17-yo Teen Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #7

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How big is this gated community and who is the relative that lived there? Was it his father?
I'm interested in knowing WHY the relative who lives there was not aware of there being a disturbance of this magnitude in the gated community he/she lives in..
How big is this gated community and who is the relative that lived there? Was it his father?
I'm interested in knowing WHY the relative who lives there was not aware of there being a disturbance of this magnitude in the gated community he/she live in..

As far as I understand it, it's his father's girlfriend that lives there, not his relative. The two of them (father and his girlfriend) went out to dinner that night.
Just heard a clip on HLN, Trayvon's parents are headed to Capital Hill today, they didn't say why.


Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton will attend, but are not expected to speak at the forum, titled “Protecting a ‘Suspect’ Community: Forum on Racial Profiling, Federal Hate Crimes Enforcement and ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws.”

The session is hosted by the 13 Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee. It was requested by Rep. Federica Wilson (D-Fla.), who represents Sanford, Fla., where the shooting occurred. Scheduled speakers include NAACP President Ben Jealous, 100 Black Men of America Chairman Albert E. Dotson Jr. and representatives of the Human Rights Campaign and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
As far as I understand it, it's his father's girlfriend that lives there, not his relative. The two of them (father and his girlfriend) went out to dinner that night.

Thank you.. The article below mentions a 13 year old brother so was TM babysitting while they were out to dinner. Do we know anything about what the 13 year old knew, heard or thought about his brother not returning. Do we know at what time the father and the father's girlfriend came home that night?

Originally Posted by imamaze
Family of Florida boy killed by Neighborhood Watch seeks arrest
Trayvon Martin was shot dead after he took a break from watching NBA All-Star game television coverage to walk 10 minutes to a convenience store to buy snacks including Skittles candy requested by his 13-year-old brother, Chad, the family's lawyer Ben Crump said.
Thank you.. The article below mentions a 13 year old brother so was TM babysitting while they were out to dinner. Do we know anything about what the 13 year old knew, heard or thought about his brother not returning. Do we know at what time the father and the father's girlfriend came home that night?

Originally Posted by imamaze
Family of Florida boy killed by Neighborhood Watch seeks arrest
Trayvon Martin was shot dead after he took a break from watching NBA All-Star game television coverage to walk 10 minutes to a convenience store to buy snacks including Skittles candy requested by his 13-year-old brother, Chad, the family's lawyer Ben Crump said.

My impression is that the 13 year old is the son of a girlfriend.
I'm not that familiar with those phrases from the south so when I was shopping yesterday two elderly women were lightheartedly arguing over an item on the shelf. As one woman walked away the other one looked at me and said "That's okay, I can be the down dog." Never having heard that term before so I laughed and asked her what she meant. She said, "You know the dog that's down. Doesn't matter which one is right one has to be on the bottom. I'll agree to be the down dog." I walked away thinking, first of all how ironic that was said to me at this particular time and secondly regarding this case, no one saw what intially happened, who attacked who, just that there was a fight and one of them would always have been on the bottom. It doesn't tell us why or how it ended up that way.

I just don't understand why GZ was not taken to the hospital when he claims his injuries were as severe as they were. Banging someone's head on a pavement can cause a serious injury internally. And unless he releases the medical reports there are going to be those who will not believe him. If I had a bounty on my head my attorney would be releasing those reports as soon as there was a question.

There also was a question about LE not questioning GZ about what happened at the scene. Didn't they place him in handcuffs immediately after taking his gun? GZ would have assumed he was under arrest so they would have had to read him his rights. He wasn't under arrest but GZ would have assumed it so my guess is the responding officers were going to let the detectives ask the questions and they just secured the scene. We did not see the narcotics officer's report nor any reports after he arrived at the police station. But I believe that is why he was not questioned about what happened at the scene. jmo


I agree completely, LambChop...

If what GZ is saying is true, then he very well could have sustained a concussion or subdural hematoma. He should have been taken directly to the hospital and thoroughly checked out, including being tested for drugs and alcohol.

You know, if Mr. Zimmerman had been simply been arrested and processed the night of the shooting, I think many of us, myself included, would not be here debating with such fervor. But the SPD failed miserably that evening.

You don't just take the word of an individual who would have a huge motive to present facts that would exonerate him.

You don't just take the word of the witnesses that might tend to corroborate his account when there are several other witnesses who contradict it.

You don't allow the shooter to go home in the clothes he was wearing during the altercation.

You don't fail to test any and all blood on the shooter in order to determine whom in fact, said blood belongs to.

You don't neglect to canvass the area in an attempt to determine the identity of the victim.

You don't fail to return phone calls from the individual who was on the phone with the victim at the time of the altercation.

You don't make the above mistakes, then throw your hands in the air and proclaim you have no probable cause to arrest the shooter, and you certainly don't have a press conference to pat yourself and your department on the back for the wonderful investigation you've done.

All I want is for this case to be properly handled and allowed to proceed properly through the justice system, not treated like a traffic ticket.

It a 7-11 in a strip mall. A very different set up than I've seen before. If you google images for Trayvon Martin 7-11, pics of both the 7-11 and maps of the location will come up.

Thanks. This appears to be the one. I wouldn't walk down there if you gave me the store, LOL, but not too far of a hike for a youngster I suppose.

Thank you.. The article below mentions a 13 year old brother so was TM babysitting while they were out to dinner. Do we know anything about what the 13 year old knew, heard or thought about his brother not returning. Do we know at what time the father and the father's girlfriend came home that night?

Originally Posted by imamaze
Family of Florida boy killed by Neighborhood Watch seeks arrest
Trayvon Martin was shot dead after he took a break from watching NBA All-Star game television coverage to walk 10 minutes to a convenience store to buy snacks including Skittles candy requested by his 13-year-old brother, Chad, the family's lawyer Ben Crump said.

I want to know this also. I thought I read earlier the father thought he went to the movies with his cousin. Wouldn't the 13 year old know he didn't

Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton will attend, but are not expected to speak at the forum, titled “Protecting a ‘Suspect’ Community: Forum on Racial Profiling, Federal Hate Crimes Enforcement and ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws.”

The session is hosted by the 13 Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee. It was requested by Rep. Federica Wilson (D-Fla.), who represents Sanford, Fla., where the shooting occurred. Scheduled speakers include NAACP President Ben Jealous, 100 Black Men of America Chairman Albert E. Dotson Jr. and representatives of the Human Rights Campaign and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
I had heard about the Skittles being for his brother and that his brother had asked him to get them. What I hadn't thought about was the age of this brother. Ok - so the brother was 13. Was his brother, his blood-brother? Meaning, same dad and/or mom? Or was this brother actually the son of dad's gf? Or he could be a half-brother that was dad's and gf's.

The reason I'm asking this is because if he was a blood-brother then what was he doing in Sanford with Trayvon. Trayvon lived and went to school in Miami. Did the brother also live with mom in Miami? If so, then why wasn't he going to school?

I'm thinking it was either a half-brother or the gf's son and everything was "kosher-pickle" with the other son. He lived there and probably went to school there as well.

But having a 13 yr old that LIVES in the complex and knows the area - then would he and Trayvon have had conversations about "who's who" in the neighborhood? Maybe. Wouldn't GZ have known that this 13 yr old lived in the complex?

IDK - I'm rambling now. Kids are kids are kids. Its their interactions that are important. Brother or not - there was a 13 yr old in his apt that night. Was he ever interviewed about what Trayvon had said before he left? Did he even hear the sirens, see the lights of all the LE activity there when it happened?

ok ok I'll stop. I just really wish the FBI or DOJ would weigh in on all this.

Patience is a virtue...................................

I heard, but don't have the link because I don't recall where I heard it, that the boy was either a half brother or the son of the girlfriend/fiance of Trayvon's father. Not the son of Trayvon's mother.
Thanks. This appears to be the one. I wouldn't walk down there if you gave me the store, LOL, but not too far of a hike for a youngster I suppose.


Wow that looks like a long walk, I wouldn't walk it either! How far is the walk and is that a main road he would have had to walk on? TIA
A lot of what I've been reading lately, the consensus seems to be that although an arrest may come, a conviction is going to be very hard to come by. Simply because there is just not enough evidence one way or the other to prove conclusively what exactly happened.

Yeah - and if that's the case, that's how these things shake out sometimes. I get that. To me though, what has bothered me from this is how the police approached the entire incident. Had they done a thorough investigation and it simply was too murky a case for the prosecutors, I would be less angry.
I heard, but don't have the link because I don't recall where I heard it, that the boy was either a half brother or the son of the girlfriend/fiance of Trayvon's father. Not the son of Trayvon's mother.

He was the gf's son and no blood relationship. Trayvon, however, treated him like his brother. I have cousins who are no blood relationship only through my father's remarriage and they have always been "my cousins". Kids sometimes bond better when they are not related. If Trayvon was an only child he probably enjoyed having a younger brother who would look up to him. What a terrible loss for this 13 year old, too. jmo
Wow that looks like a long walk, I wouldn't walk it either! How far is the walk and is that a main road he would have had to walk on? TIA

If you don't own a car you learn to walk. jmo
ITA about the initial investigation. It was SPD that did shoddy work that night and their actions (and inactions) in the days immediately following that blew this whole thing out of the water. JMHO

By why? This is what I don't get. SPD knew about GZ. I'll go as far as saying that some patrol officers had even joked about him to each other. LE, usually, don't really like self-appointed neighborhood watch guys or even "rent-a-cops" (as we call private security down here) - LE look at them differently. So, with that - then again, why did SPD botch this so bad? I just don't get it. There has to be something we aren't hearing.


I agree completely, LambChop...

If what GZ is saying is true, then he very well could have sustained a concussion or subdural hematoma. He should have been taken directly to the hospital and thoroughly checked out, including being tested for drugs and alcohol.

You know, if Mr. Zimmerman had been simply been arrested and processed the night of the shooting, I think many of us, myself included, would not be here debating with such fervor. But the SPD failed miserably that evening.

You don't just take the word of an individual who would have a huge motive to present facts that would exonerate him.

You don't just take the word of the witnesses that might tend to corroborate his account when there are several other witnesses who contradict it.

You don't allow the shooter to go home in the clothes he was wearing during the altercation.

You don't fail to test any and all blood on the shooter in order to determine whom in fact, said blood belongs to.

You don't neglect to canvass the area in an attempt to determine the identity of the victim.

You don't fail to return phone calls from the individual who was on the phone with the victim at the time of the altercation.

You don't make the above mistakes, then throw your hands in the air and proclaim you have no probable cause to arrest the shooter, and you certainly don't have a press conference to pat yourself and your department on the back for the wonderful investigation you've done.

All I want is for this case to be properly handled and allowed to proceed properly through the justice system, not treated like a traffic ticket.

Where do you have evidence that points to the police not collecting Zimmerman's clothing? You mention this in a couple of your points above; I assume you have a sourcing for these allegations.

Do we have any reason to believe they didn't canvass the area and that the anybody just wasn't home? I believe the father has implied multiple times that he was left home alone while he (the father) went out to dinner.

I don't believe any witnesses have negated his story. There have been a few witnesses that have popped up whose accounts have been made out this way, but the fact is that they were only witnesses to the aftermath of the shooting. Two of those even swear that they didn't hear fighting or screaming, just "childlike whimpers" and then a gunshot. This is clearly not what was going on as evidenced by the 911 calls in which you hear screams and a gunshot. Yet, these two were supposedly directly outside of these women's window, but they couldn't hear the screams that the 911 callers heard and was recorded onto the 911 tapes.

I'm also not sure there's any evidence to say that they didn't try to contact the girlfriend, and the family's lawyer interfered.
The more I think about this case, the sicker I get. At the end of the day, their son is dead. This absolutely breaks my heart. No parent should lose a child, especially in a shooting that was completely (IMO) unproved.

I think I need to step away for awhile. My heart can't take it.
Where do you have evidence that points to the police not collecting Zimmerman's clothing? You mention this in a couple of your points above; I assume you have a sourcing for these allegations.

Do we have any reason to believe they didn't canvass the area and that the anybody just wasn't home? I believe the father has implied multiple times that he was left home alone while he (the father) went out to dinner.

I don't believe any witnesses have negated his story. There have been a few witnesses that have popped up whose accounts have been made out this way, but the fact is that they were only witnesses to the aftermath of the shooting. Two of those even swear that they didn't hear fighting or screaming, just "childlike whimpers" and then a gunshot. This is clearly not what was going on as evidenced by the 911 calls in which you hear screams and a gunshot. Yet, these two were supposedly directly outside of these women's window, but they couldn't hear the screams that the 911 callers heard and was recorded onto the 911 tapes.

I'm also not sure there's any evidence to say that they didn't try to contact the girlfriend, and the family's lawyer interfered.
We did find out (or at least I did) today that the 13 yr old brother was home. Trayvon wasn't that far from his apt when he was shot. So, what did the 13 yr old do? Did he hear the sirens? See the blue lights? Wouldn't he have been curious since Trayvon had not come back yet?

Maybe the 13 yr old went with dad and gf out to dinner and no one was home. Maybe brother just asked Trayvon for the Skittles and said he'd get them when he got back home. IDK

Wow that looks like a long walk, I wouldn't walk it either! How far is the walk and is that a main road he would have had to walk on? TIA

That does not appear to be a 7-11. Both of the closest ones appear to be ~2 miles away, which would be a little over an hour's walk, round-trip.

Screen Shot 2012-03-27 at 11.23.43 AM.png
We did find out (or at least I did) today that the 13 yr old brother was home. Trayvon wasn't that far from his apt when he was shot. So, what did the 13 yr old do? Did he hear the sirens? See the blue lights? Wouldn't he have been curious since Trayvon had not come back yet?

Maybe the 13 yr old went with dad and gf out to dinner and no one was home. Maybe brother just asked Trayvon for the Skittles and said he'd get them when he got back home. IDK

That's what doesn't make sense to me. Mr. Martin has said that he suspected Trayvon went out with his cousin, which is why he wasn't put off that he wasn't home. Wouldn't the brother know why he wasn't home, or that he didn't leave with his cousin? I'm not entirely sure where the brother was in all of this.
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