17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #28

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What the heck? That's a crime as well. Zimmerman may have done both...or tried to hold him and that started a fight.

Or he may not have done either (attacked first, or held TM at gunpoint). JMO
I don't think carrying a flashlight is weird. My husband, the soundman, and my son, the auto tech, both carry flashlights. And I used to carry a little one on my keychain till it broke. Couldn't find a replacement so I bought a flashlight app for my iPhone. They actually come in handy more times than you'd think.

I have a coal miner type flashlight head thingy in my glove box. Never know if the car is gonna break down and I've gotta hoof it.

It's also great for looking under the hood in the dark because it's hand free.
I agree that his family should support him, but not to the extent that they will lie or embellish the truth. They should love their son unconditionally, of course, even if he murdered someone.

My mom must not believe in unconditional love because she has told me and my sisters since I can remember:

"If you get arrested... DON'T call me! DON'T write me! DON'T expect money! DON'T expect me in that courtroom!" She told my older sister, the one who my mom's two granddaughters: "If you ever harm a hair on their heads... I will disown you! You will be dead to me!" during the Caylee Anthony case. She would never stand by us if we killed someone and I know she wouldn't. One time my sister was being really nasty to my mom and my sister said she was going to call HRS (DCF back then) and my mom handed her the phone and said: "When you're finished... make sure you call 911 because you'll need it." :floorlaugh:

My mom was not abusive in any way and loves us more than the world -- but she is not one of those parents that would support us no matter what and I love her for that. None of us have ever been in any kind of trouble!

You are not allowed to cuff people in the front?
I've never heard of that.

I've seen many people cuffed in the front many times while following cases.

Kimberly125, LE is not allowed to cuff in front because the subject can raise his/her arms up and come down really hard with a blow to the officer or anyone else in front of him/her.


ETA: If you ever see a subject with hands cuffed in the front, you will also see an officer or two officers beside that subject escorting!
My mom must not believe in unconditional love because she has told me and my sisters since I can remember:

"If you get arrested... DON'T call me! DON'T write me! DON'T expect money! DON'T expect me in that courtroom!" MOO

Lets hope your never wrongly accused of a crime!!!


Reality Orlando's daughter is missing.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=169567"]Here is the link to her thread. [/ame]
Kimberly125, LE is not allowed to cuff in front because the subject can raise his/her arms up and come down really hard with a blow to the officer or anyone else in front of him/her.


ETA: If you ever see a subject with hands cuffed in the front, you will also see an officer or two officers beside that subject escorting!

A lot of LE must ignore that rule then because I've seen it more times than I can count.
That is what I thought??? But the new pic doesn't show any smearing. It looks too clean (can't find a better word) If this pic was taken before GZ was treated by EMS, Okay, but if they let him leave without so much as a bandage 30 so minutes later. And we have all watched the video where no gloves are needed?

Oh heck I dunno anymore. I just don't know. It looks hinky.


Yet a witness stated that GZ placed his hands on his head after the shooting, IIRC, so why is the blood not smeared by his hands?

Something screwy here, IMO

I agree with you, octobermoon!!

Or maybe he saw it when the cops flipped him over? :waitasec:

I would think they would remove everyone far away from the crimescene if they were not directly involved? Isn't that really important? Preserve the crime scene?
So are you saying that this "witness" who very clearly said he could CLEARLY see the GSR on Trayvon's hoodie is either lying (remember he is the one that took the pic of GZ "injuries" so is he lying about them too) or since Trayvon was shot in the chest he turned Trayvon over looked at the GSR then flipped Trayvon over again, thus tampering with the scene of a crime?

Or the witness doesn't know what GSR looks like and is mistaken.

I posted several pages back that GSR is only visible to the naked eye if the shot is fired at very close range, 12" or less.

Distances of 12 or fewer inches generally produce residues visible to the naked eye.

Read more: Forensic Toxicology and Gun Residue | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_6402544_forensic-toxicology-gun-residue.html#ixzz1scG42KKP

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
All of the boded can be true and it still be 2nd degree murder. None of that proves what GZ's intent was.............

All day I have been thinking of Basketball. When high-schoolers play basketball and someone comes over their back or grabs them or their arm oftentimes an elbow will get forcefully thrown. Getting a real good elbow to the face (and with GZ being shorter than TM) can not only cause a nose injury but can cause the person/grabber to fall backward and bang their own head in the process.

Throwing an elbow, in any situation where trying to get away from someone is extremely common. Somehow, TM and GZ got very far away from where the first witnesses heard the initial "words" of an altercation. (Some have suggested the yelling started three houses down from the "Scuffle" in the grass.)
I don't think carrying a flashlight is weird. My husband, the soundman, and my son, the auto tech, both carry flashlights. And I used to carry a little one on my keychain till it broke. Couldn't find a replacement so I bought a flashlight app for my iPhone. They actually come in handy more times than you'd think.

I don't find carrying a flashlight weird either. My hubby often wears one of those small belt holster type flashlights. I think it's a good idea for people that go out a lot at night. I keep a flashlight in my SUV.

Yet a witness stated that GZ placed his hands on his head after the shooting, IIRC, so why is the blood not smeared by his hands?

Something screwy here, IMO

I agree with you, octobermoon!!


That is an interesting point. Anyone who knows/recalls: Did the witness state that GZ placed his hands on the back of his head? TIA
I think we may just have our first Webslueths experiment in this case??

So, who is going to go sit outside of Target and do a survey on how many people carry a gun and two flashlights on their waistband to go shopping?

I still pages back but since I keep seeing the 2 flashlights brought I thought I would point out that the investigator said one was about/around/less than (can't remember exact description) 6" and the other one was an even smaller one attached to his key chain.
Not it's not, I looked it up recently. Concealed Weapons Permits are.

The governor signed the bill banning it in October. I was in pre-deployment training then and must have missed it. My apologies.

Just out of curiosity, how are those strict gun laws at deterring crime in LA, or Oakland? That assault weapons ban would surely keep people from dressing up in body armor and robbing banks with assault weapons, I imagine.
I know this was brought up during the hearing, but I'm still confused why GZ wore a suit instead of a jail jumpsuit like I've seen at all other bond hearings. Also, I can't recall a time when a defendant was in a suit and still was shackled??
I don't understand. I've never seen this phenomenon and I live in a small southern town. Flashlights? Only if someone is an auto mechanic and runs into a store to buy a gatorade or something.

I'm sure people carry guns legally or illegally here in TN. But they aren't going to pull them out in public unless they want to rob the place, in my opinion, because someone else is likely to shoot at them.

If security in either a Target or Wal-Mart saw a man or woman with a flashlight and a gun, he would be dialing 911 for the safety of the store. JMOO

Every boy and man I've ever known has carried a pocket knife. My father used his mainly for cleaning his fingernails or for cutting fishing line or something. Sometimes he used it to scrape grass off the lawnmower blade.

My Daddy didn't carry a knife to hurt people because . . . wait for it . . . he liked people and he trusted people. He had been through WWII - he didn't want to fight anymore.

Honestly, we can't have it both ways that some are armed to the teeth while anyone whom they suspect (like poor Trayvon) is assumed to be up to no good. I think the gun culture promotes paranoia and everyone needs to chill out. :cow:

I said before I carry a flashlight in my purse. And up until all the security stuff since 9/11 I carried a pocket knife. I run a farm and needed it for stuff around the farm and would often forget to take it out of my pocket when I'd go to town. But those are tools not weapons.

I had to reply because I agree so strongly with your last paragraph. The amount of increased paranoia in the last decade is incredible to me. :gthanks::tyou:
Kimberly125, LE is not allowed to cuff in front because the subject can raise his/her arms up and come down really hard with a blow to the officer or anyone else in front of him/her.


ETA: If you ever see a subject with hands cuffed in the front, you will also see an officer or two officers beside that subject escorting!

And that is why you see them in court with the chains clipped to their waist. So they can't use them as a weapon. jmo
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