sign she claims to have of TA's abuse. She cannot admit injuring it that day at all or someone just might think that incident never happened and there goes her abuse claim.
I'm watching the new video on Dr. Drew again. I'm watching Jodi and she's fooling with her hair while she is pretending to be asleep on Travis' lap. Then she sits up and runs her fingers through her hair again. Obviously trying to fluff it up and make herself look "pretty" so the attention turns to her. She's such a bad actress.

This is just my opinion, but I find it highly inappropriate for her to be laying in his lap like that at a work conference. I know people hang on each other in public at times, but this is at a work conference in front of Travis' business associates.

The couple on Dr. Drew who provided the tape are on Dr. Drew tonight - and the girl just started tearing up and crying after Dr. Drew asked her what she thought went through Travis' head during his last minutes. Very sad.

I don't have access to the tv. Is there anywhere else where I can watch this show?
Today she was into the word "de-edify"....which isn't a word.

however, she is still sticking to her favorite: MY GOAL...it was or wasnt....depending on the question.....

as in: it wasnt my GOAL to deceive to protect myself....I was protecting Travis....

2 years to finally tell the truth about him, because, COUGH COUGH, she PROMISED Travis she wouldnt tell....*such a stellar person*

but jeez, having the DP on the table changed her mind....enough to try to blackmail our justice system (a lame attempt of course), by saying Oh, Ill take 2nd degree, thank you very much OR I will DE-EDIFY Travis and all those connected to him......
They said he had cuts on his feet and ankles last night.

So--that's all I know.

I understand. He had bruises and cuts but he wasn't cut with the knife. It was from the struggle. It's on the autopsy report.
I am concerned since the whole gun being loaded , or unloaded or if she dropped the damn camera.. Those things do not fit into the first degree murder theory, do they???
this must mean some of the jurors must think it went down the way she told it..I wish JM would have used the photos with the time stamps - maybe his closing and rebuttal will clear it up. personally, the travis gun thing and the dropping of the camera i dont believe for a second.

i know there is more questions but where is the first degree pre-meditated questions??? its all leaning toward the dropping the camera and his reaction-

I think she dropped the camera.

I do not believe that she could have held it while she was carving him up and slicing through his throat, not to mention shooting him "with both hands".

She dropped it alright.

But he never knew nor cared.

He was too busy trying to fend off her stabbings and slashings.

The jurors should study the defensive wounds on Mr. Alexander's hands.

I will repeat what I have always maintained, which is that Mr. Alexander was either unable or unwilling to harm a single hair on the head of that lying torture-murderess.
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