17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #17

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I want to clarify something for many of you. I am a former police dispatcher. It is routine when there is an incident to ask of the caller the height, race and clothing description of the person being called about. This is for obviously identification if a chase ensues, and/or to do a FCIS/NCIS search if the person is apprehended to see if there are any outstanding warrants. Even though I believe Mr. Zimmerman should be charged, as the aggressor, this is routine police questioning. jmo
They asked about race. He answered them.

What's in question is whether or not he actually KNEW the race, but thanks for pointing that out as well. It is important that they asked, but even more important that he answered IMO.

"he looks black" certainly GZ didn't think he was pursuing a white man!

He would have to have his phone in his hand, how would she hear him unless he had and earpiece with a mic and they are described as earbuds????

Lost me, sorry, perhaps I don't understand the question. I talk on my iPhone using my ear buds while carrying my phone in my jeans or jacket pocket all he time. It is not necessary to hold your phone unless you have it on speaker, without mic'd ear phones (buds).
What's in question is whether or not he actually KNEW the race, but thanks for pointing that out as well. It is important that they asked, but even more important that he answered IMO.

"he looks black" certainly GZ didn't think he was pursuing a white man!


He still would have pursued a white guy imo.
This was GZ's 46th call to law enforcement, he knew very well they would ask the race of the person he was calling about. He had never volunteered that information before, but IMO it doesn't change the fact that he was NEVER calling about a suspicious white person or a suspicious Hispanic person. Always a young, black male.

He also was not unaware of Trayvon's race. When asked he said "he looks black." I've said before, if you don't know the race of a person, why would that person just "look black"? If you don't know, you don't know.


He was asked the race of a person and he answered.
The whole thing about Zimmerman handing out flyers to the black community after the homeless man was beaten, seems a little off to me? I'm not saying he didn't do this... It just confuses me? I'm getting flashbacks of Curtis Jackson? Do we know that it was actually someone in the family that wrote this letter?

Well, I wonder if Zimmerman found that bag in his pocket upon his frisking of Trayvon's dead and lifeless body?


Could he have been putting the phone back in his pocket when he was reaching down???
Remember what Richard said in his now famous silhouette interview?

Police told George Zimmerman not to follow Martin, and asked him where he was. However, because he was behind the town homes he could not see the nearest address.

This is why, Robert Zimmerman claims, his son decided to keep following Martin, so he could obtain an address to give to police.


Now with this newest version, instead of following TM, Richard places George on an intersecting sidewalk to the one TM ran down BECAUSE his son was dutifully attempting to obtain the address that the police dispatcher had asked him for.

In RED This has been posted before and I pointed out that the article version has a typo. Robert Zimmerman never said, "he decided to continue to follow Martin". Nor did he say which sidewalk Trayvon was on, if any- he simply said "he lost sight of the individual and continued to walk down the same sidewalk to get an address." To me this means the same sidewalk he was on when he got out of his truck and saw TM run.

I don't know why they don't post a retraction to this misstatement since it is so critical to the public perception of what happened.

Oh, the spinning of this case! I am so slow at making decisions I am only at the place where I believe you have two people who are suspicious of each other.
Here is a scenario that IMO agrees with the witnesses, evidence, timeline and police report as we have them at this point. Disclaimer -- This is MOO and speculation only:

A physical fight has begun. TM has the upper hand and is on top. GZ's head hits the sidewalk a couple of times. They are grappling violently on the ground. Both men are vocalizing loudly. GZ sees the bystander (witness) and calls out for him to help. Bystander yells at "him" (who?) "to stop" but keeps his distance from the fighting men. Says he is calling 911 and leaves the scene to do so. GZ and TM are now alone. Struggle continues and escalates to the tipping point. GZ shoots TM at close range, abruptly ending the fight. TM stands or staggers for a moment as GZ scrambles to his feet. TM, mortally wounded, crumples or falls to the ground face down. GZ then straddles TM (perhaps pinning him for his own safety just in case?) and checks TM for a weapon and/or signs of life, etc. Witnesses immediately begin to emerge/gather. LE arrives at the scene almost instantly, as a unit was already on its way due to GZ's earlier call to report a suspicious person.

Not saying I believe that is what happened, and I am not on anyone's "side." IMO, without more factual evidence to consider, none of us can know with any certainty in this climate of heated rhetoric, misinformation and hysteria. Just explaining one example of how TM could end up face down after being shot, with GZ standing over or straddling him in the moments after he went down. JMO

Thanks to you and everyone who responded to my question. My laptop still has hiccups so I haven't posted much.

We need more dadgum facts! :maddening: It was dark and rainy that night and like someone else pointed out...it is difficult to see clothing specifics in those conditions.

I called 911 one night when I saw a man beating up a woman in a parking lot. My adreneline was so high that I couldn't say what they were wearing the next day. All I can remember is that they were fighting next to a white car. I watched from a distance on the sidewalk and stayed on the line with 911 until the police arrived.

Well, I wonder if Zimmerman found that bag in his pocket upon his frisking of Trayvon's dead and lifeless body?


I haven't read or heard anything about Zimmerman frisking Trayvon's dead and lifeless body. Are you referring to the Mary Cutcher interview where she says he was straddling Trayvon? I would have to listen to it again.
Lost me, sorry, perhaps I don't understand the question. I talk on my iPhone using my ear buds while carrying my phone in my jeans or jacket pocket all he time. It is not necessary to hold your phone unless you have it on speaker, without mic'd ear phones (buds).

If you have a handsfree device, yes, because there is a mic. My speaker is on my phone so if I were speaking and it was in my pocket no one could hear what I was saying. The earbuds are for hearing only. Plus once I slide the phone back I'm disconnected. They do not say he had a hands free device just earbuds.

Also GZ described TM as having something in his hand which I guessed was his phone since the ice tea and Skittles were still in his hood pocket when he was shot. He did not have anything else. jmo
This was GZ's 46th call to law enforcement, he knew very well they would ask the race of the person he was calling about. He had never volunteered that information before, but IMO it doesn't change the fact that he was NEVER calling about a suspicious white person or a suspicious Hispanic person. Always a young, black male.

He also was not unaware of Trayvon's race. When asked he said "he looks black." I've said before, if you don't know the race of a person, why would that person just "look black"? If you don't know, you don't know.


Actually, the call logs document that he called in complaints on people he identified as white as well as Hispanic. I totally understand the comment that someone "looks [ethnicity here]" as sometimes at a distance it is hard to tell. I have often said that someone looks to be of one ethnic background but I'm not sure. IMO, there are many AAs who look white or Hispanic. And I myself am often mistaken for Hispanic or Middle Eastern. My own daughter who is not mixed race has been mistaken for biracial.

IMO, if GZ were sure of TM's race initially he would have said so. But he didn't. IMO, he saw a teenager cutting through the property and decided to follow him because of the recent burglaries, not because of the teenager's skin tone (which, IMO, would have been difficult to tell at night anyway).

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
In RED This has been posted before and I pointed out that the article version has a typo. Robert Zimmerman never said, "he decided to continue to follow Martin". Nor did he say which sidewalk Trayvon was on, if any- he simply said "he lost sight of the individual and continued to walk down the same sidewalk to get an address." To me this means the same sidewalk he was on when he got out of his truck and saw TM run.

I don't know why they don't post a retraction to this misstatement since it is so critical to the public perception of what happened.


I wasn't aware of any typo in the article, but it's not crucial to public perception at all when you consider that George told us the same thing in his 911 call:


He&#8217;s running. [2:08]

911 dispatcher:

He&#8217;s running? Which way is he running?


Down toward the other entrance of the neighborhood. [2:14]

911 dispatcher:

OK, which entrance is that he&#8217;s headed towards?


The back entrance.

911 dispatcher:

Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

Seems pretty clear to me, George says TM's running down towards the back entrance and he's following him.

This newest version seems determined to correct all of that and keep George up on the other sidewalk. Problem with that is, no further that the distance is from one end to the other, they've created a real time dilemma for themselves because we know when George started following him. You can clearly tell when he gets out of his vehicle on the 911 tape.
I read some of the other FL SYG cases too. Pretty mind boggling and IMO justice was not served. And the money part surely must play a role in it by now. One question. Since GZ called the non emergency number, do we know if that number is also answered by the 911 operators?

When I have called non emergency numbers, generally after hours I have gotten a recording telling me to call 911, or someone who neither identified themselves as a cop or otherwise, simply told me to call 911. And these were clearly non emergency situations, just waned a cop to drive thru thru the neidghborhood a couple of times that night due to teens gathering and becoming a nuisance but no impending danger. Policy must say they have to have you call into the 911 recorded line and dispatch so all calls are handled the same here.
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