17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #34

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It's hardly Crump's fault if GZ looks bad for being deceptive in court. IMO.

You have a good point there. His actions by not disclosing the funds are inadvertently tainting the jury pool. Like many have said before - the truth never changes. Once you try to conceal and deceive, the truth will always come back in the end.

By his actions, people will tuck this information in the back of their mind that he's not as forthcoming as he should be. Make that 1 juror or 2 -- it may make a difference in the outcome.


They may or may not be, but if they are, B. Crump will not be questioning them. Jmo

Crump also has a HUGE financial interest in seeing GZ being convicted. If SYG applies, GZ is immune from a civil suit.
Exclusive: Interview With Benjamin Crump On Zimmerman..

Crump believes, "George Zimmerman has deecieved everybody. The real George Zimmerman is a person who misleads and manipulates. We think everyone is starting to find out his character the more this goes on."

Crump says, "If George Zimmerman is not telling the truth about how much he has. I may lying about really happened the he admits to killing Trayvon Martin in self-defense."


Guess that wtxl does not have editors and their reporters must have about a 5th grade education....so many spelling and grammar errors in that article.
Crump also has a HUGE financial interest in seeing GZ being convicted. If SYG applies, GZ is immune from a civil suit.

The HOA is more likely to be sued than GZ IMO. That could occur with or without a guilty verdict...GZ is getting donations now, but he is not a wealthy man...his wealth is likely short lived.
Crump also has a HUGE financial interest in seeing GZ being convicted. If SYG applies, GZ is immune from a civil suit.
I would say that GZ and MOM have a bigger financial interest, proven today.

I don't think Trayvon's parents are in this for the money. I'm sure they would gladly have their child back.
I've mostly avoided posting on the T/Z threads because it's been highly controversial in many aspects. But my thoughts on the monies is he did say before the bond hearing by way of his website that he was soliciting monies for his expenses and defense fund. This should not have been a shocker to his defense attorney or the State when he was up for bond.

1. You can't convince me the defense attorney didn't know he had a website. Read any MSM link and you'll know he had it at the time of bond. He was soliciting funds before his arrest.

2. You can't convince the State didn't know he had a website and was soliciting funds before his arrest.

3. And of course, you can't convince me that GZ didn't know he had funds in his PP account prior to his arrest.

Mark O’Mara, the attorney representing George Zimmerman, told the judge in the Trayvon Martin shooting case Friday that his client had much more money on hand than he had revealed to the court at his bond hearing on April 20.

The PP account must have been the pink elephant sitting in the courtroom that day. All of them (State, Defense, GZ) avoiding it (IMHO). Though I can't figure out WHY the State didn't bring it up or question it at all. If they did, would someone please refresh my memory!

My question is - did someone lie under oath during the bond hearing about the money? This is the only way I can see how it would play into increasing or revoking his bond (the bond hearing would be a moot point if a witness lied under oath - start again)! What monies he made AFTER the bond hearing is irrelevant IMHO.

In short, the judge should base his decision on what monies GZ had available on that date. And even then, I don't see how it would play into deciding his bond. Lots of rich criminals have money and still get bond. But the lying under oath (if so) bothers me the most.

MOO of course.


The State Attorney asked each of GZ's family members that were sworn under oath about the funds from the website. Each lied under oath.
The HOA is more likely to be sued than GZ IMO. That could occur with or without a guilty verdict...GZ is getting donations now, but he is not a wealthy man...his wealth is likely short lived.

Your right. Payout will be much larger though if he is convicted, no?
But isn't that his business and not ours? What Casey did with her 200K isn't any different than what GZ does with his 200K. The State still ends up picking the tab for the prosecution (and probably most of the defense).

If people want to give him money that's something they have to reconcile (I would never). By not disclosing it at the hearing is where I have the issue, and not how he spent it. He indicated the funds (via his website were for his defense and expenses). It's not up to us to decide how much his expenses are (that's between him and his benefactors).

It's up to his attorney now to keep his hands on that money for all his defense witnesses (ala Jose Baez).

I'm not quite convinced this will have any play on the bond hearing, unless the judge finds that someone lied under oath. And I will admit, I don't remember all the questions so I can't say for sure.



As long as GZ does not try at ANY time during this trial to claim indigent status, I don't give a flip how he spends these funds. As a taxpayer of Florida, then yes if he tries to claim indigent status it is my business.
The parents said they want justice for the death of their child. Justice is not lying about your finances. Justice is not releasing unverified, bloodied pictures to the press. Justice is not having slanted articles with GZ's baby pictures and unverified quotes from select people. Justice is not MOM being on every media program, doing news conferences, setting up additional websites and so on, and so on...

If GZ and his "team" would shut their mouths to the media, then life would be so much better. IMO - MOM and GZ's family/friends are causing the emotional drama. Their faces have been on the media tours, not the Martin's. Crump should absolutely speak up when something like this is uncovered. He would be doing an injustice to Trayvon and his family if he didn't say anything about GZ lying about his financial resources.

Of course, GZ is entitled to bond. However, being truthful in a court of law, when they are basing your bond on your own financials, is very important. IMO, MOM, GZ and his friends/family have all mislead the public, and the courts.

I agree that the judge needs to sort out the problem with the financial info. That is for the JUDGE to sort out. We don' t know what happened. Maybe GZ thought it could be kept separate since it was donated for his defense funds.

Maybe he outright lied, and tried to hide it. All of that will come out. But I think Crump needs to sit back and let the JUDGE take charge. Because if they keep making these super emotional, hyper dramatic speeches at every turn, it is only going to work against them, imo.

OMara admitted the problem in public and said he was going to discuss it with the judge. Imo, he was being above board.

And it is kind of funny for anyone to complain about GZ using baby pictures or unverified quotes to try and persuade the public. TM's family has an entire team of attorneys and PR people doing just that. And ONE article comes out slightly sympathetic to GZ, and everyone gets outraged.

And people have been saying for weeks that GZ should release any pictures he has of his head wound. People here have said that. And once his attorney did that, everyone complains and says he should not have done that. So it is kind of hard for him to know which direction to go, imo.

I think GZ should have been arrested that first night. I think he is guilty of manslaughter for sure, and maybe more.

But it hurts my heart for people to be piling on and making unfair assumptions and accusations. JMO
Crump is VERY associated with the actual trial. People give him credit for making this trial possible. But for him to keep going on the air and calling Zimmerman a manipulative liar, who cannot be believed, and that he is guilty of murder as well, imo, he is going too far.

He should back off and let Justice take it's course

IMHO Crump and others defending and standing up with the Martins should never back off due to the fact IMHO Justice cannnot be counted on as being served in the State of Florida.Too too many people are doing everything within their power to cover their rear ends as well as the rear ends of others who are involved in how this investigation was handled from the start.....JMHO

I don't trust GZ or anyone on GZ's team of supporters... Don't trust the SPD.. Definitely don't trust O'Mara NOW..Don't even know IF I trust the SA's office.. And to add insult to injury, after today, I don't even know IF this Judge can be trusted to bring justice to Trayvon and the Martin family.. ALL JMHOOTS

In reference to myself and from what GZ has stated, I most definitely view Zimmerman as being a manipulative liar and am not convinced he did not murder Trayvon in cold blood... IMHO He needs to be locked up for the rest of his natural born life for killing a young man who wasn't doing anything but walking back to his father's girlfriend's residence on a rainy Sunday night. ......JMHO..

I'm furious that anyone would even consider donating to his defense fund or his living expenses..That goes for his wife too..JMHOOTS
I would say that GZ and MOM have a bigger financial interest, proven today.

I don't think Trayvon's parents are in this for the money. I'm sure they would gladly have their child back.

I agree that TMs parents are not in it for the money. Im sure they would give anything to have their son back.

But i'm not so sure Crump isn't in it for the money.
IMHO Crump and others defending and standing up with the Martins should never back off due to the fact IMHO Justice cannnot be counted on as being served in the State of Florida.Too too many people are doing everything within their power to cover their rear ends as well as the rear ends of others who are involved in how this investigation was handled from the start.....JMHO

I don't trust GZ or anyone on GZ's team. Don't trust the SPD.. Definitely don't trust O'Mara NOW..Don't even know IF I trust the SA's office.. And to add insult to injury, after today, I don't even know IF this Judge can be trusted to bring justice to Trayvon and the Martin family.. ALL JMHOOTS

In reference to myself and from what GZ has stated, I most definitely view Zimmerman as being a manipulative liar and am not convinced he did not murder Trayvon in cold blood... IMHO He needs to be locked up for the rest of his natural born life for killing a young man who wasn't doing anything but walking back to his father's girlfriend's residence on a rainy Sunday night. ......JMHO..

I'm furious that anyone would even consider donating to his defense fund or his living expenses..That goes for his wife too..JMHOOTS

The people donating are probably as equally outraged by the system.
IMHO Crump and others defending and standing up with the Martins should never back off due to the fact IMHO Justice cannnot be counted on as being served in the State of Florida.Too too many people are doing everything within their power to cover their rear ends as well as the rear ends of others who are involved in how this investigation was handled from the start.....JMHO

I don't trust GZ or anyone on GZ's team of supporters... Don't trust the SPD.. Definitely don't trust O'Mara NOW..Don't even know IF I trust the SA's office.. And to add insult to injury, after today, I don't even know IF this Judge can be trusted to bring justice to Trayvon and the Martin family.. ALL JMHOOTS

In reference to myself and from what GZ has stated, I most definitely view Zimmerman as being a manipulative liar and am not convinced he did not murder Trayvon in cold blood... IMHO He needs to be locked up for the rest of his natural born life for killing a young man who wasn't doing anything but walking back to his father's girlfriend's residence on a rainy Sunday night. ......JMHO..

I'm furious that anyone would even consider donating to his defense fund or his living expenses..That goes for his wife too..JMHOOTS

So does Crump plan to stand outside every day and scream loudly about how unfair this judge is, and how this is another travesty of Justice? Because that is what this feels like he is doing so far. Imo
Trickle down? What do you mean by that?

The standard in civil court is much lower. OJ Simpson...

OJs aquittal didn't come with immunity from civil prosecution. If GZ gets a SYG hearing his does.

Take that immunity and now HOA has a much better defense. It was justified and ruled not be reckless. Much much higher likelihood that there is no payout made to the TM family.

If GZ gets convicted and they go into court with the "call the police and then call George" issue they are very vulnerable to a high payout verdict (keep in mind most of the witnesses called will be subject to that lawsuit as homeowners and members of the HOA).
Forgive me for being lazy.. but does anyone know if the hearing this morning is on the "intraweb?" LOL.. If so.. link?
Thanks in advance!!
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