17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #29

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In the bond hearing, the State investigator said it was an injury caused by trauma to the back of GZ's head, and admitted that it was consistent with GZ's claim that his head struck cement repeatedly in the fight.

It's toward the end of Gilbreath's testimony.

That's not what he said.

On the CNN transcript, they took a commercial break :banghead: and Gilbreath was FIRST asked:

MOM: Did you identify what caused those lacerations?
G: No.
MOM: Could it have been by having his head bashed on the ground as he testified to?
G: He suggested, I don't know testified to, that...
MOM: I'm sorry, told you about
G: He mentioned that, (ahem), 'scuse me, that his head was being physically bashed against the concrete sidewalk, and that he....this was just prior to him firing the shot...and that he, managed to scoot away from the concrete sidewalk, and that is...at that point, is when the shooting subsequently followed. Um, That is not consistent with the evidence we found.

CNN Came back in the middle of the above (at the word managed)
O'MARA: The injuries seem to be consistent with his story, though, don't they?

Dale; The injuries are consistent with a harder object striking the back of his head than his head was.

O'MARA: Could that be cement?

GILBREATH: Could be.

O'MARA: Did you just say it was consistent or did you say it wasn't consistent?

GILBREATH: I said it was.

You have to read it in its entirety and not snip out bits and pieces to have the context of the entire line of questioning make sense.
Gilbreath said that his injuries were NOT consistent with the story he told (above--head smashed into sidewalk, him "scooting" away, etc...)
He was saying that the injuries on GZ's head WERE consistent with a harder object striking the back of his head.

Of course when asked by MOM if it COULD have been from cement, any witness has to say yes. MOM could have asked if it COULD have been from a shovel, a boulder falling from the sky, a gun butt, etc....and of course any witness would say yes if they didn't witness it.
MO'M took this case pro bono so I think he's absolutely reveling in all the attention this case is going to get him. Did he pick GZ or did GZ pick him, that is the question!

GZ had asked Mark Nejame to be his lawyer a while back and Mark refused, then GZ called him recently and Mark refused again, but Mark did give GZ a list of lawyers he recommended. One of the lawyers on that list was O'Mara, and GZ apparently picked him. That is how they met. (No link, Mark Nejame explained this on HLN)
In the bond hearing, the State investigator said it was an injury caused by trauma to the back of GZ's head, and admitted that it was consistent with GZ's claim that his head struck cement repeatedly in the fight.

It's toward the end of Gilbreath's testimony.

No, that is not what he admitted. (......) mine

O'MARA: The injuries seem to be consistent with his story, though, don't they?

Dale; The injuries are consistent with a harder object striking the back of his head than his head was. (he does not say the injuries are consistent with Zimmerman's story which is the important part.)

O'MARA: Could that be cement?

GILBREATH: Could be. (he could have gone on and said any hard object)

O'MARA: Did you just say it was consistent or did you say it wasn't consistent?

GILBREATH: I said it was. (He is saying it was consistent with hitting a harder object. Not that it is consistent with Zimmerman's story.)

His wife needs income? She is welcome to go get a JOB.

GZ should have thought about his actions before he MURDERED (allegedly) an innocent child.

He can starve as far as I'm concerned...


I wonder how much income GZ made? I live in a community similar to the one George lived in here in SW Florida and it's not cheap? I don't know if this in in a nicer area though because there are some really beautiful places in the not so nice parts of town? So just because it looks expensive, doesn't mean it's expensive? But then he was going to school, and unless he had loans, that's a lot of money to be shelling out? He wasn't even a home owner in that place -- so I had to laugh about how all these people were moving in because the owners were renting to them -- George is one of those people too? :banghead:


ETA BBM Frank said this. He said that is why they had so much crime in the neighborhood.
I have circled what I believe to be George's nicks.



Awesome...those "nicks" don't appear like something I would expect from getting your head REPEATEDLY smashed into concrete.
His wife needs income? She is welcome to go get a JOB.

GZ should have thought about his actions before he MURDERED (allegedly) an innocent child.

He can starve as far as I'm concerned...


His wife is a hairdresser, perhaps she needs to put off finishing Nursing School while this is going on. MOO.
We'll end up paying for them anyway if MOM gets him declared indigent like he wants.

As far as personal needs he should have thought of that before he got himself into this fix....totally avoidable as it was.

His wife can get a job....a lot of us went to school and worked.

No sympathy for his wife even? I'm not ready to convict GZ, and i'm certainly not ready to convict his family.

What do you think is the likelihood that someone would hire George Zimmerman's wife? Question #1 at the job interview - any relation?
Check out Google images for road rash injuries (which is what Zimmerman's injury would be consistent with if his head had been repeatedly smashed into concrete) and you'll see they are vastly different than the injuries on these photos of Zimmerman. To me, Zimmerman's got some major problems ahead of him in terms of trying to convince anyone that these measly injuries are what caused him to fear for his life.

The streaks from the hole on the left, seem to go to the left. While the streaks from the hole on the right seem to go a little to the right or straight down. Nothing is smeared. It looks as though he was standing straight up when the wounds were inflicted. I'm looking at the back of his head and the way the streaks travel, the way I would read a green.
And, testing my theory out, I got extremely similar results.

Here is the control image (just the phone flash):
View attachment 21728

And here is the image with my Surefire shone into what seems to be about the same position:
View attachment 21729

If you take a look at FotoForensics, you'll see the same phenomenon in my image:


For full disclosure, I did crop the second blown-out photo in order to focus more on my head than my ability to take photographs with my hands behind my head and I shrank both of them because of size issues. If anyone wishes for the originals, I'll be happy to PM you a link.


Got to hand it to you: not many dudes would be secure enough in their masculinity to use m00c0w as a hat!

Good for you!
Why would someone take the magazine (not clip) out of a handgun and return it several times in a row? I can't think of a logical reason to do that. Same thing with racking the slide. Why would someone want to do that? Once? Sure, I can understand that. Twice? No reason too but possible. Three times? Now that gets a little unbelievable to me. JMO.

It makes sense to me, some people just can't resist messing around with their gun/guns, especially gun enthusiast or gun nuts. I take mine out to be cleaned or to go to the range that's it, but there are people who do handle their gun everyday. GZ would fit in this category in my opinion. IMO
No sympathy for his wife even? I'm not ready to convict GZ, and i'm certainly not ready to convict his family.

What do you think is the likelihood that someone would hire George Zimmerman's wife? Question #1 at the job interview - any relation?

Having a snotty attitude while testifying in a Court of Law was really a turn off -- she should really learn to control herself and answer questions respectfully. Having a snide attitude will not get her any friends on a jury. If Trayvon's parents can act respectfully while they are in the same room as the man who killed their son -- I would think she could act respectfully too.

No sympathy for his wife even? I'm not ready to convict GZ, and i'm certainly not ready to convict his family.

What do you think is the likelihood that someone would hire George Zimmerman's wife? Question #1 at the job interview - any relation?

After hearing her nasty tone (IMHO) during the bail hearing, I have no sympathy for her. She swore under oath that she has NEVER seen GZ angry. After 5 years of marriage???? The entire family has lied for GZ, IMO, and I cannot wait until it comes back to bite them.
Remember the judge that recused herself? One of the reasons was that Mark Nejame had been approached by GZ to represent him, originally in March and again when his "legal advisors" quit. Nejame did not want to take on a major case at this time in his life and gave GZ a list of attorneys, one of which was Mark O'Mara.

The reason the judge recused herself was that her husband works in Mark Nejame's firm.

No link at the moment, but it was all discussed in the articles about the recusal.

If we assume, for the sake of my comment, that GZ had a list of attorneys to choose from, why MO'M? He's a top notch lawyer and charges big bucks. How did GZ know when he approached MO'M, that he would defend him pro bono? I don't mean to imply there is anything wrong with MO'M doing this pro bono.
Hopefully they scraped under Trayvon's fingernails. Would be interesting to know if George's skin was underneath?

I'm starting to wonder if he did them himself when he was holding/grabbing his head after the shooting. He knew he needed to have some kind of injury to justify what he did.
I just played the tape of the 911 call many times. I happen to have a 9mm handy so ..I removed the clip from the gun and placed it back in a few times. I found the sounds to be very similar if not identical. GZ was getting prepared for the fight of his life, he had the thought of using that gun in his mind well before the fight. TM was his target IMO :maddening:
It's a good experiment IMO. We can disagree on this, tomayto/tomahto style. I have listened many times as well, and contend the sounds are also very similar if not identical to the sound of the dispatcher typing in the call data as it unfolded/was provided. JMO

Question: If it were the sound of the gun being handled, what would that prove? That GZ was about to leave his truck, so he got the gun from his glove box and prepped it for self-protection before slipping it in his waistband, yes? And....? JMO

One thing it would show IMO: That he was bold and/or stupid enough to allow the dispatcher to hear that -- the same dispatcher who was sharp enough to recognize the sound cues indicating GZ was "following" the SP, YKWIM? JMO
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