16 Different Versions of Darlie's story

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I'm not. Only the bloody knife leaving the body and flinging cast off.
Wearing a white t shirt new shirt new angle of stabbing. See which direction cast off gets on the same place as the shirt Darlie was wearing.

I would like to know your hours of study on blood drops drips, flings, cast off and arterial.
The fact is, you are guessing. Unfortunately, you are very far off.
Everyone is worried about her 16 different versions of what happened, right? Myself, I would be worried that each time she answered the question she said exactlythe same reply!! Why? If you were planning a murder wouldn't you make sure you knew it so well you would say exactly the same reply each time? And even if your answer didn't make sense to the investigator, you could say that is how I recall it. Someone whose story is changing shows a lack of rehearsing. Think about that!
I don't know if you've actually researched the stories Darlie has told about the supposed intruder, but she either fought with him in the middle of the living room (accounting for the damage there) or she fought with him on the sofa, or she woke up with him on top of her, or she woke up with him on top of her while he was running a knife across her face, or she fought with him at the kitchen counter. On the stand Darlie finally had to take refuge in the 'traumtic amnesia' cop-out and claim she couldn't remember any attack.
Everyone is worried about her 16 different versions of what happened, right? Myself, I would be worried that each time she answered the question she said exactlythe same reply!! Why? If you were planning a murder wouldn't you make sure you knew it so well you would say exactly the same reply each time? And even if your answer didn't make sense to the investigator, you could say that is how I recall it. Someone whose story is changing shows a lack of rehearsing. Think about that!

You can't rehearse your answers when they have to account for the evidence that contradicts your "original statement". This is IMO why she had so many different stories.
I don't know if you've actually researched the stories Darlie has told about the supposed intruder, but she either fought with him in the middle of the living room (accounting for the damage there) or she fought with him on the sofa, or she woke up with him on top of her, or she woke up with him on top of her while he was running a knife across her face, or she fought with him at the kitchen counter. On the stand Darlie finally had to take refuge in the 'traumtic amnesia' cop-out and claim she couldn't remember any attack.

I never remember or can find in her statements saying a fight occurred anywhere except while she was being attacked which according to her was the sofa.
Where are her statements that a fight occurred in the middle of the room or in the kitchen I haven't seen or heard that before, only that she tried to fight off her attacker. The living room besides having blood all over it had only an overturned coffee table top and a lamp shade ascew. The lack of evidence any fight took place in the middle of the room was why police said she only took the coffee table top(glass) and turned it over. She had to grab the underside of the table to turn it over turn if she even if she was staging it. That glass is pretty thick so it would be heavy and require someone to grab the table top from the underside to move it. Just try and move anything heavy and flat. Notice how you have to grab it to get a hold on it.
Where is the knife across the face statement.

Question?? Was the underside of the table dusted for prints and if yes were they Darlies? If yes I predict at least 4 fingers would have been used as the thumb would remain on top.You couldn't flip it over with just a finger or two. I loaned out and never got back my copy of MTJD. I know it had a photo of the table overturned.
The books written about the case and the transcripts.

The "facts" written in books both pro and con do not match the evidence.

In one book the writer states that stab wounds penetrated all the way thru the body but the autopsy reports indicate that was false. I think that was Hush Little Babies. The writer has now withdrawn her statements.
There is also some false facts produced by both sides and perpetrated as facts in forums like this one.

I used to believe everything pro-Darlie but now I am relying on only facts that can be proven (forensic evidence) by the trial testimony or sworn statements.
Not ignore, just take with a grain of salt.


Both sides have an agenda and in order to be objective I must recognize that.
You can't rehearse your answers when they have to account for the evidence that contradicts your "original statement". This is IMO why she had so many different stories.

Good point! I'm staying out of it cause it's like beating a dead horse already. Enough is enough! :rolleyes:
I'm a first-time poster in this section. My name is Devon, and as weird as it is to say, this case has always resonated with me because of that. Now that I'm a mother, doubly so.

Anyway, I have a few questions I can't seem to find the answer for, and this seems to be the most active thread.

First, I see reference to a thread regarding members' theories on Darlie's motives. Can anyone point me to a link? As much as it's unfathomable to me that a mother could do this, I also don't see this as the poster-case for a stranger killing. No theft. No rape. Incapacitating the weakest people in the house first, silent dog, suddenly heavy sleeper Darlie, etc, etc.

I know I need to read the transcripts, but my journey is just beginning here. Reading Darlie's various accounts, it seems like little Damon was up and following his mother around (?) prior to his death--that she didn't even notice his gaping wounds at first. Then she said that she told him to rest on his stomach. Do the forensics bear this out? I'm also not sure, in that situation, that I'd have the presence of mind to tell my boys to lie on their bellies. I mean, that's neither here or there, but I think without medical knowledge, my instincts as a mom would be to put the child on his back and tell them to apply pressure while I called 911. Again, it probably means nothing, but I was struck by it because...

...in the position where Damon was found, where was his head pointing? I swear I read once it was toward the front door. It's a bit tough to tell in the crime scene layout. Is that true, or a surmisation? The thing that has always stood out to me is that Damon was crawling as if it escape. Escape out, where the "killer(s)" might be, instead of getting to his mother and seeking her protection.

I don't know. Thinking of their last moments makes me physically ill. I've heard so many stories about Damon's actions right before his death and there seems to be a lot of inconsistencies. To me, the one where she tells him to rest on his belly seems the most troubling, because it could be construed as an attempt to his explain his movement and explain away a second attempt to kill him. I know we weren't there, but to have him up and about and then dead on the spot facing away from the murder room...it just seems odd to me.

Sorry that was long. I'm mainly trying to work out the scenario in my head. I'm new at this.
Im new at WS in general myself, I came over here to discuss this specific case and got tied up for several days reading the transcripts (then didnt come back here for a long time!).

IIRC the forensic evidence didn't 100% tie into Darlies version(s) of the story of what happened that night. Im sure other more knowledgeable posters can answer specifics. I do recommend reading the trial transcripts though, IMO they are very telling albeit a long read.

As far as Damon's movements, I completely agree and it is this movement that makes the darlie did it theory more likely for me. I think she stabbed and killed Devon and in doing so got many of her bruises (if you watch the leeza show exerpt the juror on there said that is what the jury believed- she got the bruises from devon kicking her - he had bruised heels and two defensive cuts). she then went and stabbed Damon twice. Then she went and depositied the sock, cut the screen, etc. She then cut herself, washing the knife before she does so, removing all but a trace of Devon's blood from the knife. when she went back in to do more staging and plant blood evidence in the family room, she saw damon had crawled some distance and then stabbed him again. The timeline of his 9 minutes starts then, not with his original stabbing, which gives her more than enough time to finish staging the evidence, brake the glass, scream for Darin and call 911.
Somewhere in there, she leaves the knife on the carpet, leaving the imprint, but I need more info on where the knife imprint was- I cannot remember specifially enough to place it in the timeline. My thought would be it was while she was getting the sock to dip in the boys blood and it would have been found by where Damon was orginally laying.
Feel free to add or tell me where I have gone wrong- it is just my opinion from all that I have read.

On another note- I am curious as to the many stories I have read about what happened before darin went to sleep- I have heard a divorce fight (numerous references- cannot pin down source), they had sex on the couch after going into the hot tub (Barbara Davis's book) and just words with some kissing(Darlie's official story). This bothers me almost as much as the many different stories of the murder- something is being covered up there- if they did have sex/hot tub- that could explain the missing panties. The big fight theory would add a lot to the motive because of Darlie's histrionic tendencies. I'd like to hear some theories/facts yall have heard about this!
I think the problem with this case is Darlie is not a sympathetic victim. We don't automatically 'like her' when we see her. I can't explain those statements, but I don't think it's a good enough reason to convict someone of murder.

I read everything thing I could get my hands on on this case without ever watching any of the vids. I saw a couple of still photos of her taken in jail, that was it. I could not understand how this woman was ever convicted. She was so obviously not guilty, what happened? Was it a police mess up and they made the evidence fit what they wanted it to be? I really couldn't understand. I still don't completely understand. By reading the reports, by reading what others have written, I could not have convicted her based on what I read and what I believed to be true.

The discrepancies in her accounts of the attack and the time immediately following the attack could easily be explained by the horrific injuries she suffered. She almost died. Then there is PPSD and survivors guilt. All those things explain away any little changes in her story (to me).

Then I viewed a few of the vids used by LE to help convict her and it worked, with in minutes I was ranting (at my PC) about this beotch who was trying to get away with murdering her kids! WHAT? I can't explain it. She didn't come off as sincere, there was something about her.

I took a couple of giant steps backwards, I still don't feel in my heart, from reading the evidence, that she is guilty of anything. I know those of you who feel she is guilty can't "undo" the damage done by watching Darlie in motion. All I can suggest is you reread the initial reports. Read the out cry and other witness statements. Keep an open mind.

Guilty or innocent it is wiser to give her a new trial, then to let her conviction stand and carry out her sentence and sometime down the road discover an innocent woman was put to death.
I really don't think an innocent women is going to be put to death. There is no indication of anyone else committing this crime, there has been no DNA linked to anyone but Darlie and all of the evidence that has been presented in court lead to the finding of guilt.

There is only one true story of any account. The true story. If you have to change your story 16 times to "fit the every increasing" evidence discovered against you, then you are guilty and trying to "fit your "new" stories with the evidence.

The story of when she first woke up is very telling, the 911 call also.

There are just too many stories to believe Darlie. Of course a person may may "make" slight mistakes or variations in their story, but not the material details.

it is funny that Darlie remember details right after the incident, days and weeks and months, but on the witness stand, she just forgot all of those "incriminating" details.

Again, I have zero doubt that Darlie is guilty.
I'm a first-time poster in this section. My name is Devon, and as weird as it is to say, this case has always resonated with me because of that. Now that I'm a mother, doubly so.

Anyway, I have a few questions I can't seem to find the answer for, and this seems to be the most active thread.

First, I see reference to a thread regarding members' theories on Darlie's motives. Can anyone point me to a link? As much as it's unfathomable to me that a mother could do this, I also don't see this as the poster-case for a stranger killing. No theft. No rape. Incapacitating the weakest people in the house first, silent dog, suddenly heavy sleeper Darlie, etc, etc.

I know I need to read the transcripts, but my journey is just beginning here. Reading Darlie's various accounts, it seems like little Damon was up and following his mother around (?) prior to his death--that she didn't even notice his gaping wounds at first. Then she said that she told him to rest on his stomach. Do the forensics bear this out? I'm also not sure, in that situation, that I'd have the presence of mind to tell my boys to lie on their bellies. I mean, that's neither here or there, but I think without medical knowledge, my instincts as a mom would be to put the child on his back and tell them to apply pressure while I called 911. Again, it probably means nothing, but I was struck by it because...

...in the position where Damon was found, where was his head pointing? I swear I read once it was toward the front door. It's a bit tough to tell in the crime scene layout. Is that true, or a surmisation? The thing that has always stood out to me is that Damon was crawling as if it escape. Escape out, where the "killer(s)" might be, instead of getting to his mother and seeking her protection.

I don't know. Thinking of their last moments makes me physically ill. I've heard so many stories about Damon's actions right before his death and there seems to be a lot of inconsistencies. To me, the one where she tells him to rest on his belly seems the most troubling, because it could be construed as an attempt to his explain his movement and explain away a second attempt to kill him. I know we weren't there, but to have him up and about and then dead on the spot facing away from the murder room...it just seems odd to me.

Sorry that was long. I'm mainly trying to work out the scenario in my head. I'm new at this.

This is what proves to me Darlie is a psycopath. Damon was not walking behind her at all..with six stab wounds into his back and his internal organs. Who does she think she's trying to kid? Yet, in the face of evidence to the contrary, Darlie will look you straight in the eyes and lie that he was following her and she told him to stay back.

The blood trail proves that Damon was stabbed in his original position in front of the couch Darlie was allegedly sleeping on, then at the wall to the entryway where he was stabbed again and stopped...his blood and Darlie's blood were found on the wall there. He was probably trying to get away but he was dragging himself, not walking and talking.

You'd need to go back at least a year prior to the murders to discover the motive...it's tied up in the family dynamic. This is domestic violence...no one knows what Darlie's motive was but we can speculate.

I too have zero doubt that Darlie is guilty
As far as Damon's movements, I completely agree and it is this movement that makes the darlie did it theory more likely for me. I think she stabbed and killed Devon and in doing so got many of her bruises (if you watch the leeza show exerpt the juror on there said that is what the jury believed- she got the bruises from devon kicking her - he had bruised heels and two defensive cuts). she then went and stabbed Damon twice. Then she went and depositied the sock, cut the screen, etc. She then cut herself, washing the knife before she does so, removing all but a trace of Devon's blood from the knife. when she went back in to do more staging and plant blood evidence in the family room, she saw damon had crawled some distance and then stabbed him again. The timeline of his 9 minutes starts then, not with his original stabbing, which gives her more than enough time to finish staging the evidence, brake the glass, scream for Darin and call 911.
Somewhere in there, she leaves the knife on the carpet, leaving the imprint, but I need more info on where the knife imprint was- I cannot remember specifially enough to place it in the timeline. My thought would be it was while she was getting the sock to dip in the boys blood and it would have been found by where Damon was orginally laying.
Feel free to add or tell me where I have gone wrong- it is just my opinion from all that I have read.

On another note- I am curious as to the many stories I have read about what happened before darin went to sleep- I have heard a divorce fight (numerous references- cannot pin down source), they had sex on the couch after going into the hot tub (Barbara Davis's book) and just words with some kissing(Darlie's official story). This bothers me almost as much as the many different stories of the murder- something is being covered up there- if they did have sex/hot tub- that could explain the missing panties. The big fight theory would add a lot to the motive because of Darlie's histrionic tendencies. I'd like to hear some theories/facts yall have heard about this!

The knife imprint was found closer to Devon's body, not Damon's. I think Darlie or Darin snowed Babs on the sex in the hot tub story. Darlie was very angry that day..angry at Darin, angry at the boys. When Darin finally returned home from dropping Dana, I believe she lit into him big time. We know they had a huge fight that night and Darlie asked for a separation. You can hear the anger in her voice on the 911 call.

Some of us specualate that since Damon moved, she put that knife down near Devon to check he was dead and not moving after she had stabbed Damon the second time.

I believe the missing panties are a red herring, she could have removed them and put them in the dirty wash. Unless this intruder only wanted a sock and a pair of panties when there was gold jewellry and a wallet with cash in it lying there..but I don't see that as feasable.
Everyone is worried about her 16 different versions of what happened, right? Myself, I would be worried that each time she answered the question she said exactlythe same reply!! Why? If you were planning a murder wouldn't you make sure you knew it so well you would say exactly the same reply each time? And even if your answer didn't make sense to the investigator, you could say that is how I recall it. Someone whose story is changing shows a lack of rehearsing. Think about that!

It also shows conscienciousness of guilt. Think about that.
I have never posted on this thread, but reading all the info has me glued.

When this first made the air waves , I felt that Darlie did it. Many feel she did and many feel she didn't. There could be an answer to this as well as the two (intruder) theory. Darlie and unnamed, who are in the same body. In short she could very well have a personality disorder, this could explain why Darlie couldn't explain certain things, because it was her (alter) doing the crime at the time. It is very hard to explain unless you read on the subject or have some insight to it.

Look at Susan Smith, it is said that she had borderline personality disorder.

Just something else to consider.
I think the sock could be an uninvited cling-on caused by static cling as the person passed thru the laundry room. A basket of clothes including socks were right by the doorway. The blood on it is a transfer stain.

The knife was from the house why take it, taking the knife brought with them would mean less chance of tracing that weapon back to them.

No blood from a 3rd party was ever found so why you think the person was bleeding from the arm.
Damon killed first, Damon stabbed second, Darlie third and when Damon started moving around the killer had to go back after him this could also explain why Darlie was slashed and not stabbed more. The killer was interrupted by Damon not being dead. In a hurry the killer slices at her throat, goes after Damon but has to put the knife down in order to catch him. Stabs Damon some more and is standing there at the end of the couch when Darlie sees him. He might have decided that he is better off fleeing, than finishing the job.
No matter who did the killing no one wanted to be caught.

This would also explain why he left Darlie's jewelry on the counter, time to leave, to prevent being caught. There might have been enough noise downstairs to make the killer believe that anyone else in the house could have heard it too. The glass top table was overturned.
He doesn't know that Darin can't hear him. It is more important to flee the scene and get away than to spend anymore time in the house.

The thing that puzzles me is, (the whole case lol) if there was an intruder then he must have been going there for 2 reasons. Firstly to break in and steel or secondly to harm someone. If you were going to burgle someones house surely you would want to make sure that no one is home. Why would you try and burgle a house that you can see has a tv on if you look through the window? Secondly, if you are going to cause harm to someone, wouldn't you take your weapon of choice with you? I would imagine that it has been methodically planned down to the last detail. (Unless you are completly insane and just decide you are going to break into someones house and kill whoever is there using what ever you can find). I know you often see in movies the killer picking up a knife in a kitchen wearing black gloves and then goes on to murder whoever is in the house, but I would imagine this is very rare in the real world.

Also how did the intruder cut the screen to get in? I couldn't imagine they would be messing around using a kinife in their pocket then put the knife back in their pocket and pick up one in the kitchen to go on and kill.

Or maybe they did. I guess we all try and think of this from a rational point of view, but seeing as you have to be warped to kill someone, who knows what these individuals think like.

From the other point of view, maybe Darcie was in extreme shock. Who knows how we would act if we were in that situation. I think I would have passed out due to fright and shock to be honest. Also she was heavily medicated for a while after it happened, so the different stories she told people could have been what she was thinking at the time.

Then there's the evidence.... I'll stop talking now lol..

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