Right. But looking at someone doesn't "force" them to move. Watching someone who is in public doesn't constitute kidnapping, or any crime.
But watching someone and following someone, especially someone who has attempted to evade you and continuing to do so until you make them fearful of their safety and their life DOES give them the right to react with appropriate force...and I will say once again IMO JMHO and stuff
Trayvon Martin did NOT have LESS rights than George Zimmerman on the night in question...so maybe the question should be, how long should Trayvon have to be followed, and watched and made afraid? How long after the person who has watched you and followed you and made you afraid and is now confronting you do you wait before you decide that you will exercise whatever force necessary to secure your safety and your life?
Do you actually wait until they put their hands on you? Do you wait until they have tried to stop you...or do you punch them and try to run away?
There is a not so fine line between following someone and openly following them on a lonely street at night in the dark and making them afraid, and to do that and then claim self defense is offensive IMO JMHO and stuff.