17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #23

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FWIW ...

when the SA's affadavit says "profiling" I don't think it means "racial profiling" or "hate-crime-type" profiling.

I think it means neighborhood watch patrol "profiling". As in, looks suspicious, doesn't belong in neighborhood, call 911 - type "profiling"

But if he had only performed his Neighborhood Watch position, after calling LE, he would be in his home and not following with a loaded weapon. (This type of profiling is acceptable) I know, I am Neighborhood Watch, and I do not and will never have a gun in my home.
in the least it's some type of "profiling", maybe not racial but based on age or gender -- aren't we all guilty of this?!

What "looks suspicious" is subjective. Eight burglaries in what time frame in this "gated community" . . . I want to know more about these crimes & when they occurred

The only one we have been able to nail down is a possible arrest of some men caught breaking into a condo. FT referred to a breakin to his home and that GZ caught the person. Turns out FT left his window open and GZ "claimed" there was a black man looking at his condo but when LE arrived there was no one around. GZ also reported suspicious black men walking in the neighborhood but now arrests. So it would be interesting to find out if there were actual breakins???? jmo
Sybrina had legal custody, but it was Tracy who identified Trayvon. I think that Miami Gardens is less than an hour from Sanford.

I am so sorry if this has already been stated, I am catching up right now, but Miami Gardens is no where near Sanford. I am close to Miami Gardens (SW Florida) than Sanford, Florida and it is still a 2 hour drive for me.
I read that he was appointed as Captain by all of the neighbors. My bet is that he was one of a few volunteers, and when he got the spot, someone else got jealous. jmo

If Federal charges are filed, then we'll know for sure if it was racial profiling. IMO it was.

Florida has a hate crime statute as well. If there was a hate crime to be charged, the allegation of "[eff]ing punks" would have been something different (the slur) or would have been excluded entirely. Imo, they have conclusively established (by any applicable evidence standard) that there was no racial epithet uttered. Otherwise, they would have alleged it, or would have left the option open. Given the publicity around the initial slur allegation, there is no way they would have changed it to "punks" in the affidavit if that's not the story they are sticking to. It wasn't necessary to the murder 2 charge at all.
Holy Moley!! I leave for drinks with good friends and come back to -- well--- lots to catch up on!

I also just listened to the 1st 4 minutes of my local news and had no idea that we have had a 17-year-old and a 15-year-old murdered in the last few days. So sad!

So, anyone who can catch me up quickly, would be great! Thanks! XOXOXOXOXO

Lola, you have missed it all! J/K

Please hurry and catch up.....I can't wait to here your thoughts!
Did I read that right? NOW he's thinking about apologizing? Talk about way too little, way too late. Yeah, that apology is going to be as sincere as when Casey apologized to Amy H. Give me a break!!!! The only thing he's sorry about is that this didn't blow over.

And kudos to the best post of the night:

Yes, the third person is Zanny's little brother.

I about died laughing. I sooooooooooo needed that! ROFL!
Who knows?! Cannot wait to read the "facts" and ultimately find out what a Florida Jury decides . . . in any case, GZ will not be residing in the State of FLA

Ummm, sorry but if GZ is found guilty he most definitely will be residing in the State of FLA as a "guest" of the FL state penal system, hopefully for the rest of his natural life.
in the least it's some type of "profiling", maybe not racial but based on age or gender -- aren't we all guilty of this?!

What "looks suspicious" is subjective. Eight burglaries in what time frame in this "gated community" . . . I want to know more about these crimes & when they occurred

But his profiling was bad in this case, it was stinkin thinkin, wrong all the way around and led him to believe Trayvon was a criminal.
I don't think that will stop FT, imo FT doesn't give a flying flip about GZ, just want's his (FT's) "fame". I would be interested to know if GZ and FT actually "really" knew each other other than seeing each other at NW meetings. FT could have just grabbed the opportunity to be on TV because he happens to live in the same complex and really is just as stupid as he sounds.

I have wondered that very same thing.

When GZ sent Taafe that voicemail message, he told Taafe that he was sorry about his son's death. Right before that Taafe had done an interview where he mentioned that he had lost a son.

If they were such good friends, wouldn't GZ had already known that Taafe had lost a son? Why would he be saying he was sorry so long after the fact? I think it was last year that Taafe's son passed away?

Lola, you have missed it all! J/K

Please hurry and catch up.....I can't wait to here your thoughts!

I don't think I should reply at all right now? :floorlaugh:

But of course, I will...

I am stunned into silence!
I have wondered that very same thing.

When GZ sent Taafe that voicemail message, he told Taafe that he was sorry about his son's death. Right before that Taafe had done an interview where he mentioned that he had lost a son.

If they were such good friends, wouldn't GZ had already known that Taafe had lost a son? Why would he be saying he was sorry so long after the fact? I think it was last year that Taafe's son passed away?


If I remember correctly (and it is possible that at this late at night even though of course since I live in FL the sun must be shining at 11:30pm, I am not remembering exactly correct) Taaffe's son died from a drug overdose 3 years ago.
If I remember correctly (and it is possible that at this late at night even though of course since I live in FL the sun must be shining at 11:30pm, I am not remembering exactly correct) Taaffe's son died from a drug overdose 3 years ago.

That is correct.
Did I read that right? NOW he's thinking about apologizing? Talk about way too little, way too late. Yeah, that apology is going to be as sincere as when Casey apologized to Amy H. Give me a break!!!! The only thing he's sorry about is that this didn't blow over.

And kudos to the best post of the night:

I about died laughing. I sooooooooooo needed that! ROFL!

Can you hear my eyes rolling? I read that and thought *Yeah like THAT will make everything ok.*:banghead:
I am a bit concerned about the intense, almost non-stop coverage the media is giving this case. While I agree it deserves attention, I'm worried this could taint a potential jury pool. Did the media not learn their lesson with the Casey Anthony trial? We all know how well that turned out. The non-stop media coverage made it nearly impossible to seat a jury and many feel that is what ultimately led to that farce of a verdict...:banghead:

Oh who am I kidding? What does the media care as long as they are getting ratings? :sigh:
Can you hear my eyes rolling? I read that and thought *Yeah like THAT will make everything ok.*:banghead:

I don't know.. better late than never? It's not going to happen now. GZ is formally charged and as Dr.Fessel said (paraphrasing) for GZ to apologize now would be an admission of guilt. Not happening now.
That is correct.

Whew, thought maybe being deprived of the normal day/night cycle (since of course dark is not really dark in Florida) my mind could be playing "tricks" on me and that my memory has become shot from all these nightless years. Thanks for reassuring me.
I don't think there is anything wrong with GZ apologizing to Trayvon's parents? I think it would be a good thing to do. It will not excuse him from what he did that night, because he will have to face the consequences of what he did... but I think it is a very good thing for him to apologize? I think that IF there can be a better understanding there could be a resolution without a nasty trial and there could be a PLEA to a manslaughter charge?

Whew, thought maybe being deprived of the normal day/night cycle (since of course dark is not really dark in Florida) my mind could be playing "tricks" on me and that my memory has become shot from all these nightless years. Thanks for reassuring me.

You're good!! :rocker:
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