17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #19

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Good stuff. The timeline is really key to understanding this case. And if you want to listen to the recordings again, the Wikipedia article on Trayvon Martin has them.

The start time of call with Trayvon's girlfriend is only known the the nearest minute. We don't know if T-Mobile dropped the seconds or rounded to the nearest second to determine that time. The four minute call length has the same problem. But if his girlfriends description was accurate, it ended before the screaming started. And that would have been at least 15 seconds before the first 911 call. (It takes time for people to recognize a problem, call 911 and get an answer).

As for the clicking noises, to me they sound like GZ is running across gravel. Perhaps between the condo driveways or in the gap between buildings.

I downloaded everything but it's good to have a link for those who don't have access. Thanks for the Wiki article reminder!

The times are not exact - that's why I have not converted the times I noted from my audio program to military - I'm not sure how close I am with where things line up. There's the problem that T-Mobile rounds off the minutes for the girlfriend's call. And the 911 calls are only to the round minute in the transcripts I have, so I'm not sure how exact the time for the gunshot is.

The clicking noise is pretty metallic sounding to me. And it is always three clicks. There are four repeats of the three clicks. When I posted the audio file earlier some thought it was computer keys, maybe the operator was hitting the return or tab key three times to change lines.
From what the reporter stated, I'm thinking this occurred last Sunday also. But for a few seconds, did have me wondering IF I had totally missed Easter though since I spent almost all day on Friday thinking it was Saturday...JMHO

You'd think this would have been all over the news!
The only cut thru street would be Long Oak Way down by the back gate. There are only two other roads in the community Retreat View Circle and Twin Trees. jmo

IMO on the initial call, when asked for his location, GZ said he was located "at the cut through." IMO a "cut through" could be a short street... could be a sidewalk connecting two streets... or could be a grassy area between two buildings or groups of buildings...

I have no idea exactly where GZ's vehicle was at any point in the incident. However, IMO a person parked on a street, asked what address he's at, might not be able to answer for sure, if his position at the curb were in front of a grassy cut-through rather than in front of a particular building.

family at my SIL's. Today she had neighbors/friends over too and we were all discussing this-started with the SYG law and everyone, many of whom were staunch Republicans all agreed this was CRAZY and essentially an inducement to deadly violence and ensuring any opponent of yours was good and dead and not merely wounded-we all said boycotts of states with these laws by vacationeers would be a good thing. It also led into a discussion of ALEC which made for an interesting dialogue-these kind of crazy model laws are being sponsored by big money and big corporations that really aren't concerned with your welfare or whether your kids make it home alive from the 7-11.

Florida assailed over firearm laws..

Gun-control groups focus on 'stand your ground' and other lenient weapons regulations in response to the Trayvon Martin shooting.

SANFORD, Fla. — The night Trayvon Martin was shot to death, George Zimmerman was one of 1,903 residents in his ZIP code with a permit to carry a concealed handgun, state records show.

That amounts to about 6% of adults 21 and older — about the statewide average, and twice the rate of Texas.

Exactly! They went to all kinds of trouble releasing lots of evidence in the case like the partial police reports and 911 calls to justify what they did.

They even released burglary reports with the victims names, addresses and phone numbers to somehow justify what Zimmerman did.

But they refuse to release the reports on the clothing of both shooter and victim, refuse to release the info on Zimmerman's injuries or the ballistics of the gunshot or the witness statements.

and IMO

And, more importantly, they refuse to release Trayvon's autopsy!
So Zimmerman indicates it as a cut through street so no wonder I'm confused. There is no cut through street in the complex. There are only 2 streets in the complex - which are Retreat View Circle and Twin Trees. I don't consider Twin Trees as a cut through road. Thanks for answering my question.


Just judging from his words, and considering how different the perspective would be actually driving it, that's how I understood what he was trying to say. If you go to google maps/street view - input 1111 Retreat View Circle, it's easier to see.

IMO on the initial call, when asked for his location, GZ said he was located "at the cut through." IMO a "cut through" could be a short street... could be a sidewalk connecting two streets... or could be a grassy area between two buildings or groups of buildings...

I have no idea exactly where GZ's vehicle was at any point in the incident. However, IMO a person parked on a street, asked what address he's at, might not be able to answer for sure, if his position at the curb were in front of a grassy cut-through rather than in front of a particular building.

He said he was in front of the club house, and then by the mailboxes, all near the curved street - not a left, but more of a curve to the left - essentially the second left. I would think if her were describing a sidewalk, he would say there's no address, it's a sidewalk. JMO
I should be preparing for tomorrow's dinner but I can't pull myself away from this thread!!

This article quotes the National Sheriff's Assn as saying the complex wasn't even registered to be in the Neighborhood Watch Program:

<Mod Snip>

ICBW, but my understanding is that all Local and State LE are authorized to create NW programs in their areas, as in GZ's neighborhood. Not all NW programs are registered with the national organization. I believe that is optional. IMO

From the National Sheriff's Association website:

NSA through USAonWatch.org has been able to create a national registry of more than 22,000 Watch Groups since January 2002. USAonWatch boasts a vast resource center full of FREE printable materials on crime prevention and Neighborhood/Block/Crime/Community Watch available in both English and Spanish. Visitors to the site can choose to register for our monthly electronic newsletter, which features success stories, best practices from around the country and other news pertaining to Neighborhood Watch and Hometown Security.


The USAonWatch.org site seems to indicate that registration is optional:

Someone please correct me if I have this wrong. TIA

IMO on the initial call, when asked for his location, GZ said he was located "at the cut through." IMO a "cut through" could be a short street... could be a sidewalk connecting two streets... or could be a grassy area between two buildings or groups of buildings...

I have no idea exactly where GZ's vehicle was at any point in the incident. However, IMO a person parked on a street, asked what address he's at, might not be able to answer for sure, if his position at the curb were in front of a grassy cut-through rather than in front of a particular building.


Zimmerman lived in this complex since 2009. He did his "nightly rounds" while walking his Rottweiler. There's no way this man didn't know every single nook and cranny of that complex. He uttered the words about cut-through street and the like in order to keep from having to pinpoint his exact location to the dispatcher because he was fully hell bent and determined to follow Trayvon and he didn't want to have to wait for LE to arrive (even to the point that he completely disregarded the very simple instruction of WE DON'T NEED YOU TO DO THAT. He wanted LE to call him when they arrived so he would know where to meet them.

If there is a case they have a right to hold things close to the vest and let it come out when the right time is. and not in the public eye. With the amount of misinformation, and bias information, it would be best to keep tempers down and keep the case close to the vest till the investigation dictates differently.
BUT you are right I do think there may be a few lost jobs.
IMHO it should have been an investigation from the very start.

Ordinarily I agree (at least to a point), but not in this case. Silence is a request for trust that, in my opinion, LE has not earned. Just the opposite -- in my opinion they have earned our anger and mistrust.

Millions of people around the country are angry over what they perceive to be corruption, incompetence, or outright racism and civil rights violations on the part of law enforcement. It is past time for LE to come forward with the information they have so that the people of Florida and America can determine just how worthy of trust these people are. They decided to allow a child killer to go free, and it is well past time they justify this decision. If they cannot do so, then the people need to know.

In my opinion.
You'd think this would have been all over the news!

Kinda makes me wonder if LE found out who made the threat, and whoever it is doesn't need any more bad publicity right now. As though the threat was made to gain sympathy for someone, and it backfired ? just a thought :moo:
Kinda makes me wonder if LE found out who made the threat, and whoever it is doesn't need any more bad publicity right now. As though the threat was made to gain sympathy for someone, and it backfired ? just a thought :moo:

Does sound like an April Fool's prank. Is the reporter even legitimate?
Does sound like an April Fool's prank. Is the reporter even legitimate?

I'm thinking its real, or why would Taafe and another neighbor go on TV news and lie about something that can be checked into easily? (I know, its a loaded question) LOL
I really can't imagine how the big networks didn't pick up on this??!!
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