16 year old girl raped-you tube

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I read all the docs at smokinggun...glad to know my initial instincts were right about this girl. She has an agenda, likely encouraged by an absent father (for whatever his reasons are, not too hard to figure). She's a victim in more ways than this case suggests.

I fully agree with the prosecutor's discretionary decision not to charge rape...the charge of lewd or lascivious battery is appropriate...we'll see what happens even with that.

This victim needs help...needed help long ago. Where's her Mother all of this time? Perhaps some charges should be laid on HER!

Sad case all around...familiar and all-too-typical in these times.

(customary jmo)
re smokinggun docs...her handwriting is not easy to read, but checkout the typed transcript on page 1, lines 23-25, her response in particular about when their first sexual encounter occurred:

It was around a month before June so I think July. July 24th.

I could go on & on but I won't. This poor girl is a mess!
i read her written statement that says

"I went to sleep around 10:00pm. He woke me i wasnt sure what he was going to do. He asked me after my pants were taken off if i wanted to have sex i said i didnt know he kept bugging me until i said yes"

How could she claim rape if at first she was hesitant and finally said yes? She never said no and he didnt force it. Wasnt he just being a typical horny guy?
Is the girl claiming that the guy raped her all along, the first time, later on, or statutory rape? I have problems viewing videos with my computer.
She is saying that she met him by sneaking out of her house to a party. At the party, he kept giving her alcohol and she eventually passed out. She woke up to him undressing her and telling her how "pretty" she was yada yada. In her groggy state, she agreed to sleep with him AFTER he had undressed her while asleep. This happened repeatedly when she was at his friend's house where the parties continued. She was given weed, pills, booze, etc. and then he would approach her for sex. While it was "consensual", her contention is that he purposefully got her wasted to take advantage of her. *It is legal for a 23yo-16 yo to have sex. However, she was not 16 when these acts took place and they cannot get around that issue.

*Lewd or Lascivious Battery (Statutory rape) makes it illegal to have sexual intercourse with an individual younger than 18, even if both parties consent to the sexual conduct. However, there is an exception; it is legal for a person who is eighteen to twenty-three (18 - 23) to have sex with a sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) year old. Importantly, ignorance of the victim's age is irrelevant as a defense to the charge, even if the victim lied about his or her age or the accused had a bona fide belief the victim was old enough to give consent.

http://www.richardhornsby.com/criminal/sexcrimes.html (Bolded by me)
Is the girl claiming that the guy raped her all along, the first time, later on, or statutory rape? I have problems viewing videos with my computer.

You can find the answers to your questions in the docs on the smokinggun cite above.

I'm sorry that you are having problems watching the video. :-/
I feel the same way. It looked all forced and scripted. I swear I heard someone speaking in the background then she said the same thing to the camera. It was on our news channel here in Vegas so I thought I would just see what others thought.

I thought i had heard some one mumbling some thing in the back ground to, jmo

im not sure if i belive her or not?

i feel torn.......
i read her written statement that says


How could she claim rape if at first she was hesitant and finally said yes? She never said no and he didnt force it. Wasnt he just being a typical horny guy?

This is the answer to your question.
From SeriouslySearching's post:
*Lewd or Lascivious Battery (Statutory rape) makes it illegal to have sexual intercourse with an individual younger than 18, even if both parties consent to the sexual conduct.
Apparently the prosecutor was relying on another standard for age 16.

Looking at the whole story, most particularly the docs at smokinggun, sheds a whole new light on the case...one that seemed almost obvious from a youtube video view. :-o

(customary jmo)
I think the girl was raped. Statutorially raped. She was 15 and could not give legal consent. He was 23. She woke up and her pants were off. She was not sure so he kept bugging her until she gave in. Then she continued to have sex with him, because after all, that's the way it is supposed to happen. Now, she has a boyfriend! Wow! Then, he decides he wants to sleep with some other girl, so now she is just trash that he can torment and tease. She's 16 now, so she is a lot smarter and older and more mature....... Give me a break!

My heart bleeds for this child and her screwed up outlook on life, men and sex. Her mom says "well what do you think he wanted from you" when she confides in her. Instead of hugging her, taking her to the doctor to make sure she doesn't have diseases and getting her some counseling, while making sure the can't get near her again. So she goes to daddy..... he hasn't seen her in 14 years, but on hell... he'll protect her, he'll prosecute that guy. Well, while I think daddy may be a little misguided, the guy needs to be prosecuted. The law says NO LEGAL consent at 15. He broke the law. So know, he can just pick on any 15 year old with low self esteem and non-attentive parents, as long as she is within a month of her 16th birthday.

I think this is wrong. He should be prosecuted for statutory rape and, Lord willing, the girl should get some serious counseling. If daddy is going to be her protector now, maybe they could do some joint sessions. And mom should be held somewhat responsible for not stopping this from happening when her daughter came, and in her round about way, asked for help.


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