120 TES Search Areas "Cleared". Yes or No ?

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Do you feel all search areas of Interest are really "Cleared" ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 12.3%
  • No

    Votes: 291 76.0%
  • I Don't Know

    Votes: 45 11.7%

  • Total voters
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Same for us. For illustrative purposes i will attached an example of an area one might have searched. The yellow line is the space that would have been searched. The tons and tons of green is areas that would have been on restricted property and not allowed to be searched by the weekend search teams. Even if a group leader really, really, really wanted to check the long strip of road in the middle of the pic (starting with the blurry red arrow at the bottom and moving up), because KC could have backed her car up, tossed the bag over the fence, walked or climbed over, walked 200 yards back, and tossed the bag into the woods, the group would not have been able to do so, because team leaders were told not to go onto restricted areas not specifically authorized. Let's say there was a new lock on the fence, but it was like a cow gate, very easy to climb over. (Or it might have been unlocked at that time, and she could have driven up that road (way, way, way off the beaten path, no one uses that building and there's nothing around). But the hypothetical team leader followed the rules and did not enter that area, although it was clearly the best location to search of that quadrant, that would obviously leave lots of area that should be of interest.

Tks for the pic and summery.
Casey wouldn't respect the sign, she's find a way to go in or around it.
So that area wasn't searched...OMG
Dogs need to search that area....
My concern is- our last search site consisted of a wooded area behind a subdivision. Several teams showed up and searched a portion. When we were going to complete a certain area I was told by a team leader we could not go in due to area being a "conservation area" and not to disturb. We were called off the search. I thought it odd, cause I am sure KC could have cared less and avoided the area. Seemed liked the more feasible area due to being behind a small playground w/parking area. So our search grid was not completed and no way considered "clear".

IN Aruba Tim/TES got RIPPED for disturbing a habitat of protected turtles.:confused:
Maybe they are trying to avoid that same situation again?
Just a thought.
I have to say that I'm a bit dismayed but still have respect for TES. I am a bit dismayed at the fact that in two days they claim to have cleared all the areas, however, with that being said they said they don't "clear" an area until they have searched it three separate times.
Iowa, I know right?! It's almost like we are back in high school with all the "catty" back and forth.

I couldn't agree more - it does sound like high school - with Cindy the annoited queen picking who will be in the popular crowd - and if she doesn't like you she will banish you from the in crowd in which Tim was banished for awhile - now with all the info coming out, it seems like Tim sold a little bit of his soul to save face and threw LP under the bus

I so badly want to see Cindy's crown taken away - honestly she's made this whole fiasco so difficult - I know it's harsh but she needs to have the stage knocked out from under her, to have her humbled - to bring this whole thing back to earth - Cindy has forgotten that this is about Caylee not HER
I voted no, because they weren't here long enough. Why does Tim continue to cut out early? He never does what he promises. It's getting really old. There is so much B.S. going on in this case it's baffling. Is everyone in this for the money? What in the heck was Tim (not) thinking last night? That performance was sickening, IMO. I don't care what's going on behind the scenes. When TM is hobnobbing with Nejame and hugging and being sweet to cindy, and allowing her spy, Nejame in on all the search efforts, he and I are not on the same team.

I voted NO as well. I have to agree with your post. Don't you think the search for Caylee would have been more cost efficient had he hung in and completed the job?

One day he won't be going back to Orlando to search...the next day he is going back. He refused to be a guest on the NG show...last night (surprise:eek:) he was back on.

It's really unimportant to me whether the statements he made about LP are true or not. The point is, he divulged what I am sure LP thought was a private conversation between the two of them.
GRACE: Natisha Lance is joining us in Orlando. She was at the search all weekend.

Tell me about the search, Natisha.

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, they were able to clear 23 of these 132 areas that Mark Williams was talking about and they were searching that 200-square-mile once again, Nancy. They were searching Moss Park, J. Blanchard Park, wooded areas near the Anthony home as well as wooded areas near the Orlando airport.

Now, today they covered another, smaller area, which was the Econ trail, which is near Highway 417. And once again, like Mark Williams was saying, members of EquuSearch will be going on to North Carolina but they are still planning to come back and continue the search for Caylee.

GRACE: To Kathi Belich with WFTV -- Kathi, this is a very long and exhaustive search. What do you believe is the next step?

ok here is what i was looking for. So how can all be cleared if 23 of 132 were all they were able to do?
Here is the link for those who would like to read all of it.
I vote no
I was one of the searchers in group 2 for a place off Goldenrod, there was thich wood and a swamp area. First I thought we were suppose to have flags to flag off if we found something, not so. Our group leader did not even have flags. I first found a clorox plastic bottle that had been there a little while, it was fadded a little. I remembered KC had bought clorox at one of the stores, also remember GA saying KC car had Arm-n hammer in it. I called for anyone to come check out the clorox, no one had flags. Finally we got a flag to flag it, but how could anyone see it because it was in the woods? So my sister and I went to the other side of the area which was a swamp area with lots of elephant ears very overgrown, I was positive the area had not been searched. I could see a spot of something blue down in the swamp area at a tree. We chopped our way in and there was a dark blue childs sleeping bag, also a light blue blanket. This time I ran and got the sheriff that was standing around talking. He came over to the spot , would not go down into the swamp with me,and said , " oh I saw that months ago, it is from homeless people.The area had not been flagged off, nor would he flag it then. He then said again the baby was not in this area, he said kc was to smart to put the baby here! He said Ks was way to smart, said the baby was in a dump never would be found! I knew this spot had not been checked because we had to chop down a lot bushes to even go into the swamp to check it. No one had been there I was sure of because it would have been flagged. How can the baby ever be found with things like this happening. He made me sick braging about how smart this killer of this baby is. I don't believe anyone went back out to that area to even check the flags. This all makes me so sick the way the search is going.I know I misspelled a lot of words, once I started writting between the tears and trying to get it said I wanted to post.
Added: I worry about the childs sleeping bag, It may have nothing to do with baby C, but what aboyut the duket baby? What about other missing children, a childs sleeping bag in a swamp, something is just not right here.

WOW! I hate to sound pessimistic: but IMHO maybe they are friends of George and will sabotage any search,
he has friends in the legal system, he is an ex LE.
What you described does not sound professional, it kind of sound like a haphazard search.

Seems to me George knew there was something in that car that smelled like death,
and yet he is talking that Caylee is alive...
IMHO he is just trying to save his daughter at this point. and may have convinced his Buddy's that
Caylee could not be dead, nothing is impossible; it is likely that an honest search will never happen. :(

Sick Casey could have also put the baby where alligators can get her. OUCH!!
I do not believe that George wants to see his daughter in-prison for life.
I do believe that they are great at shifting the attention elsewhere.
GRACE: Natisha Lance is joining us in Orlando. She was at the search all weekend.

Tell me about the search, Natisha.

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, they were able to clear 23 of these 132 areas that Mark Williams was talking about and they were searching that 200-square-mile once again, Nancy. They were searching Moss Park, J. Blanchard Park, wooded areas near the Anthony home as well as wooded areas near the Orlando airport.

Now, today they covered another, smaller area, which was the Econ trail, which is near Highway 417. And once again, like Mark Williams was saying, members of EquuSearch will be going on to North Carolina but they are still planning to come back and continue the search for Caylee.

GRACE: To Kathi Belich with WFTV -- Kathi, this is a very long and exhaustive search. What do you believe is the next step?

ok here is what i was looking for. So how can all be cleared if 23 of 132 were all they were able to do?
Here is the link for those who would like to read all of it.

Thanks for that info. I didn't think Tim cleared all 120+ sites. That being said, I still stand by my assessment that even those 23 areas, due to the information we've had about problems at certain grids, are not totally clear.
Tks for the pic and summery.
Casey wouldn't respect the sign, she's find a way to go in or around it.
So that area wasn't searched...OMG
Dogs need to search that area....

What was so saddening is that there are lots of areas like this. Even with 2000 searchers over 2 days, we only could cover a small portion. (That's not TES's fault, it's just the fault of how large some areas are, and how difficult they are to search. )

I really hope she's found by the divers.
I was there this weekend and wondered often how they determine and area is "cleared". Someone/a team (one person, or one team, on a line search) searching and not finding anything doesn't seem adequate to me. What we are looking for at this point could be SO TINY that 4 people could walk past, and the 5th might see it. The areas I searched personally were so thick with underbrush, overgrowth (I'm 5'8, was up to my armpits at times), and dead plants on the ground that it was nearly impossible at times.

I don't recall TM saying that all 120-ish areas were cleared.

I am IN NO WAY knocking TM/TES. I think it was a mistake to talk up how huge this search was going to be; I think that deterred many people who would have come so more area could be searched and "cleared". I think it was a mistake to say WE WILL FIND CAYLEE...I understand that he was trying to build morale, but in the end he heightened expectations and let lots of people down, with a bad taste in their mouth. I wish he had not left prior to Tuesday, which was the original date, but I also don't expect Tim to tell a family that he can't search for their loved one (who may be alive) because he's busy looking for Caylee, who we all (well, most) know is gone. I'm sure has thought about all this...

Maybe there was some sort of hierarchy, areas that LE REALLY wanted searched, then other "not so important" areas? I could make sense of the areas we were searching, based on cell phone pings, but it's my understanding that others had no idea why they were in a certain area.

I think it is easy to find someone to blame in all of this...right now, for some people, it is to blame TM/TES for their decision. TM did not kill Caylee, nor did he dump her body in some undisclosed location; he is a good Samaritan trying to find her. Never forget where the blame really lies, please. This is exactly what the A's and defense team want.

We don't live in a perfect world; if we did we wouldn't need TES...I think Tim does the best he can, with the resources he has/is given....and I'm sure he'll be back. Despite all this, I still feel like I was part of something larger than myself, and I hope we accomplished something this weekend. I think we did. :)

ETA: I'm a member of TES now and whole-heartedly support their mission. I don't think I'll be able to make it back to Orlando, at least not until after the holidays (and, dang, I hope they find Caylee by then) but I would be HONORED to search with TM and TES again!
I voted NO!

I was certain I remembered Tm saying that there were approximately 130 areas of interest, based on the ping logs, and that they had searched about half. And would make it a goal to complete the rest as time/volunteers permitted.

Unless he managed to cover the other half unbeknowst to the rest of us, I definitely don't think he has "cleared" every place.
I couldn't agree more - it does sound like high school - with Cindy the annoited queen picking who will be in the popular crowd - and if she doesn't like you she will banish you from the in crowd in which Tim was banished for awhile - now with all the info coming out, it seems like Tim sold a little bit of his soul to save face and threw LP under the bus

I so badly want to see Cindy's crown taken away - honestly she's made this whole fiasco so difficult - I know it's harsh but she needs to have the stage knocked out from under her, to have her humbled - to bring this whole thing back to earth - Cindy has forgotten that this is about Caylee not HER

IMHO Cindy know that Caylee is gone, so she is shifting the attention anywhere she can.
she is not the anointed queen, she is just fighting to keep Casey from getting the needle or a life in prison.
IMO she and George will move mountains to keep Casey's case in doubt.
That is their ultimate goal. JMO
I voted NO. I just don't think every inch of an area can be covered so quickly when searching for such a little body, especially with passage to time and conditions.

Nope. It saddens me to feel this way. I am disappointed in TES right now.
I'm not *bashing* anybody, but the facts stand. TM said he was doing very careful planning and was going to stay until Tuesday to complete the plan for this particular search. I assume since he is a professional there was a reason he wanted to stay until Tuesday. Forget about *never leaving until he finds Caylee*, that was just talk and I understand the passion. But he cut his trip way short and I haven't heard a logical explanation. Even the people who say he drank the Kool-aid, well, he'd already been explosed to that two or three times and when he came back for this search he SAID he would do the job at hand NO MATTER what pressure he got. How hard is it for a professional man to just do the job with LE support and not go all wobbly immediately?

Makes no sense. No sense at all.
I vote no
I was one of the searchers in group 2 for a place off Goldenrod, there was thich wood and a swamp area. First I thought we were suppose to have flags to flag off if we found something, not so. Our group leader did not even have flags. I first found a clorox plastic bottle that had been there a little while, it was fadded a little. I remembered KC had bought clorox at one of the stores, also remember GA saying KC car had Arm-n hammer in it. I called for anyone to come check out the clorox, no one had flags. Finally we got a flag to flag it, but how could anyone see it because it was in the woods? So my sister and I went to the other side of the area which was a swamp area with lots of elephant ears very overgrown, I was positive the area had not been searched. I could see a spot of something blue down in the swamp area at a tree. We chopped our way in and there was a dark blue childs sleeping bag, also a light blue blanket. This time I ran and got the sheriff that was standing around talking. He came over to the spot , would not go down into the swamp with me,and said , " oh I saw that months ago, it is from homeless people.The area had not been flagged off, nor would he flag it then. He then said again the baby was not in this area, he said kc was to smart to put the baby here! He said Ks was way to smart, said the baby was in a dump never would be found! I knew this spot had not been checked because we had to chop down a lot bushes to even go into the swamp to check it. No one had been there I was sure of because it would have been flagged. How can the baby ever be found with things like this happening. He made me sick braging about how smart this killer of this baby is. I don't believe anyone went back out to that area to even check the flags. This all makes me so sick the way the search is going.I know I misspelled a lot of words, once I started writting between the tears and trying to get it said I wanted to post.
Added: I worry about the childs sleeping bag, It may have nothing to do with baby C, but what aboyut the duket baby? What about other missing children, a childs sleeping bag in a swamp, something is just not right here.

That is very disturbing. I am beginning to believe that LE feels they have enough to get a conviction and the body is secondary in this case. That or the particular officer did not know what he was supposed to be doing.
I'm not *bashing* anybody, but the facts stand. TM said he was doing very careful planning and was going to stay until Tuesday to complete the plan for this particular search. I assume since he is a professional there was a reason he wanted to stay until Tuesday. Forget about *never leaving until he finds Caylee*, that was just talk and I understand the passion. But he cut his trip way short and I haven't heard a logical explanation. Even the people who say he drank the Kool-aid, well, he'd already been explosed to that two or three times and when he came back for this search he SAID he would do the job at hand NO MATTER what pressure he got. How hard is it for a professional man to just do the job with LE support and not go all wobbly immediately?

Makes no sense. No sense at all.

He called the search off Sunday after lunch. The "staying until Tuesday" evidently was because of pressure exerted by people who donated to him.

I don't understand why there were not maps and flags for all the searchers when they had been in Orlando 5 days prior to the Saturday search.
WOW!!! 87% WSer's .... resounding "NO" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone forward this to TES!
He called the search off Sunday after lunch. The "staying until Tuesday" evidently was because of pressure exerted by people who donated to him.

I don't understand why there were not maps and flags for all the searchers when they had been in Orlando 5 days prior to the Saturday search.

Interesting, I hadn't thought of that. So you think he didn't really need to stay till Tues to cover the areas but just gave that schedule because of pressure from the community? Interesting!
I know for a certainty that team leaders and teams were instructed to leave an area before anyone had arrived to evaluate their flagged bones. Confirmation that these bones were appraised is questionable now.

I realize my assurance isn't required to declare an area as "cleared" . . . but it's enough to make me hit the "no" button on this poll.
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