17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #26

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Rodriguez's wife Audria also said she saw the bandages and a third neighbor, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, agreed with the Rodriguez couple's account. "I saw two bandages on the back of his head, and his nose was all swollen up," said the witness, who had watched from a nearby second-floor window.


How can you see a "all swollen up" nose from a nearby second-floor window?
Yeppers, I'll never be able to eat another Jolly Rancher for the rest of my life.


Guess I'll just have to stick to drinking my Jolly Ranchers:

2 oz vodka
1 oz Midori® melon liqueur
cranberry juice

Pour vodka and melon liqueur into a cocktail shaker, and fill with cranberry juice. Shake, pour over ice in a highball glass, and serve.
How can you see a "all swollen up" nose from a nearby second-floor window?

Wow! Remind me to go that person's optometrist. :eek:

Something is so fishy about the entire story immediately after the shooting. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but this one sure does stink! From LE to witnesses to GZ himself-something stinks bad. IMO
Whether or not GZ had injuries to the back of his head, nose or his baby toe doesn't really matter. I'm 100% convinced that he was the aggressor in every way, shape and form in this crime.
I have a strong suspicion that I'm not the only one that is 100% convinced--there is that pesky little matter of a 2nd degree murder charge GZ is facing.

If Trayvon got a few punches in before he was KILLED--Good for him! I would kick, scream, punch, gouge, and do whatever I had to in order to fend off some wacko, gun-wielding lunatic.

I've been lurking here for awhile now, but I'm tired of just lurking :blushing: I AGREE with your post. If GZ has any injuries to his body, then I believe that TM was DEFENDING himself from his attacker.
Rodriguez's wife Audria also said she saw the bandages and a third neighbor, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, agreed with the Rodriguez couple's account. "I saw two bandages on the back of his head, and his nose was all swollen up," said the witness, who had watched from a nearby second-floor window.



Really? She could clearly see GZ's swollen nose from her 2nd floor window? Because I'm such a PIA about what's being reported, I had MrJC go outside and I looked at him from our 2nd floor window. Not knowing how many feet away she was, we tried it with him moving closer and further away, changing angles and posture. It is 6:45 pm here, sun is shinning and I can clearly see him. I could see his face but I wouldn't have been able to tell if his nose was swollen. In broad daylight. Sun shinning brightly.

How did this woman, from her 2nd story window, at night, with only porch and courtyard lighting , see GZ's swollen nose? Was there blood on his nose? Blood on his shirt? His jacket? Surely if she could see his broken nose, she could have seen these other details.

Here's the deal, for me, myself and I only. I wish both sides would, with the exception of parents, STFU! The story itself is tragic, it doesn't need embellishing or minimizing. It needs to stand alone, on facts and forensic evidence. Since not one member of the media has their grubby little hands on all the facts and all the evidence. SHUT UP! You don't know any more than the rest of the general public.

I wonder if TM's parents are being followed continuously. Maybe, left to themselves, they would say less. What they wanted to happen, has happened. Now, they can only sit back and wait for the slow wheels of justice to turn.

GZ's parents should be able to speak in defense of their son. No matter what they feel inside, he is their son and they should stand behind him. His
brother and casual acquaintances need to STFU because they aren't helping GZ at all.

Whether or not GZ had injuries to the back of his head, nose or his baby toe doesn't really matter. I'm 100% convinced that he was the aggressor in every way, shape and form in this crime.

Well said! However, I also think back to the Casey Anthony trial. A big part of the reason I knew she'd probably get off was because the State couldn't pin down how exactly Caylee died...

Was it tape? What it chlorophyll? Was it Xanax? And who had access to any/all of the aforementioned? Did George have the tape? Did Cindy look up chlorophyll a zillion times? Oh, chlorophyll really wasn't looked up *that* many times at all -- and the State knew it?! Yadda, yadda.

So, Angela Corey & Co. have to dig deep and figure out the blow-by-blow. There needs be clarity about GZ's medical records... Why didn't GZ have bandages when he was walking into the precinct? Did he go to Walgreen's that morning and buy bandages -- and the cashier saw nothing at all wrong with his nose?

The State can leave no stone unturned. Because there may even be evidence supporting that TM never laid a finger on GZ.

We see all the time that people shoot or cut themselves to make their story of self-defense, of being the victim, look better. Heck, I've limped around at work before to make it look good as to why I claimed to be arriving late. :fence:

If GZ is found to be lying or exaggerating his wounds, this will create doubt in other areas of his story. If AC can't weave together a strong picture of what went down, GZ will wiggle out of this just like CA did.
First of all, GZ had no business getting out of his car, and was, in fact, told to stay in his vehicle and not pursue.

He did it anyway, and from his statements, he wasn't going to let this one get away. GZ is a <modsnip> individual.

He could have, if he really thought Trayvon was a threat, shot him in the foot. But no, little guy GZ had to be a hero that night!

< mod snip >

Mods, no threat here at all, just my observation.
I'm sure GZ really is afraid of being killed in jail, but he is much safer in jail than he would be if sentenced to prison. In jail, he at least is in a one man lockdown cell. In prison he would not have that luxury. People are not going to forget GZ, and (prison) inmates are no exception.

In the course of 24 hours, he does come in contact with different officers at count time, shower time, and if he chooses his hour or so out of his solitary confinement cell. He will probably come in contact with trustees also.

If he is afraid at all, his shower time is probably his most vulnerable time, IMO. Imagine being naked and water running in the open stall shower, and an officer having to more or less watch your every move. GZ has no privacy whatsoever, but is in no danger of being harmed by officers. I would think that GZ is literally begging his lawyer to get him out of there.

Count time is done at least three times during the course of each shift and not always at the same times. During count time, his face cannot be turned toward the wall or covered. That can be intimidating to someone who isn't used to being awakened and ordered to show his face.

GZ is now in a place where he has no authority at all. He will have a very hard time adjusting, IMO. He has nothing but time and probably is constantly reliving the night he shot Trayvon. He has to stick with his original story, though.

George is really in no danger in jail, IMO. His big problems would definately come in prison if he is found guilty and sentenced.

This is of his own making and I certainly do not feel at all sorry for him.


If GZ had shown distress at the scene or police station, if he had reached out to Trayvon's parents through his spokespeople or himself and told them he made a mistake about who Trayvon was and he is sorry that he shot him. But he was indifferent and relaxed (not shocked, imo) then he went on to paint Trayvon as a hoodlum and violent criminal, just compounding his guilt and lies, imo. So because of that I don't feel sorry for him.
I noticed GZ bought men's briefs but 2 different sizes , medium and large, what's that about ? :waitasec:

For fat days.

Actually, though, maybe he just wasn't sure which would fit.

Or he wants to keep us guessing.

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Rodriguez's wife Audria also said she saw the bandages and a third neighbor, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, agreed with the Rodriguez couple's account. "I saw two bandages on the back of his head, and his nose was all swollen up," said the witness, who had watched from a nearby second-floor window.


Be that as it may, it was Trayvon who was screaming in pain and terror. Also, it is not surprising he would be hurt in a scuffle that he started. The ME on Nancy Grace said a nose can be broken from firing a gun when it kicks back and I believe, if his nose was broken that is what caused it. I do not believe that Trayvon punched him so hard that he broke his nose.
Be that as it may, it was Trayvon who was screaming in pain and terror. Also, it is not surprising he would be hurt in a scuffle that he started. The ME on Nancy Grace said a nose can be broken from firing a gun when it kicks back and I believe, if his nose was broken that is what caused it. I do not believe that Trayvon punched him so hard that he broke his nose.

A nose COULD be broken from a 9mm recoil but it's bloody unlikely.
I'm sure GZ really is afraid of being killed in jail, but he is much safer in jail than he would be if sentenced to prison. In jail, he at least is in a one man lockdown cell. In prison he would not have that luxury. People are not going to forget GZ, and (prison) inmates are no exception.

In the course of 24 hours, he does come in contact with different officers at count time, shower time, and if he chooses his hour or so out of his solitary confinement cell. He will probably come in contact with trustees also.

If he is afraid at all, his shower time is probably his most vulnerable time, IMO. Imagine being naked and water running in the open stall shower, and an officer having to more or less watch your every move. GZ has no privacy whatsoever, but is in no danger of being harmed by officers. I would think that GZ is literally begging his lawyer to get him out of there.

Count time is done at least three times during the course of each shift and not always at the same times. During count time, his face cannot be turned toward the wall or covered. That can be intimidating to someone who isn't used to being awakened and ordered to show his face.

GZ is now in a place where he has no authority at all. He will have a very hard time adjusting, IMO. He has nothing but time and probably is constantly reliving the night he shot Trayvon. He has to stick with his original story, though.

George is really in no danger in jail, IMO. His big problems would definately come in prison if he is found guilty and sentenced.

This is of his own making and I certainly do not feel at all sorry for him.


No pity from me. He is alive. Trayvon is not. You reap what you sow.
I'm sure GZ really is afraid of being killed in jail, but he is much safer in jail than he would be if sentenced to prison. In jail, he at least is in a one man lockdown cell. In prison he would not have that luxury. People are not going to forget GZ, and (prison) inmates are no exception.

In the course of 24 hours, he does come in contact with different officers at count time, shower time, and if he chooses his hour or so out of his solitary confinement cell. He will probably come in contact with trustees also.

If he is afraid at all, his shower time is probably his most vulnerable time, IMO. Imagine being naked and water running in the open stall shower, and an officer having to more or less watch your every move. GZ has no privacy whatsoever, but is in no danger of being harmed by officers. I would think that GZ is literally begging his lawyer to get him out of there.

Count time is done at least three times during the course of each shift and not always at the same times. During count time, his face cannot be turned toward the wall or covered. That can be intimidating to someone who isn't used to being awakened and ordered to show his face.

GZ is now in a place where he has no authority at all. He will have a very hard time adjusting, IMO. He has nothing but time and probably is constantly reliving the night he shot Trayvon. He has to stick with his original story, though.

George is really in no danger in jail, IMO. His big problems would definately come in prison if he is found guilty and sentenced.

This is of his own making and I certainly do not feel at all sorry for him.


I feel sorry for him. He lived his life believing he's an energetic law abiding citizen, and he went to jail believing he was protecting his neighbors.

I also feel great empathy for Trayvon, and his parents. Both parents, but particularly his mother has pulled at my heartstrings. They have handled their horrible pain of loss with more grace than I could ever muster.

I feel empathy for everyone in this story. If only, if only if only is the mantra. If only one of these two young men had behaved civilly, their lives and their family's lives wouldn't be ruined.
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