17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #18

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LiveLaughLuv made this comment on the other thread just before this one opened up:

I happen to believe GZ pounced on TM, so this *advertiser censored**hole wouldn't get away..which is when the wrestling began..

I saw a map where they showed where TM was shot dead, yards from his doorstep and where GZ lives...but I'd like to see where exactly ZM had his vehicle parked..which is important....he claims TM came to his vehicle...so, how would he get from one end of that complex to where TM was shot dead in under 2 minutes...does anyone have a map to show where the vehicle was parked in relation to where TM died? TIA

Don't be confused with the relationship of GZ's residence to where TM lived or died. The two points are across the complex from one another.

As to the location of GZ's vehicle, while we don't know for sure there are logical conclusions that can be drawn from the events and statements of the 911 call. We know that TM's path of movement began at the clubhouse and continued eastward in the direction of his home. The following statement is from the 911 call:

911 dispatcher:

He’s near the clubhouse now?


Yeah, now he’s coming toward me

-The fact that TM was near the clubhouse tells us he has just started walking down the street.

-GZ's statement of "now he's coming toward me" places Zimmerman and his truck at a point farther eastward along the street.

I would tend to think that, initially, George was watching TM's movement from a point about halfway along Twin Trees. Once TM passed him and reached the sidewalk at the end of the buildings, it would seem logical to me that GZ would move his truck to where the sidewalk left the curb line for a better vantage point.

It could be that this moving of the truck is what set TM running.
According to the*Washington Post, a police report that was completed at 3:07 a.m. lists Trayvon's full name, city of birth, address and phone number.


Well this is really fishy. I can't imagine that cops knew the full identitiy at 3:07am, and if they did, how did they get it, if not from his dad? This really lends credence to police hanky-panky.

It wasn’t until Trayvon’s father, Tracy Martin, called to file a missing-persons report on Feb. 27 that police went to his fiancee’s house with pictures of his son’s dead body. News reports have said that Trayvon’s body was tagged as a John Doe. But the “Partial Report Only” that was completed at 3:07 a.m. on Feb. 27 lists Trayvon’s full name, city of birth, address and phone number. How did police get that information? Was Trayvon carrying identification? Did police try to contact that home number?


NBC News declined to comment on Thursday. The network said on Tuesday it would not release names of the employees involved. It has apologized for the incident.

Why not release names and show pictures of people that try to cause trouble.

"The sources described the producer's actions as a very bad mistake, but not deliberate."

which would hopefully prevent employee disciplinary action by a private employer to become publicized. I don't think many of us want our employers to send out a press release out about what we did at work. From what I've read it was not done intentionally by someone high up at the network, it was done by production people preparing the recording for airing. It seems rather absurd thing to focus on anyway-the actual recording was available basically everywhere so it was instantaneously noticed and thus had no impact or effect as there was no way to edit it and not have it be noticed since it was being broadcast so widely.


NBC News declined to comment on Thursday. The network said on Tuesday it would not release names of the employees involved. It has apologized for the incident.

Why not release names and show pictures of people that try to cause trouble.
Well this is really fishy. I can't imagine that cops knew the full identitiy at 3:07am, and if they did, how did they get it, if not from his dad? This really lends credence to police hanky-panky.

It wasn’t until Trayvon’s father, Tracy Martin, called to file a missing-persons report on Feb. 27 that police went to his fiancee’s house with pictures of his son’s dead body. News reports have said that Trayvon’s body was tagged as a John Doe. But the “Partial Report Only” that was completed at 3:07 a.m. on Feb. 27 lists Trayvon’s full name, city of birth, address and phone number. How did police get that information? Was Trayvon carrying identification? Did police try to contact that home number?


Maybe they ran his prints or got his cell number and used a reverse directory?
Why would it mean police hanky-panky?

Thanks to whoever posted this link on the last thread! Very insightful info on the climate there in Sanford. IMO, if there was ever a govt. agency that needs cultural diversity training it would be Sanford PD.

I am saying a prayer for truth and justice in this case and also for peace in Sanford, regardless of the outcome.

IMO, it sounds like GZ has two sides to his personality like my ex. He projected a good image to his friends and co-workers but wasn't really close to any of them but he had a violent, criminal side which he kept hidden for the most part. And his dad always 'saved' him when he got into trouble. I tried to tell people, called 911 when he beat me up, called the domestic violence center and had a few close friends who believed me and helped me to get out of there. It was only after we had been divorced a few years that his evil ways finally caught up with him and he was imprisoned and folks finally realized that I wasn't just blowing hot air about the things he did. Jesse jackson's rainbow coalition even filed suit against his business, which was licensed by the FCC, for racism and not hiring enough minorities. He was a gifted liar.

IDK I guess the similarities I see between the two is why I question GZ's camps version of events. Plus I am older and wiser now, lol! Sorry for the personal story but I needed to get that off my chest.



Maybe they ran his prints or got his cell number and used a reverse directory?
Why would it mean police hanky-panky?

You do know that to get a result from running someone's prints that person has to have their "prints" on file somewhere, such as after an arrest where they were fingerprinted, joining the military, working for the federal, state or local government. etc. We know that TM did NOT have a criminal record, he was only 17 so he was not in the military or a government employee. So just how would the police department have been able to ID him from "prints"?

If they used a reverse directory and located his ID from that why did they not contact his parents? Why did it take his father calling around and requesting to file a missing person report for the police to finally notifying him of the death of his son?

jmo, imo and all that jazz
I think the defense that will be presented is this.

Trying to protect yourself or another person from death or serious bodily harm;

JMO of course.

How could that be when GZ was on his way to the store, had no reason to believe TM was a suspect based on the information he gave LE. GZ thought TM was suspicious for a number of unfounded reasons and the only thing true was that TM was black and had a hoodie. TM was not posing a threat at the very moment GZ called it in. GZ essentially caused the death of, who at the time can be described under the law as an innocent person, by his very actions. GZ put the "cause" into the "effect".

That could be defense's case but it can't change the facts because they are documented. A jury could see GZ as being overzealous by taking matters into his own hands and deciding TM's fate for him. The only person we are hearing from in his community is FT. FT will NOT make a good witness for the defense, IMO. jmo
Maybe they ran his prints or got his cell number and used a reverse directory?
Why would it mean police hanky-panky?

His fingerprints are not in any database. He's never been arrested. Police don't just put something in an official report just by using a reverse directory. It would be hanky-panky if the original report did not contain it -- but the report was updated later without being noted that is was updated -- or -- they knew who he was at 3am and didn't contact his father and then feigned ignorance later in the morning when they met with him. I'm not saying any of this is fact -- I'm just speculating. Something isn't right here -- we can all agree with that.
From RZ's latest interview:

ZIMMERMAN: Off of that sidewalk there's another sidewalk that goes between two rows of townhomes. It's my understanding that Trayvon went between the two rows of townhomes, and George was walking down the main sidewalk to see if he could see where Trayvon was going.

He continued walking down that sidewalk to the next street. He wanted an address. All he could see was the back of the townhomes and he could not see an address. So he asked the dispatcher to have the responding unit call him, and he could tell him the address. So he walked down to the end of the street -- I'm sorry, to the end of the sidewalk to the next street to get an address. He did not know at that time where Trayvon Martin had gone. As he was walking back to his vehicle, there was a sidewalk that goes to his left and Trayvon came from that area where the sidewalks meet. He asked my son if he had a problem, and George said, no, I don't have a problem. Trayvon said, well, you do now. He punched him in the face, broke his nose, knocked him to the sidewalk, and got on him and started beating him.


Hmmm....Wonder why Richard seems so intent on convincing us that George was walking while TM was running?
You do know that to get a result from running someone's prints that person has to have there "prints" on file somewhere, such as after an arrest where they were fingerprinted, joining the military, working for the federal, state or local government. etc. We know that TM did NOT have a criminal record, he was only 17 so he was not in the military or a government employee. So just how would the police department have been able to ID him from "prints"?

If they used a reverse directory and located his ID from that why did they not contact his parents? Why did it take his father calling around and requesting to file a missing person report for the police to finally notifying him of the death of his son?

jmo, imo and all that jazz

Yes, I DO know that a person has to have their prints on file. I put that POSSIBILITY out there because we don't really know if there MIGHT be a reason his prints would be on file.

As for the reverse directory, that makes sense to me. IF they had his Miami address, and it was 3 am, why would they call and wake up a parent at 3 am if they were not yet CERTAIN of the teens true identity?

And they do not do death notifications of a child by telephone like that. They would have sent someone out there in person the next morning , imo.

They went and visited the father immediately upon hearing of the missing person filing that morning. How else was LE supposed to know the kids parent was in that town at the time? They had a Miami address and they were not even sure it was the right ID.
Maybe they ran his prints or got his cell number and used a reverse directory?
Why would it mean police hanky-panky?

It is possible they knew who TM was but had no way to get ahold of the father, if Dad was listed on the cell phone as the account owner. He was not at home, he was in Sanford and LE would have no way to know he was not in Miami. But, on the other hand, if the cell phone was in his Dad's name they would have a record of his Dad's cell phone number and could have called him.

So it does seem fishy unless LE added the name when he was identified and before they released the reports. If the reports are not signed they are just reports on a computer and we all know the identity would have had to been added once he was identified. They would not keep him listed as John Doe. jmo

Thanks to whoever posted this link on the last thread! Very insightful info on the climate there in Sanford. IMO, if there was ever a govt. agency that needs cultural diversity training it would be Sanford PD.

I am saying a prayer for truth and justice in this case and also for peace in Sanford, regardless of the outcome.

IMO, it sounds like GZ has two sides to his personality like my ex. He projected a good image to his friends and co-workers but wasn't really close to any of them but he had a violent, criminal side which he kept hidden for the most part. And his dad always 'saved' him when he got into trouble. I tried to tell people, called 911 when he beat me up, called the domestic violence center and had a few close friends who believed me and helped me to get out of there. It was only after we had been divorced a few years that his evil ways finally caught up with him and he was imprisoned and folks finally realized that I wasn't just blowing hot air about the things he did. Jesse jackson's rainbow coalition even filed suit against his business, which was licensed by the FCC, for racism and not hiring enough minorities. He was a gifted liar.

IDK I guess the similarities I see between the two is why I question GZ's camps version of events. Plus I am older and wiser now, lol! Sorry for the personal story but I needed to get that off my chest.




A violent criminal side? GZ has no convictions, and may have been acting in self defense. <modsnip>
From RZ's latest interview:

Hmmm....Wonder why Richard seems so intent on convincing us that George was walking while TM was running?

I know???? It's raining, he has a car with headlights. He could have backed his car up to see the numbers on the house where he was parked. It makes on sense. jmo
A violent criminal side? GZ has no convictions, and may have been acting in self defense. <modsnip>

He had a misdemeanor conviction from the felony arrest for the physical altercation and resisting a law enforcement officer in the bar incident.
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