17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #31

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Glad to see the other two "Neighborhood Watchmen" who held two new homeowners at gunpoint have been arrested! Which makes me wonder -- could GZ have been charged with false imprisonment if his intention was to not allow Trayvon to get away?

Why not, you are assuming TM knew GZ had a gun to being with. I provided math that doesn't indicate evidence that TM was actually 'running in fear' or was scared at any point until the very end.

I am not assuming that Trayvon knew GZ had a gun....I am assuming that Trayvon did not know who George Zimmerman was or who George Zimmerman thought he was. I think he was as I mentioned mildly apprehensive when he thought he was being watched and followed and that he felt he had resolved the situation when he got out of Zimmerman's sight.

I don't know about everyone since I am not Chuck Norris or Steven Seagal, if I were followed and thought it was over, I can imagine the spike in fear when I realize that the guy who was following me before and that I thought I had lost was now on foot and approaching me...particularly on a dark deserted sidewalk in the rain...and I am not 17 anymore.

We have unconfirmed some stories that claim that George and Trayvon were wrestling for the gun....If the gun was in GZ's waistband in it's holster, how did Trayvon know it was there? Between the tactical flashlights the cell phone and the holster there is no way especially if he had his jacket zipped as is claimed per FT that Trayvon saw the gun to wrestle for it, and not likely that he is going to notice it as he is allegedly bashing George's head on concrete and punching him ect.

Until there is proof otherwise, either circumstantial or forensic otherwise I believe that Trayvon saw the gun because George showed it to him and that's when that heartwrenching screaming started... IMO JMHO and stuff.
If someone was following me and I had a cell phone in my hand, I'd be on the phone with 911 in a heartbeat. I think TM was mad that GZ was following him and attacked him because he didn't see him as a threat. It's my opinion and it's subject to change.
Why would Trayvon attack GZ if he didn't think he was a threat? Just for grins?
ZIMMERMAN: I believe one is -- the boy is 14 and I had met them, it they are very nice kids. George tried his best to give help love and teach them, you know -- teach them good manners.

They are very lovely kids and they love so much George was George used to go to see them every two weeks, twice a month he would go and see them.

And I had begged George not to go. I'm sorry, I had told my son please don't go, it's too dangerous. And he said, mom, if I don't go, they don't have nobody.

O'MARA: Why were you concerned about George's safety in that program?

ZIMMERMAN: Because it was a very dangerous place where he goes to.

O'MARA: A very bad what?

ZIMMERMAN: Dangerous place.

O'MARA: Bad news place?

ZIMMERMAN: Dangerous place. O'MARA: I'm sorry, my apologies.


O'MARA: What was the racial background of the two children that he mentored?

ZIMMERMAN: African-American, sir.


Surely he told his mom don't worry I am packing heat.

Something about this mentoring and the narcotics officer interviewing him first just seems fishy to me.

ZIMMERMAN: I believe one is -- the boy is 14 and I had met them, it they are very nice kids. George tried his best to give help love and teach them, you know -- teach them good manners.

They are very lovely kids and they love so much George was George used to go to see them every two weeks, twice a month he would go and see them.

And I had begged George not to go. I'm sorry, I had told my son please don't go, it's too dangerous. And he said, mom, if I don't go, they don't have nobody.

O'MARA: Why were you concerned about George's safety in that program?

ZIMMERMAN: Because it was a very dangerous place where he goes to.

O'MARA: A very bad what?

ZIMMERMAN: Dangerous place.

O'MARA: Bad news place?

ZIMMERMAN: Dangerous place. O'MARA: I'm sorry, my apologies.


O'MARA: What was the racial background of the two children that he mentored?

ZIMMERMAN: African-American, sir.


Surely he told his mom don't worry I am packing heat.

Something about this mentoring and the narcotics officer interviewing him first just seems fishy to me.


What "program" did he belong to?? That is what I want to know? What program did he volunteer through? I'm not sure he wasn't telling his mother a falsehood along with his "graduation" party that night?

ZIMMERMAN: I believe one is -- the boy is 14 and I had met them, it they are very nice kids. George tried his best to give help love and teach them, you know -- teach them good manners.

They are very lovely kids and they love so much George was George used to go to see them every two weeks, twice a month he would go and see them.

And I had begged George not to go. I'm sorry, I had told my son please don't go, it's too dangerous. And he said, mom, if I don't go, they don't have nobody.

O'MARA: Why were you concerned about George's safety in that program?

ZIMMERMAN: Because it was a very dangerous place where he goes to.

O'MARA: A very bad what?

ZIMMERMAN: Dangerous place.

O'MARA: Bad news place?

ZIMMERMAN: Dangerous place. O'MARA: I'm sorry, my apologies.


O'MARA: What was the racial background of the two children that he mentored?

ZIMMERMAN: African-American, sir.


Surely he told his mom don't worry I am packing heat.

Something about this mentoring and the narcotics officer interviewing him first just seems fishy to me.


That whole line of questioning was pointless to me. Where exactly was this place that Zimmerman was going that was so dangerous?

There's so much wrong with this case it's hard to even wrap your head around it.

IMO, the idea that Trayvon would have jumped GZ from behind makes no sense. If someone is following you and you just want to get home, you don't then sneak up behind them and attack them.

BUT, I think GZ gave LE that story before it was known that Trayvon was staying in the complex, that he was coming home from the store, that he was not a criminal. GZ told the story to make it seem he acted in self-defense, and it was somewhat believable if you thought that Trayvon was a criminal. Criminals do sometimes jump people, and might do so if they fear being turned in to police by someone watching them.

So if that is actually GZ's story--that Trayvon jumped him from behind--then I believe GZ started the physical altercation. Because if it just that GZ verbally confronted Trayvon and then Trayvon lashed out physically in response, GZ could have said that. Trayvon would have still been the one to initiate physical contact. This is believable to me: "I asked him what he was doing here and he pushed me down. I tried to fight back to protect myself but he got on top of me and started beating me." IMO, that's a realistic scenario in a case where someone is PO'd at someone for following him and questioning him. It wouldn't be a good or smart reaction, but it is a possible reaction: "None of your business what I'm doing here, punk. Back off!" accompanied by physical contact.

But if it is true that GZ claims to have been attacked from behind, I simply cannot accept his version. To me, it would indicate that he is lying. And if he's lying, my conclusion is that GZ is the one who first laid hands on Trayvon.

All my own opinion and speculation, based on reports.
The police don't have to tell you not to follow someone for it to be against the law...They had at least two interactions as part of the same incident. IMO

I've never heard that following someone was a crime. What statute is that and why hasn't GZ been arrested for it ?
In addition to your calculations a jury will have to consider the following:

-IIRC, NINE residents called 911 having heard the gunshot at 7:16:41 pm which is over three minutes AFTER GZ claims he was attacked 100 feet away from where both SPD and SFD say the body was found?

-Why did GZ decide he needed to walk to the next street over for an address after 18 seconds of following TM when he parked his truck and walked right past the front of 1211 Twin Trees Lane during this 18 second walk?

-Why did GZ tell the 911 operator he didn't know an address at [3:25] into the call when he supposedly started walking to get an address at [2:26]?

And I can't wait to hear his answers, to those questions. I think his major slipup was not realizing that when he called LE dispatch the calls are recorded and timestamped and just did not think out a reasonable timeframe for him to be where he was, he just knew he could not admit to following and trying to stop Trayvon...and it's going to bite him in the Keister. IMO JMHO and stuff.

"we" as the public need to :please: anticipate that the prosecution has been as diligent as our WS members and also that THE QUESTIONS are asked, the inconsistencies as noted are EMPHASIZED rather than *advertiser censored*-U-ME the jury panel (OR the judge if a SYG hearing occurs) will "catch on"/apply intuitive logical thought processes! :banghead::banghead::banghead:
ZIMMERMAN: I believe one is -- the boy is 14 and I had met them, it they are very nice kids. George tried his best to give help love and teach them, you know -- teach them good manners.

They are very lovely kids and they love so much George was George used to go to see them every two weeks, twice a month he would go and see them.

And I had begged George not to go. I'm sorry, I had told my son please don't go, it's too dangerous. And he said, mom, if I don't go, they don't have nobody.

O'MARA: Why were you concerned about George's safety in that program?

ZIMMERMAN: Because it was a very dangerous place where he goes to.

O'MARA: A very bad what?

ZIMMERMAN: Dangerous place.

O'MARA: Bad news place?

ZIMMERMAN: Dangerous place. O'MARA: I'm sorry, my apologies.


O'MARA: What was the racial background of the two children that he mentored?

ZIMMERMAN: African-American, sir.


Surely he told his mom don't worry I am packing heat.

Something about this mentoring and the narcotics officer interviewing him first just seems fishy to me.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Wow!!!!! I didn't even think about that?? I'll shut up now though!

I've never heard that following someone was a crime. What statute is that and why hasn't GZ been arrested for it ?

If someone was following me, for no other reason but to harrass me, it's called stalking!

HLN announces that Zimmerman has no police protection..........
he is totally on his own............
ZIMMERMAN: I believe one is -- the boy is 14 and I had met them, it they are very nice kids. George tried his best to give help love and teach them, you know -- teach them good manners.

They are very lovely kids and they love so much George was George used to go to see them every two weeks, twice a month he would go and see them.

And I had begged George not to go. I'm sorry, I had told my son please don't go, it's too dangerous. And he said, mom, if I don't go, they don't have nobody.

O'MARA: Why were you concerned about George's safety in that program?

ZIMMERMAN: Because it was a very dangerous place where he goes to.

O'MARA: A very bad what?

ZIMMERMAN: Dangerous place.

O'MARA: Bad news place?

ZIMMERMAN: Dangerous place. O'MARA: I'm sorry, my apologies.


O'MARA: What was the racial background of the two children that he mentored?

ZIMMERMAN: African-American, sir.


Surely he told his mom don't worry I am packing heat.

Something about this mentoring and the narcotics officer interviewing him first just seems fishy to me.

Fishy indeed. I believe there is a high likelihood the gun was discussed.

On another subject from the bond hearing-- The answers to who knew what about the website and the cash it's bringing in were also fishy to me. Wouldn't a family discuss all possible avenues to get their dear husband/son out of jail? Of course they would.
When everyone seemed to turn into Sargent Shultz (I know noth-thing!!)
my hinky meter went off.
If someone was following me and I had a cell phone in my hand, I'd be on the phone with 911 in a heartbeat. I think TM was mad that GZ was following him and attacked him because he didn't see him as a threat. It's my opinion and it's subject to change.

I don't think TM did anything to make himself responsible for any part of this, but in relation to what would I do and what would I tell my teenager to do if someone is following them, especially at night when there is not likely to be another party coming along, but really any time.... call 911, and go to the closest door knocking for help. Worst case you will embarrass yourself when you are not really being followed, best case you have a witness and are more likely to be helped or avoid whatever your followers intentions are. And again that is just what I would suggest rather, not a shift of responsibility from one party to another.

I was out walking one afternoon and was pretty convinced a car with three guys in it was following. Part observation and largely spidey sense really, just instinct said something was wrong, but I was at least a block from my door. I walked up to the closest door and started knocking. No one was even there to answer it, but the car drove away when they saw me doing it, didn't wait to see the outcome. Maybe it was nothing, but I remember it pretty clearly even this many years later.

And as we know TM knew something was wrong too. So many things could have been different that night. Even a third party walking there dog probably would have changed this story. It was only a couple of minutes from GZ spotting him to him being dead.... r
HLN announces that Zimmerman has no police protection..........
he is totally on his own............

That's good to know because I do not want my hard earned tax money going to provide protection for a murderer. I'm sure the majority of Florida taxpayers feel the same way. The best place for him to have been is behind bars. If was so scared that he needed police protection, they shouldn't have allowed him to leave the jail.

HLN announces that Zimmerman has no police protection..........
he is totally on his own............

He might not have police protection, but he's probably got bail bond babysitters of some sort. JMO/IMO
HLN announces that Zimmerman has no police protection..........
he is totally on his own............

He could always hire one and pay for it out of his own pocket? I hired a police officer to direct traffic at my sisters wedding. We had to cross a busy intersection to get from the wedding to the reception and it worked really well... I was really happy with it. You have to pay them an hourly wage.

What "program" did he belong to?? That is what I want to know? What program did he volunteer through? I'm not sure he wasn't telling his mother a falsehood along with his "graduation" party that night?


How many credits was he from an AA degree?
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