17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #14

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NOt necessarily. I saw an interview on MSNBC and a forensics examiner said that gunshot wounds close up in the chest DO NOT splatter, not like seen in the movies. He said the blood would be coming out the backside of the wound,and not spraying up and outward onto the shooter. DID ANYONE ELSE SEE THAT?

No, I didn't see that, but entrance wounds are usually small, it's the exit wounds that are big.
Again points to my suspicion that she heard the whole thing. However she didn't report it or tell the dad at the wake. (She went to the hospital after the wake IIRC.)

She never attended the wake but was hospitalized after finding out he was dead. She would have related her story to the doctor which is documented. The gf lives in Miami and would have no way of knowing about his death until someone told her. The parents only discovered her when they received the phone records, I believe. Treating her at the hospital for hysteria they would have a record of her story. jmo

Here we have two posts saying opposite things about whether Trayvons GF went to the wake or not. Neither posts have links to tell me which is the correct information. Which post is accurate?
Slowly the media's presentation of this story is crumblng. First we find out the picture of TM that we have been shown for weeks...is years old. There are more current pictures of TM, including the picture TM CHOSE FOR HIMSELF...the one he wanted his friends to think of as they Twittered... the media does not use that. Only weeks later, another picture appears. No explanation for the strange choice of a child's picture that is years old...is ever given. We are left to provide our own explanations.

Next, a major media outlet alters the 911 tape. With that alteration, the charge of racial profiling seems to be justified. Was this another slip-up? Again, it is up to Newsbusters blog to call NBC on this. Another convenient but strange slip up...that helps ONE side of the story.

Then ABC reports that GZ appears unharmed in the video. Now days later an enhancement shows injuries. Whatever you want to call what's on his head...these injuries didn't come from shooting TM from afar..executing him with no provocation.

The media sensationalized this story...emotionalized it. TM was described as almost perfect. His own words on Twitter certainly added balance.

The media should be about facts, not driving emotional stories, creating false scenarios, running old outdated photos, "perfecting" one side and demonizing the other. This story should NOT be about race. How ridiculous to see this new term "White Hispanic" as if that justifies Hate groups offering bounties DEAD OR ALIVE...with free pass by authorities to do so. When GZ's Black friends try to defend him...they know nothing. But those who just get their info about him from the media KNOW EVERYTHING about the man.

A young man is dead. That's a tragedy. But his own actions that night, under Fla law, may make it impossible to charge GZ. Anger should be directed toward changing that law. if you feel that way.

But IMO, much anger and disgust goes to the Media, who have been advancing one metanarrative...and now, daily, have to walk their own bad reporting back. But that does nothing to ameliorate the false impressions they created.

stmarysmead, Thank you for your post!!! :clap:

Thank heaven, I never ever listen/watch and of the MSM! Nor MSNBC thank heaven again!!!! Occasionally catch some of CNN.

I was abhored seeing the take between Piers Morgan and Toure's a few nights ago. Didn't know where this 'Toure's' even hailed from, later learned MSNBC, is that correct? For his lack of respect and body language conversing with Piers, he should have been taken to the wood shed! lol
The screams are very confusing to me, and thats my opinion. When I hear them it sounds like a young boy, but its seems to be the sounds of someone being hurt. Trayvon, they say didn't have any signs on him that he was in fight. My reasons for being confused.

We have heard he didn't have marks on his hands indicative of TM punching GZ in the nose, or pummeling him. We haven't heard whether there were bruises or something on TM to indicate he was in a scuffle.
yes they did.

also - didn't the girlfriends story change too?

If it is true she waited til the family contacted her.IF it was weeks before she spoke about what she heard,will that be believable to a jury?Or will it look like she is trying to help the family.How can you tell from a phone call someone is pushed? Was he pushed or did he do the pushing?JMO
He told an Orlando news station that George was reaching for his cellphone when Trayvon punched him. But, in a later interview with The New York Times, he said that he was unsure whether his son made that movement and that he might have conflated news media reports with what he thought his son may have told him.


Definition of CONFLATE. transitive verb. 1. a : to bring together : fuse b : confuse. 2. : to combine (as two readings of a text) into a composite whole

Actually, this is as close as anyone has come to articulating how I think this may have gone.

TM finally stops running and trying to evade the stranger following him and confronts GZ. GZ reaches for his cell. TM sees GZ has a gun, holstered but a gun nonetheless. TM freaks out, and in reasonable fear for his life, throws a punch or a shove and tries to get away from the strange gun carrying stalker. GZ has now been assaulted by this suspicious looking *advertiser censored**hole and this one, is NOT getting away, now he feels justified in detaining and holding TM til the already dispatched units arrive. Struggle then ensues, tragic shooting follows.

I am very curious as to why RZ is backpedalling on this version of events. It actually makes a lot of sense if it happened that way.

Perhaps because that would show TM in a light of being the one who was "standing his ground"

Just some thoughts.

IMO GZ did not reach for a cell phone, he reached for a gun. It makes no sense to call 911 back, when you already know there are officers in route. I mean, he didn't think to call 911 again after he shot someone---and that's a true emergency...
I am very bothered by how the media has portrayed this. Showing pictures of TM that were several years old but made him look childlike, young, innocent. Showing one picture of GZ that was several years old but made him look to be large, criminal, dangerous. In reality the two were 10 pounds different in weight and TM the taller of the two.

Why does the media insist on referring to GZ as a WHITE Hispanic? The story coming from TM's father about the Skittles is gospel but things said by GZ's father, friend, brother are doubted. Everything GZ is doubted.

GZ was on his way the store when he saw TM. He was not out that night looking to hunt anyone down 'like a dog' yet the media plays up.

Could events have happened just as GZ claimed and that is why he was not arrested? LE did speak to an eyewitness at the scene that verified what GZ said happened yet people don't want to believe that. People want to believe that LE is engaging in a cover up.

Why do so many want to think GZ is a liar? His story has not changed! What the media has put out has changed. Please don't listen to the likes of < mod snip >. They have an agenda and that is to incite racial divide.

Over the weekend I read that NBC edited the 911 recording to make GZ look even worse. Today I read that ABC enhanced the video showing GZ does have bruises and still people think it is untrue.

Is it really beyond the realm of possibility that TM did act suspicious to GZ? It is not possible that TM did jump GZ? If GZ had stayed in his car nothing would have happened. Leaving his car was a mistake and no matter what he suspected to be going on, he should have waited and let LE handle whatever. He did not do that but it doesn't mean he hunted down anyone 'like a dog'.

Let's wait for the Grand Jury decision before accusing LE of shady behavior.
To further muddy the waters - it appears to me in the enhanced video that GZ has a very tiny trickle of blood in the area on the back/top of his head. I can see it in the section of the video right after he exits the car and walks in front of the police car.

I still don't feel this man was "in a fight for his life" or "moments from diapers" based off what appears to me to be a trickle of blood

I stand by my statement. I heard the "welts" description on the radio. I just viewed ABC's enhanced video.

When I heard the announcer say it was proof of injury I became a little concerned until he described the injury as "welts" too.

I never doubted that Zimmerman had a slight injury to his head. A "mark" was visible in the unenhanced video.

However, I agree with you ticox. That is certainly not a blood gushing gash -- or anywhere near a "in a fight for his life" injury.

Gee, maybe he was standing on his head to get those "welts."

If he was lying on the ground having his head continuously smashed into the concrete sidewalk wouldn't the "welts" be smack dab on the back of his head?

Zimmerman's account of that night leaked by police:

The problem is, none of that jives much with his appearance later on the police video. Also, some of it contradicts what witnesses have said.

I personally will never understand why police waited so long to contact some of the witnesses. That just seems unbelievable to me.

In my opinion it appears they were not interested. They didn't even care enough to identify the victim... in my opinion of course.

Further, from the number of leaks it seems to me as though SOME people within the department are not too happy about all this. Which is unsurprising. A professional law enforcement officer wants to see justice as much as any of us, and there are probably some there that are bothered by how all this went down.
We have heard he didn't have marks on his hands indicative of TM punching GZ in the nose, or pummeling him. We haven't heard whether there were bruises or something on TM to indicate he was in a scuffle.

That only came from the funeral director -- not from a medical examiner.
True that. But I would think it might show that GZ fell forward at some point as if he was pushed or hit from behind. Or it could be that as his head was shaken, up and down, into the sidewalk. IMO, it shows significant force was involved as it appears his head was whipping back and forth. But I'm not a CSI so I could be wrong. IMO, the problem with this case is that there are too many plausible scenarios.

hey for all we know gz tripped during the altercation and went head first into a tree, a house, the floor. Really we dont know what happened yet.
That. Right there. We have heard from the funeral director that TM had no visible injuries to his hands. So, I'm thinking GZ told TM - you need to come with me and reached out and grabbed him by the arm. Instead of punching him in the nose - TM just pushed him back (backed up by gf saying there was a "push").

It was raining, wet - GZ slips from the push and goes down - cracks his head on the side of the sidewalk. And that's when he snapped. He's (GZ) has done it before. He don't like it when other people "get the better of him".

Then it was on - but I also think it was at the moment he went down that TM saw the gun - and starting screaming for his life.


If GZ slipped and went down, how did TM get down with him (the scuffle)? If he saw the gun as GZ went down, why didn't he run away at that point?
Does anyone find it kind of unusual strange that Daddy was allowed at the re enactment the next day? Keep in mind ,this was at a time when there was no publicity yet.


"The day after the shooting, George Zimmerman, according to his father, returned with at least three police officers to the Retreat at Twin Lakes, back to that grassy area where plaintive cries for help had gone unanswered. The investigators, accompanied by someone with a video camera, wanted him to re-enact the events of the night when the two strangers had stood their ground.

Mr. Zimmerman’s father watched from nearby. “They started where his vehicle was,” he recalled. “They walked him down the sidewalk and to the end of the sidewalk, to the street where he got an address and then walked him back towards his vehicle, near where the incident occurred.”

I surely would like to see that video.

I don't think it is surprising at all. I have believed since I heard his Dad is a retired magistrate that he was involved from the beginning. The Police Chief and the Prosecutor both showed up at the station before he was released from what was reported. It has been stated that is very unusual, and then the investigative officer was over ruled. Professional courtesy?
Yup, you're right according to the "shoot first ask questions later" law.

However, that's not the point. The point is the entire Zimmerman family got on the TV and LIED.

Junior said that George was almost unconscious - near being permanently paralyzed -- was bleeding profusely -- had a broken nose, etc., and he was SURE that if George hadn't killed Trayvon, Trayvon would have definitely killed George.

Daddy Zimmerman said that Trayvon kept smacking George's head into the sidewalk for almost a full minute.

Try watching you computer's clock and see how long a minute is to have your head constantly being slammed into concrete.

You suppose anyone but George could come out of a brutal beating like that with a couple of "WELTS" on his head ?

Jurors will be instructed that if they believe anyone is lying about one thing they can disregard EVERYTHING that witness testifies to -- including <modsnip> George.


First, only GZ was at the scene. None of his family were there. They can't "lie" about what happened. They are only doing what the rest of us are doing: speculating.

Second, I know for a fact that it feels like forever when you are being physically attacked. It's like a car accident, everything starts going in slow motion because your adrenalin is so pumped. I find nothing strange about GZ thinking the assault lasted longer than it did. IMO, having endured a similar assault, I find his story quite believable thus far. Yes, that could be because he's a very good liar but it seems to me that too much of the evidence supports—or can support—his version of events.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
I stand by my statement. I heard the "welts" description on the radio. I just viewed ABC's enhanced video.

When I heard the announcer say it was proof of injury I became a little concerned until he described the injury as "welts" too.

I never doubted that Zimmerman had a slight injury to his head. A "mark" was visible in the unenhanced video.

However, I agree with you ticox. That is certainly not a blood gushing gash -- or anywhere near a "in a fight for his life" injury.

Gee, maybe he was standing on his head to get those "welts."

If he was lying on the ground having his head continuously smashed into the concrete sidewalk wouldn't the "welts" be smack dab on the back of his head?


Florida law says you can use deadly force to "prevent" great bodily harm, not that you must first suffer great bodily harm before force is allowed.

(3)&#8195;A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

IMO GZ did not reach for a cell phone, he reached for a gun. It makes no sense to call 911 back, when you already know there are officers in route. I mean, he didn't think to call 911 again after he shot someone---and that's a true emergency...

Wasn't the cop there almost right after the shot?
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