17 y/o Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #20

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Why is it, when someone is finally speaking up, and speaking well for George, it's now time to get a gag order? I know he's saying things that a lot of people don't want to hear, but from where I sit they're telling the God's honest truth.

Lots of people spoke up for George. They act as if they are still his attorneys, speaking with an authority they no longer hold. That is wrong.
Wonder what issues may be brought up with these lawyers who admittedly no longer represent GZ, but gab away about him and the case for all the world to hear?

Doesn't lawyer-client privilege also extend to previous clients?

I wouldn't have thought that it was OK for lawyers to discuss the details of their ex-client's case, the interactions with the client's family, his monetary solutions, his communicative habits and mental status after they have publicly withdrawn from the case and announced that they are no longer in contact with said client, implying that he cannot have given his consent to them publishing this information.
to quit being someone's lawyer especially when you've never even met your client. The absurdity is beyond compare in this one.

If the lawyers are no longer representing GZ this presser is all about them. They had some brilliant ideas for an opening/closing statement and aren't willing to let them go to waste.

I don't see why they would have to say anything about the case beyond the bare "we are no longer representing the client due to inability to contact, he can contact us any time to change that, we continue to support his innocence and hope things will settle down peacefully so that nobody else needs to get hurt. Thank you, no further questions. "
Lots of people spoke up for George. They act as if they are still his attorneys. That is wrong. They should be gagged like everyone else.

No one is gagged.

I don't believe a judge can order a gag, actually, if charges haven't been filed.

At any rate, no one in this case is gagged.
Sonner: Are there any other questions about the case? This will be litigated and the evidence will come out.

Uhrig: (off mic) NO. (denies that this statement means Sonner/Uhrig knows that charges will be filed/it will go to litigation.)

I do not quote myself as a rule, but observing this moment live was very interesting.
There have been days where it has been so hot outside, that I pray for it to rain. I don't even use an umbrella because I always get soaked anyways. I love the rain... you can even catch me dancing with my nieces in the rain occassionally... unless it's lightening!

It is our God given and legal right to be able to do so, I salute you.
All we've ever heard this whole time is one side of the story - Trayvon's, and it's been told in a very misleading way.

It's time to hear the other side. Which we did today. I think this will turn the tide of this case.

So you think what we have learned today shows GZ in a good light?
My own take on this whole afternoons business - GZ's attorneys were working pro bono (at least until charges are filed if and when) so they have received no recompense.

Their dog in this fight was the face time, the media, the press, the free marketing.

Now that they have withdrawn, they need their face time. Its the last big hoorah
I'm not watching this only reading what you all are posting, I can't help wondering what is up with these defense lawyers from Florida ???? These guys sound alot like JB and that group.
No one is gagged.

I don't believe a judge can order a gag, actually, if charges haven't been filed.

At any rate, no one in this case is gagged.

Actually after that display I am gagging. Even if the court can not issue a gag order at this time, a professional attorney would know when it is the right thing to do to keep their mouths shut. Apparently these two are NOT professional attornies but more along the lines of Jose B as just a two bit crock lawyer.

My own take on this whole afternoons business - GZ's attorneys were working pro bono (at least until charges are filed if and when) so they have received no recompense.

Their dog in this fight was the face time, the media, the press, the free marketing.

Now that they have withdrawn, they need their face time. Its the last big hoorah

Did they ever even represent him? The first one has no experience defending homicide clients.
I think George Zimmerman is now getting his legal advice from Francis B. Taaffe.
So you think what we have learned today shows GZ in a good light?

IMHO, I already believed all the evidence they cited in pointing to his claim of self-defense, so my opinion hasn't changed in that regard.

I do think it would be good to have him on suicide watch, due to his very erratic behaviors recently, including calling the SA himself. He seems to be in a very very emotionally vulnerable position right now.
All we've ever heard this whole time is one side of the story - Trayvon's, and it's been told in a very misleading way.

It's time to hear the other side. Which we did today. I think this will turn the tide of this case.

Actually....we have NEVER heard Trayvon's side....he can't talk, he's dead.

We have heard Zimmerman's side ad nauseum.....and about a dozen versions of that, none of which made any sense with the facts of the body location or the 911 call where GZ's own words conflict with ALL the stories his flunkies have tried to sell to the media.

All we've ever heard this whole time is one side of the story - Trayvon's, and it's been told in a very misleading way.

It's time to hear the other side. Which we did today. I think this will turn the tide of this case.

actually the only side of the story we've heard is Mr Zimmerman's as told through his Dad, his brother, his attys. I would like to hear the real story not this blame the victim stuff from the Zimmerman camp.
Actually....we have NEVER heard Trayvon's side....he can't talk, he's dead.

We have heard Zimmerman's side ad nauseum.....and about a dozen versions of that, none of which made any sense with the facts of the body location or the 911 call where GZ's own words conflict with ALL the stories his flunkies have tried to sell to the media.


We have heard those guess what Trayvon's side would be, in the most favorable light to him and the most damning light to GZ.

So although Trayvon isn't alive to tell his side, there are those who are guessing and guessing on a side that is unbelievably (to me) favorable to him.
All we've ever heard this whole time is one side of the story - Trayvon's, and it's been told in a very misleading way.

It's time to hear the other side. Which we did today. I think this will turn the tide of this case.

I don't think that is true. Granted, I only read the transcripts and didn't listen in but I didn't see any argument that hasn't been brought up several times in our discussions and elsewhere. Facebook posts, Shaken baby syndrome, Trayvon slinking about, media getting it all wrong and blaming George unfairly, etc. etc.
We have all been there and done and gone through all that in these very threads.
IMHO, I already believed all the evidence they cited in pointing to his claim of self-defense, so my opinion hasn't changed in that regard.

I do think it would be good to have him on suicide watch, due to his very erratic behaviors recently, including calling the SA himself. He seems to be in a very very emotionally vulnerable position right now.

I would agree that his "very erratic behavior" is the key here. And I would add one more thing as an illustration of it: Shooting Trayvon Martin to death.
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