17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #35

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Jayne Navarre, a South Florida consultant who devises social media strategies for lawyers, said O’Mara’s use of social media will “almost certainly” taint a jury pool and compromise Zimmerman’s shot at a fair trial. She said O’Mara also may be violating American Bar Association rules that prohibit a lawyer from helping third parties make prohibited extrajudicial comments.
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/01/2778234_p2/myspace-page-is-latest-salvo-in.html#storylink=cpy

uh-huh. He sees bigggggggggg bucks. Throw the rulez out the windowz. :floorlaugh:
I respect Mark NeJame based on how he handled himself in the other infamous Florida case, and he apparently recommended O'Mara to GZ or his family/support network... so I'm having a hard time reconciling all this.

No opinion here, just had to say it.

I am right there with you, ynot. I'm hoping O'Mara did not know what he was really getting into. I don't want to believe that someone who was recommended by Nejame, whom I really respect, is not on the up on up or just keeps getting blindsided by GZ. He really needs to rein this in and just do his job of defending GZ. I don't know what to think anymore...
I always wondered why we have the term " The Human Race" as compared to what? LOL
Frances Robles @RoblesHerald

Crump on #Zimmerman myspace: "It's 1 thing to think it, but to TYPE it? U had to really have ill will + malice. U really gotta be racist."

I can appreciate Mr. Crump's view, but I honestly don't know if that's true. I am continually shocked at what my niece and nephew's friends (early 20s) feel comfortable posting on social media. For some reason, they seem to find racist, sexist and homophobic humor and slurs both acceptable and hilarious. (I'm very proud to say my niece and nephew do what they can to discourage such posts.)

Has anyone mapped such posting to actual behavior? Is there a connection? Or is it just posing by young people trying out different identities?

(For the record, it is my entirely premature opinion that GZ is guilty of 2nd degree murder. This is not my attempt to defend him.)
BBM: As I'm sure gxm knows, technically, the word "race" can mean a biological category or an ethnic group. In American English, we usually use "race" to signify skin color, but if you read European books from the early 20th century, you'll find lots of references to the "French race", the "German race", etc.

In American Spanish, the equivalent word "La raza" is often used to mean "the Latino people", so it shouldn't surprise us if Spanish speakers are more likely to use "race" to mean ethnicity.

I agree with gxm 100% that the Human Genome Project has demonstrated that "race" as a biological category is virtually meaningless. Although my known ancestors all trace to the British Isles, they came to this country centuries ago and who knows who all they married over the years?

Unfortunately, biological irrelevance doesn't mean that skin color isn't still a SOCIAL issue, sometimes even a life-and-death one.

Same here, Irish, Scots, Welsh, English, French. And as I have been told many times by my grandmother. because I always appeared to have Italian blood, the Roman's raided the English, Welsh coasts for years. Also the Moors to the South and Vikings to the North. And that is before our ancestors even arrived on these very shores. lol
uh-huh. He sees bigggggggggg bucks. Throw the rulez out the windowz. :floorlaugh:

Money does crazy things to people. People kill each other over money, societies have risen and fallen because of it, and a lot of it makes people feel invulnerable while not enough usually means injustice and poverty. I think the greed bug has hit O'Mara, and that's just a shame.
He seems to have a love of "mafia" or "gangster" movies.
Carlito's way. Scarface, Goodfellas
Kinda freaky that the mafia consider themselves judge and jury and if they find you guilty you're a dead man.
This seems quite interesting to me...
I always wondered why we have the term " The Human Race" as compared to what? LOL

Another meaning of the word is "group". So the human group as oppose to primates in general, the animal kingdom, etc.
He seems to have a love of "mafia" or "gangster" movies.
Carlito's way. Scarface, Goodfellas
Kinda freaky that the mafia consider themselves judge and jury and if they find you guilty you're a dead man.
This seems quite interesting to me...

I personally think he has watched way too many movies. His postings on his MS page makes him sound like a gangbanger/ himself, which I find ironic because that is what he was calling other people --- he didn't even know.


IMO, you really have to be immature, self-centered, and trying too hard to impress your friends on myspace.

The one that gets me is the blog gloating about getting off felony charges in spite of his ex-ho. IMO, you really have to be an ignorant arse to post on myspace how psyched you are to get away with committing felonious deeds. :banghead:

Sorry to be so indelicate. But between this "king" myspace and his "thereal" website 7 years later, we've got irrefutable proof of stupid, IMO. That and a witless sort of narcissism.

So does that make GZ racist? No. Guilty of murder? No.

But, it sure makes him ... well, I guess I already said that.

I totally agree. He is a blowhard, a show off, an idiot, trying too hard to be kool for his boyz. He is a narcissist. But using the word 'ho' at that time is what young guys did. Imo he was using the current hip hop jargon, as millions of other young men did at the time too.

But I don't think any thing in that old MS tells me much about what happened that tragic final two minutes. I think he deserves to do time for manslaughter for sure, for setting up that tragic set of circumstances. But nothing in this MS shows me that he was out hunting for an innocent black teen that night. I think he was a vigilante minded moron and deserves to be punished for that. But pre-meditated murder? I am not convinced yet.
Was he convicted for beating up his ex? Or just accused?
Didn't they both have orders against each other?

I don't remember seeing where he was found guilty of beating up his ex.

No he just brags about it on his myspace.
I can appreciate Mr. Crump's view, but I honestly don't know if that's true. I am continually shocked at what my niece and nephew's friends (early 20s) feel comfortable posting on social media. For some reason, they seem to find racist, sexist and homophobic humor and slurs both acceptable and hilarious. (I'm very proud to say my niece and nephew do what they can to discourage such posts.)

Has anyone mapped such posting to actual behavior? Is there a connection? Or is it just posing by young people trying out different identities?

(For the record, it is my entirely premature opinion that GZ is guilty of 2nd degree murder. This is not my attempt to defend him.)

I think so. The friends of your niece and nephew haven't profiled anyone, tracked them down, and shot them, I assume. GZ did that. And it all stems from his blatant disrespect of other races and ethnicities. It doesn't mean that everyone that has that disrespect is a murderer, but I wouldn't be friends with anyone with the same attitude as GZ. And when an attitude turns into action and murder, then the state of mind of the person needs to be examined. From what I've seen so far, this is more and more racist profiling and less and less self defense. If he's posting like that on the internet, then how is he talking to people day to day? I find that how people post reflects a lot of how they are in real life.

Respecting other races and ethnicities is what society needs more of, not people with racist attitudes like GZ.
Nor did it stop him from assaulting a law enforcement agent or beating up on his ex "hoe."


While I understand that the "jmo" at the bottom should give one a piece of mind that they are ONLY stating an opinion, but the opinion you have stated appears to contain information that is lacking. First, he did not assault a "law enforcement agent", he PUSHED an UNDERCOVER cop, who had NOT identified himself as an officer. NOT the same. And that was 7 YEARS ago. As for the domestic violence, there was NEVER a conviction, just a claim by his soon to be ex, and after it went to trial, BOTH sides were granted protective orders.

I do find it interesting on here how the Trayvon supporters are grasping onto ANYTHING that points to Zimmerman as a racist, and poo pooing anything that paints Martin in a bad light, and that is very sloppy "sleuth" work.
No he just brags about it on his myspace.

He bragged about beating up his girlfriend?

I thought he denied it on his MS.

It was stated as fact he beat his girlfriend upthread.

That has not been proven as fact. I can not find anything that says he was convicted. Anybody can be accused.
I totally agree. He is a blowhard, a show off, an idiot, trying too hard to be kool for his boyz. He is a narcissist. But using the word 'ho' at that time is what young guys did. Imo he was using the current hip hop jargon, as millions of other young men did at the time too.

But I don't think any thing in that old MS tells me much about what happened that tragic final two minutes. I think he deserves to do time for manslaughter for sure, for setting up that tragic set of circumstances. But nothing in this MS shows me that he was out hunting for an innocent black teen that night. I think he was a vigilante minded moron and deserves to be punished for that. But pre-meditated murder? I am not convinced yet.

BBM: You mean like TM did in his choice of "bling"? You know what he got trashed (yes even on here) for? "as millions of other young men did at the time too?
I always wondered why we have the term " The Human Race" as compared to what? LOL

Maybe it's a term that is described that way because we are all genetically linked to the same woman out of Africa. While we may have our differences in our appearances, (wouldn't it be strange if we all looked alike we'd be in love with everyone), we are basically the same. Maybe that is the secret to life....we are more alike than different we just need to recognize that fact. lol jmo
Thanks, Nova! I needed clarity on your reasoning, and where you were coming from. And you supplied it. I really appreciate your patience! :rose:

No problem. I'm glad to know we weren't fighting, because for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why we would be enemies! :blowkiss:
I think so. The friends of your niece and nephew haven't profiled anyone, tracked them down, and shot them, I assume. GZ did that. And it all stems from his blatant disrespect of other races and ethnicities. It doesn't mean that everyone that has that disrespect is a murderer, but I wouldn't be friends with anyone with the same attitude as GZ. And when an attitude turns into action and murder, then the state of mind of the person needs to be examined. From what I've seen so far, this is more and more racist profiling and less and less self defense. Respecting other races and ethnicities is what society needs more of, not people with racist attitudes like GZ.

Curious, if GZ was planning on killing TM, why did he call the police first? This has EVERYTHING to do with race, I agree with that. But it is not on the part GZ. It is on the part of the race baiters, ie Sharpton and Jackson.

Consider that we will NOT truly be free and equal until blacks as well as white as well as latinos are permitted to be thugs and take their due punishment without the respective communities rising up to defend them, even when their actions are wrong.

GZ was WALKING through his neighborhood. It was legal for TM to do it, and it was legal for GZ to do it. It is PERFECTLY LEGAL to follow someone through a PUBLIC area. NO law was broken until someone get HIT, and all the evidence comes back to TM doing the hitting.
We've been over this on other threads. How about taking a look at a dictionary before informing people they don't know how to use English words correctly?

See meaning #2 below:


Just a warning... When I clicked this link, my computer went on a crazy loop-t-loop. I never could read #2.

But, from everything I've read, Mexican is not a race.
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