17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #28

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Well darn mooo, I am a little over the top, most here know that. :floorlaugh: But as far as me mocking GZ, I'm not gonna loose sleep over that. He is not the victim here....
I took at is you mocking anyone that carries a gun or flashlights. You didn't seem to specifically address one person.
Well I don't carry a gun or a flashlight - even nasty little ones- or anything else. I don't feel the need to. I refuse to live in a frame of mind where I think "Oh, I'm going to get mik, better get my gun." To me...people let fear get to them wayyyyyyyyyy too much.
I do carry a flashlight in my purse - but I live out in the country. If I get home after dark, I need a light to get to the door. And if I break down on the highway, I want a light to see.

That is one advantage women have over men, though. We can lug around those big sacks of stuff and not look unusual. You'd be surprised at what I've been known to carry around in that purse sometimes!

IMO, JMO, etc.
When has ANY defendant gotten on the stand at a bond hearing and "apologized" to a family for killing their child??? Then, GZ can't remember which officer, detective, he "felt sorry for them losing their child."

I have a bridge...

The detective didn't seem to be able to remember a few things either. I found that very odd.

STOP personalizing posts please. Everyone has a right to their opinion. And if you don't like it pass it by. But only the moderators, moderate on this forum.

This is the only warning you will receive about this issue.
The detective shouldn't of said they had no evidence of who was chasing who then. Or that they had no evidence of who started the confrontation.

I need to find a tape of today's hearing and hear the detectives exact statement. No matter what, that gun did not arrive at Trayvon's location and shoot on it's own. It's impossible.
I don't think carrying a flashlight is weird. My husband, the soundman, and my son, the auto tech, both carry flashlights. And I used to carry a little one on my keychain till it broke. Couldn't find a replacement so I bought a flashlight app for my iPhone. They actually come in handy more times than you'd think.
I took at is you mocking anyone that carries a gun or flashlights. You didn't seem to specifically address one person.

Well, next time I will make myself clearer. :fence: Look, I'm in TEXAS, lawd knows how many guns are around here. I understand some people carry...it's just not my cup of tea.
I 100% think George pulled that gun out to try and keep Trayvon from getting away -- but once he did that -- it would be this action alone that would make this case NOT self defense! The moment he pulled that gun, Trayvon had every right to defend himself!


I don't see how that's ever going to be proven in this case (if the gun was pulled out or not). Not sure how that would affect a verdict one way or the other.
Just got back from there.....the answer is ZERO, it was a very busy place today, and not a single person had dual flashlights hanging from their belts nor was anyone at the checkout even buying a flashlight. AND this is right smack in an area that has had power outages from the tornados last weekend. NO flashlights.

Did you check in all their cars? Maybe GZ keps a flashlight in his car at all times. I know I do.
This is wholly irrelevant to my question. No offense intended by that.

I'm saying... You're being chased down by a big dude at night with a gun after making a trip to a 7-11... Would you think having a gun in that situation would be useful?

ok, I see no one else is biting, and I dont know why you're asking, but yes, I agree with you, the older I get, the more WS I read, the more I live in the UK and cannot own a firearm at all, yes, the more I think all adults would be well of to have to take courses in safety and carry a firearm. in kennesaw GA all homeowners must have a firearm and the crime rate dropped dramatically after that law passed. see, people with bad intentions carry the damn things legal or not. they might think twice if they know everyone has one.
I am not comparing this to the Martin case, so I'm not sure why you keep bringing up ages and kids. I'm asking this question of each and every member here. The only reason I chose that scenario is because it's one that everyone here can identify with because it's the subject being discussed.

I answered yes, it would be useful.

Then I expanded because the question does relate to what happened in this case because we are being asked to put ourselves in this same situation. It's a useful question for adults -- and the answer is yes -- a gun would be useful in a situation like this.

What it doesn't help to answer is what would my 17-year-old niece be able to do in the same situation. Like I said, I am not worried about me. I'm worried about my 17-year-old niece being in a situation like this. A gun, while it would help her, would be completely illegal for her to be carrying and would probably result in this person walking free because my niece chose to illegally carry a gun.

Get what I am saying?
I just want one question answered.

If George Zimmerman intended to stop following Trayvon, why didn't he agree to meet police at his home or at the mailboxes. Why did he need a phone call to "see where he's at"?? Keeping an eye on Trayvon is the same thing as following him; you can't keep an eye on someone without moving where they move---which is following.


Someone, please, answer that logically.

I'll try.

This happened to me, several years ago. No gun, and I'm not a neighborhood watch member. We'd had car break-ins ("smash and grab"), thefts of items from open/unlocked garages, and there was also a suspected drug house in the neighborhood, with unusual activity at night.

I called police (non-emergency) on a guy who appeared to be casing parked cars, and who'd suddenly ducked and headed through a yard across the street after he saw me spotting him. LE asked where he went, so walked halfway across the street and a little bit down the block to try to see. Dispatch warned me not to confront him, and to stay at a safe distance. I assured them I was too scared of him to get too close.

From that vantage point, I spotted him again in the next yard, then saw him dart between two houses apparently into an adjacent back yard. My heart was pounding as I reported this to LE. I then quickly walked down my fenceline to try to see if he would emerge behind those houses. Police were on the way.

After the call ended, I thought I saw him running away from my location, from halfway down the block behind where he'd ducked in. I tried to cross the street in time to spot him again, but he had disappeared by the time I crossed over. I was scared to death that I had been mistaken; that he might pop out and grab me at any time. I returned to my hiding place next to the tree at the end of my own fenceline to watch and wait for police.

LE called my cell when they got close, to get my location and the last place I'd seen him. They first looked for him and didn't find him. Then they met me, still hiding near my fence. After having me describe and point out to them his movements, they tried again but still couldn't find him. ("The *advertiser censored*hole got away.") They made a report, advising me to stay vigilant and call again if I saw him or any other suspicious person or activity.

So, in response to your request, I was most definitely NOT chasing or following the guy. I was trying to observe his movements and ascertain his location because I very badly wanted LE to be able to find him when they arrived. I didn't want have to tell them well, he was here, but now he's gone.

Sorry for the long post.
Do you honestly think that anyone that routinely carries a gun (not a part of their job) is constantly worried about being victimized? It can't simply be a "better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it" mentality? I don't think anyone with a bulge in their coats is out to get me; I'm not looking for the next person that's going to try to victimize me. Most people aren't even aware that I carry because it's just second nature. It's not this compulsory decision out of sheer irrational fear. It's just the decision that if I am ever in a situation where I may need it, I'd rather have it. And that's incredibly realistic, as opposed to "Nothing will ever happen to me". I don't know why that concept is so hard to grasp.

It does not mean you would go out looking for a possibility of trouble. Which is exactly what GZ did. He actually created a situation where none existed before. jmo
The detective shouldn't of said they had no evidence of who was chasing who then. Or that they had no evidence of who started the confrontation.

He did:

Do you know who started the fight?" O’Mara asked him.

"Do I know? No," said Gilbreath, who added that he had not come to the hearing prepared to testify.

"Do you have any evidence that supports who may have started the fight?"

I don't see how that's ever going to be proven in this case (if the gun was pulled out or not). Not sure how that would affect a verdict one way or the other.

Well, according to George's father, George was "reaching for" his phone and this is when Trayvon seen the gun and tried to get the gun. Why would George's father tell us George was reaching for anything?? That doesn't sound odd to you? Why would that be relevent?? To me it shows Daddy Zimmerman trying to take the focus off George reaching for his gun and trying to say he was reaching for his phone.

I've been following this case from the sidelines (you WSers are great!), but had to interject and say I was mighty disappointed with today's events. There's no doubt in my mind that GZ was looking for trouble that night. This case stinks.
Poor child, he didn't have a chance. My heart breaks for his family.
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