17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #14

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Okay, here is a perfect example in the link above:

Let's take the gun out of the equation and, in fact, replace it with an automobile. Both require you to be tested, licensed and you are expected to use both in a responsible manner.

The very first call on this list of 911 calls has GZ chasing a car down the highway, not sure what the reason is but how many people did GZ endanger by pursuing this car. He gave a description to LE and still pursued. My guess is they told him you don't need to follow them Mr. Z.

Reported: can't catch up...but he does and then reports where this person is going....again, can't catch up...and, again he reports where this person is turning so he obviously caught up with this person. How responsible is it to chase a car down the highway. You are as much a danger to everyone else as is the person you are reporting. You could kill someone. I don't think GZ ever had enough timeouts in his life. jmo

Thank you LambChop. This guy thought that the rules were for everyone else but him. This is why he is a wanna-be-cop vigilante. It was just a matter of time before Zimmerman killed someone, no doubt about it.

RBBM - Shouldn't that be "his" and "he" instead of "her" & "he"? Or did they mean to put TM's mom's name instead of dad's.

Thank you very much for the link!

my guess is they meant to put the dad.
But it is being investigated. Yes? The fact that protests are continuing leads one to believe that the protesters don't want an investigation, they want GZ hung out to dry.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:

Yes this case and George are being investigated, and rightfully so. I don't understand why some are so mad that Georges story has come into question ? JMO

I think the majority of the protesters want justice, the protest have been peaceful up to this point. Anyone calling for the lynching of GZ should be arrested. I've not heard or read anything about anyone finding George and taking the law into their own hands. Whoever wants GZ hung out to dry before a jury convicts or says not guilty isn't worth listening to in my book, they have no bearing on what I believe or think. So I'm not watching or paying attention to these rallies. JMO
As far as TM making it to his back porch, that's what makes the most sense to me with all the parameters of the timeline, both before and afterwards, that we know about at this point. Obviously the question becomes how did he get back up to the point his body was located at and arrive at almost the same time it calculates for GZ to reach the same point walking back up the sidewalk?

I think there are two different possibilities but I don't think he was shot on his porch. I think he was on the porch doing 2 things, one of which may have been taking off that soaking wet hoodie as he watched out for this goon running around looking for him.

I just have a real problem if he made it back home not getting the 13 yr old involved in it or at least telling him.
Are people really calling this a brutal racist cold blooded killing? I mean anyone of note? Of course there are wackos on either side -- but who is calling him a cold-blooded killer? And GZ does not have to be a racist to be a racial profiler. What the family is saying is they want justice, they want an investigation, an arrest -- let a jury decide.

But if it was self defense under the law they can not arrest him.That is how that law is written and IMO why they did not arrest him that night.If Police can prove it was not self defense then that will change and he would be arrested.The Law needs to be looked at for changes IMO.
I don't know for sure any of this, but I think there are two possible reasons he would walk back up to the point his body was found at.

(1) It may not have been voluntary on his part. There were statements made last week when the 911 calls were released, from the Martin's attorney about TWO gunshots being heard. One could have been a warning shot.

(2) I can't completely dismiss what I feel would likely have happened when I was that age. Rest assured, if some guy had chased and followed me like GZ did to Trayvon with no uniform, no badge, or anything else except a seemingly fanatical desire to find me? If he didn't have a gun that I could see?

We're gonna dance.

If so, then you are building the perfect defense for GZ. If TM was home safely on his porch, and he then went out again solely to confront and 'dance' with GZ, then self defense will be warranted, imo.
Trayvon's race was a part of why he was deemed "suspicious" when doing nothing objectively "suspicious". That doesn't mean he committed murder or shot Trayvon because he was black or anything of that nature. I do think it means that a black teen walking slowly at night was automatically suspicious to him and that things built from there. First it built to there being something wrong with him, he was on drugs and up to no good. That's the problem with profiling-it really tells you nothing about a particular individual and it can remove your objectivity and color what you see through the prism of your bias.

They're absolutely right. Their son was profiled because of his race. And wrongfully so. Their son was deemed up to no good because black kids had committed burglaries, no matter how you, ( the general you, not you personally ) slice it, or try to excuse it or dance around it, it's profiling. And a kid with his whole life ahead of him is now dead because of it.

The only difference may be, is who thinks that type of profiling is ok to do and who doesn't.

Was TM not wearing the hoodie when he was shot? If not, I missed that. TIA.

(And, again, thanks for the detailed timeline and map. I realize you had to fill in some blanks with conjecture (which you clearly identified), but the whole project was very, very helpful to me.)

I don't honestly know, but I do know there were many, many posts in this forum discussing the witness that said they saw one of these two in a white T shirt. I gotta think that the first thing I'm going to do when I finally get home is take that soaking wet, heavy hoodie off. Could be the T shirt was what was on under it, IDK. Pure conjecture on my part.
Ok, So If TM first hit GZ then under the SYG law if he felt his life was in danger or anything he would be able to shoot him?

I'm confused

If TM started the physical confrontation and was trying to get GZ gun and GZ felt he would be killed then yes he would be able to shoot him.
Besides the fact that Trayvon was brutally murdered by Zimmerman, this is the next most concerning thing. Had it not been for Trayvon's wonderful parents, it would have been swept under the rug. It was already happening and praise the Lord that Sybrina and Tracy were not going to take no for an answer.


What about this scenario---What would you think if TM had made it back safely to his porch. And he hid there and waited until he saw GZ looking for him, then went out to confront him? What that still be a cold blooded murder case in your eyes?
Besides the fact that Trayvon was brutally murdered by Zimmerman, this is the next most concerning thing. Had it not been for Trayvon's wonderful parents, it would have been swept under the rug. It was already happening and praise the Lord that Sybrina and Tracy were not going to take no for an answer.


Saying that Trayvon was murdered does not help the cause. We are hopeful for a manslaughter indictment.
I don't know for sure any of this, but I think there are two possible reasons he would walk back up to the point his body was found at.

(1) It may not have been voluntary on his part. There were statements made last week when the 911 calls were released, from the Martin's attorney about TWO gunshots being heard. One could have been a warning shot.

(2) I can't completely dismiss what I feel would likely have happened when I was that age. Rest assured, if some guy had chased and followed me like GZ did to Trayvon with no uniform, no badge, or anything else except a seemingly fanatical desire to find me? If he didn't have a gun that I could see?

We're gonna dance.

Well, it will be interesting to see TM's girlfriend's entire deposition. Because if TM made it home safely, I imagine he mentioned it while the two were holding their running conversation.

On the other hand, another explanation for the 2-minute gap between police call and gunshot is that TM ducked around the corner and then hid in the shadows, trying to elude the man (GZ) who was pursuing him. But if that happened, I'd expect the gf to report a period of time when TM was silent: I doubt he'd hide in the shadow yet continue to talk on the phone. (ETA perhaps this hiding ended when TM told the gf that he thought he had eluded GZ? Could TM have hidden long enough to allow GZ to go all the way around the block and come up the sidewalk from the other direction? That might explain the sudden "Why are you following me?/What are you doing here?" the gf purportedly heard: TM had come out of the shadows and was continuing his way home only to find himself face-to-face with GZ.)
Saying that Trayvon was murdered does not help the cause. We are hopeful for a manslaughter indictment.

If this was not self defense, than I think Manslaughter would be the most he could get.
Was Trayvon's phone found on his back porch??!!
We're about to go on the air at WEBSLEUTHS RADIO and will be discussing Trayvon's case!!! You can get there by following the link on my signature line! :grouphug:
if TM made it home then where does the 70 yards come in?
On Monday afternoon, a FOX 35 News crew met with Tracy Martin who said the victim in the shooting is her 17-year-old son, Trayvon, who was visiting from Miami.

"He walked out of the house to go to the store. He was going to the store," she said. "He doesn't know anybody here. He just came down here, so he was bored, so he walked down to the store. He was on his way back home. I'm living down here. He was sitting on the porch and this man killed him."


Given the fact that whoever wrote this article doesn't seem to know that Tracy Martin is Trayvon's father, not mother, I don't tend to give it much credibility.
I don't honestly know, but I do know there were many, many posts in this forum discussing the witness that said they saw one of these two in a white T shirt. I gotta think that the first thing I'm going to do when I finally get home is take that soaking wet, heavy hoodie off. Could be the T shirt was what was on under it, IDK. Pure conjecture on my part.
But Trayvon was found in the hoodie.

I get what you're saying papa - but wouldn't the 13 yr old have heard the porch door? Why wouldn't Tray have put the skittels and iced tea down once in the porch - especially if he took off the hoodie?

I can't see him going back out that door WITH the skittles and can of iced tea.

IDK - thanks for all the diagrams - I"m with you about what happened including the time and space we're talking about - its just making it to the porch that I can't see,

Given the fact that whoever wrote this article doesn't seem to know that Tracy Martin is Trayvon's father, not mother, I don't tend to give it much credibility.

this was one of the first articles. and I think they meant the father and not the mother, they probably made a mistake since the name Tracy is more associated with females than with males.
But it is being investigated. Yes? The fact that protests are continuing leads one to believe that the protesters don't want an investigation, they want GZ hung out to dry.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:

The protesters don't matter one bit to me, I give them no weight. The investigation continues, I doubt very much the investigators wasting their time or are basing their conclusions on what goes on in these rallies. MOO
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