17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #29

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IMHO.. He has proven he is a liar..JMHO

Yes indeed he has. Seems like Bernie De La Rionda proved that quite a few times today as well. Seems he learned that type of behavior pretty well considering that his father lied under oath today as well.

Wonder how there could be all that blood if it was supposed to be raining so hard that Trayvon had to put up his hoodie? JMO

Wonder where all the blood went, since it obviously did not drip on his collar or the back of his jacket or anywhere on his shirt. I will also say that IMO if the area they are showing is where his injuries were then the only way that Trayvon made those injuries by beating his head against concrete was if he was holding him upside down by his feet.

I certainly hope that there is more to that photograph than that, since that could have been anything smeared on his head, and in fact, there is no evidence that that is in fact a picture of George Zimmerman...I really hope that there is more to be seen here if they are going to claim this horrific injury IMO JMHO and stuff.
I know people have pretty random thoughts in their heads sometimes but I find it a little implausible that a person who is assaulted and fearful for his life would think about the assailant's age at that moment. Why would it make a difference if you're getting your skull broken by a 17 year old or a 25 year old?

GZ may judge 17-year olds as less of a threat, but when/if TM decked him, he felt he was involved in a struggle where he and his alleged assailant were more of a match. I can't speak for anyone else but as my attacker was mopping the floor with me, the thought that I was over-matched was a very persistent one.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
Was thinking about the investigator on the stand today, he's one of the original LE that was at the scene, I expect the investigators, (except Serino) and cops that fumbled the first investigation to get raked over the coals. And rightly so. What is important is the 2nd investigation and its investigators, what THEY found is gonna be key to getting a conviction. The prosecution is definitely playing their cards close to the vest. And I cannot wait to see what they have !
Somewhere over the rainbow my father is smiling saying

"that's my girl, she doesn't know #$%^"

:D :giggle:
Everyone I know who carries, and it is a significant number of people, carry some kind of hollowpoint. They also neither preach nor practice shooting to wound.

When using a gun for self-defense maximum "stopping power" with as little collateral damage risk as possible is the ideal. For home defense I rely on two 100lb plus dogs, but if a bear came through my window screen (it happens here) I would bust out a shotgun for the same reasons. Maximum stopping power, not likely to go through my wall and hit a neighbor.

This is absolutely correct, I took my concealed to carry course from my local LE, during this course this is the ammo they recommend and prefer.
Was thinking about the investigator on the stand today, he's one of the original LE that was at the scene, I expect the investigators, (except Serino) and cops that fumbled the first investigation to get raked over the coals. And rightly so. What is important is the 2nd investigation and its investigators, what THEY found is gonna be key to getting a conviction. The prosecution is definitely playing their cards close to the vest. And I cannot wait to see what they have !

No, imo. It is all the SAME evidence. This investigator answers for ALL of the prosecution when he says there is no evidence, and no eye witness testimony that proves who took the first swing. There is not different answers to those questions depending upon which investigator you ask.
Was thinking about the investigator on the stand today, he's one of the original LE that was at the scene, I expect the investigators, (except Serino) and cops that fumbled the first investigation to get raked over the coals. And rightly so. What is important is the 2nd investigation and its investigators, what THEY found is gonna be key to getting a conviction. The prosecution is definitely playing their cards close to the vest. And I cannot wait to see what they have !

I thought the investigator on the stand today was with Angela Corey's office out of Jacksonville. I know they gave his credentials right before calling him to the stand but perhaps I misunderstood. She has two investigators who are investigating this case for her right now.

Testimony is one thing. Using the platform to ambush the parents for his own self serving purposes is quite another. I could understand if this type of statement was made during a sentencing hearing. A bond hearing was not the time or place. Totally inappropriate! IMO, of course.


And had the parents not been in the courtroom, he would not have taken the stand to apologize to them, so I don't see how that could ahev been a regular part of the court proceedings. That was exactly the reason he took the stand, to apologize to the parents.

So had the parents not been there, he probably would have not even taken the stand. So it really has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the parents can take the heat, or whether or not he should have had to take their feelings into account. It simply would never have happened had they not been in the courtroom today, he used them being in the courtroom to do it. MOM even noted afterwards that the family had rejected his previous attempt.

But he was under oath, so those lies of his may come back to bite him if it goes to trial.

I thought the investigator on the stand today was with Angela Corey's office out of Jacksonville. I know they gave his credentials right before calling him to the stand but perhaps I misunderstood. She has two investigators who are investigating this case for her right now.

I believe it was the defense that called this investigator, therefore his being "unprepared" to take the stand. This was told by Jeff Ashton on Piers Morgan.
I just realized that we saw a 3+ hr FL courtroom precedure today without 1 sidebar...LOL!!!
Was thinking about the investigator on the stand today, he's one of the original LE that was at the scene, I expect the investigators, (except Serino) and cops that fumbled the first investigation to get raked over the coals. And rightly so. What is important is the 2nd investigation and its investigators, what THEY found is gonna be key to getting a conviction. The prosecution is definitely playing their cards close to the vest. And I cannot wait to see what they have !
Are you sure of that? I thought this was one of Corey's investigators.
Concerned Papa asked me to listen to this tape. I assume because I moderate and participate in the scanner forum. :lol:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K8lnzDqIEc&feature=endscreen&NR=1"]Trayvon Martin EMC Ambulance Audio Recording - YouTube[/ame]

What I am hearing on this tape is only dispatch, cancellation of the second responding units. Discussion about a non-responsive patient. An update that there is no "code"
no vitals, meaning they are not going to work the patient. Helicopter not flying because of weather.

The most important thing I hear is that someone is laying in the grass. He is unresponsive.

I hear them signing off and I hear them being directed to what I believe to be other channels. She is saying "Select 9 bravo and select 9 echo" acknowledge. So she is asking them to move to these channels and acknowledge they heard her.

What I find very interesting is I believe this tape might be redacted. It ends abruptly at the end. You never hear them clear the scene and you never hear the reports of injuries other than the initial minutes "not responsive no vitals". This IMO is not an entire tape nor is it the only tape.
I didn't see that anyone had posted this yet (if so, I apologize for the duplication), but CNN has a transcript of today's bond hearing. I find Gilbreath's testimony EXTREMELY interesting.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. Gilbreath, I didn't know we were going to be trying the case, I'm going to add up -- I apologize. I want to add some questions to -- you had reviewed or other members of the team had reviewed his interviews, is that not true.

GILBREATH: That is --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And he gave -- he the defendant gave numerous interviews to the police did he not.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And isn't it true that a lot of statements that he made do not make sense in terms of the injuries that he described. Did he not describe to the police that Mr. Martin had him on the ground and kept bashing his head on the concrete over and over and just physically beating him with his hands?

GILBREATH: He has said that, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And isn't it true that there is evidence that indicates that's not true?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did he also not state that at some point, he the defendant -- did he not state or claim that the victim in this case, Mr. Martin, put both hands one over his mouth and one over his nose so that he couldn't breathe?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And all of sudden that's when he was able to get free and grab the gun. Or I'm sorry, Martin was grabbing for the gun, did he not claim that too at some point. climb that?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But -- and I'm going to get into every little contradiction but wouldn't you agree that a lot of his statements can be contradicted by the evidence either witnesses or just based on what he says himself?

I thought the investigator on the stand today was with Angela Corey's office out of Jacksonville. I know they gave his credentials right before calling him to the stand but perhaps I misunderstood. She has two investigators who are investigating this case for her right now.


Thanks Adrienne
Hmm, I got the impression he was one of the original investigators (I'm probably wrong tho) I'd need to find out for sure.
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