20/20 Special - The List: Who Killed Jonbenet? on 15 Jan 2021

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Burke Ramsey says otherwise:
Atlanta 2000, Patsy Ramsey, BPD Interview, Excerpt

From memory Burke Ramsey told the Grand Jury he owned a pair of Hi-Tec shoes? Needs to be verified.

This is why Levin cannot divulge his source.

Ty for source material UK

Wrt Hi-Tec footprint,
Fingerprints/Footprints - Jonbenet Ramsey Wiki

"When asked about this subject again in 2016 on Dr Phil, Burke again stated that he owned boots with compasses on the shoelaces." Ie Hi-Tec
Wrt to JAR seeing pry marks on door

Via reddit
FF, p 327

"Mrs Fernie shared one more additional tidbit of information with investigators that had been bothering her. She indicated that late in the summer, or early fall of 1996, she had observed damages the the latch area of an exterior screen door located on the rear, south side of the Ramsy home."
Rain on my Parade,
Ok, I parse the above as follows.

John Ramsey has mitochondrial dna separate from that of Melinda and JAR.

Melinda and John Andrew Ramsey share the same mitochondrial dna.

Burke Ramsey and Patricia Ramsey patently share the same mitochondrial dna.

But cannot otherwise be distinguished.

So John, Melinda and John Andrew Ramsey can be ruled out.

Leaving Burke Ramsey and Patricia Ramsey as undecided for whatever reason they want to give, e.g. degraded sample?

So they are not ruling Burke Ramsey out.


Thank you,

A source told CM that
There was a pair of balled up underware that were soaked with urine that had been thrown behind a chair in JBR's room.

LS did not believe there was urine on JBRs sheets.
Although if you open up the evidence bag the smell is putrid.

Dr Lucy Rorke believes JBR was hit on the head first and may have survived with medical care.

CM was told that there is not enough dna for genealogical or familial DNA testing,

Juror appeared on camera because
he felt its been 24 years, so you can use his face and name.

JAR blocked WS from his twitter.

Wrt urine stained sheets
JK, FF p120

"Smit would later tell reporters that photographs of JonBenet's room showed no signs of a struggle, and more importantly, that the sheets on her bed were clean. According to him, there was no sign of urine on the sheets, and no evidence that she had wet her bed that night. ... Smit discounted observations made by the investigators and CSIs who had processed the scene shortly after the murder: the sheets on JonBenet's bed reeked of urine."
Wrt urine stained sheets
JK, FF p120

"Smit would later tell reporters that photographs of JonBenet's room showed no signs of a struggle, and more importantly, that the sheets on her bed were clean. According to him, there was no sign of urine on the sheets, and no evidence that she had wet her bed that night. ... Smit discounted observations made by the investigators and CSIs who had processed the scene shortly after the murder: the sheets on JonBenet's bed reeked of urine."

One aspect to the bedwetting scenario is if JonBenet wet the bed, where did all the urine come from to then soak her long johns and size-12 underwear?

Why would Patsy not wash the sheets in the washing machine and then run them through the tumble dryer, she had all night?

Did LHP not say she changed the sheets on JonBenet's bed that week?

Why all the fuss about urine when there are fecally soiled pants lying about JonBenet's bathroom and bedroom, along with her candy box being smeared with fecal matter?

How come BPD or Smit never factored this into one of their favorite theories?

IMO both Burke and JonBenet had toileting issues that went way beyond normal childhood development?

Looks like Burke had a fecal fetish and JonBenet was wetting the bed in response to being abused.

These issues alone would have been very emotional, never mind whatever else was going on.

One aspect to the bedwetting scenario is if JonBenet wet the bed, where did all the urine come from to then soak her long johns and size-12 underwear?

Why would Patsy not wash the sheets in the washing machine and then run them through the tumble dryer, she had all night?

Did LHP not say she changed the sheets on JonBenet's bed that week?

Why all the fuss about urine when there are fecally soiled pants lying about JonBenet's bathroom and bedroom, along with her candy box being smeared with fecal matter?

How come BPD or Smit never factored this into one of their favorite theories?

IMO both Burke and JonBenet had toileting issues that went way beyond normal childhood development?

Looks like Burke had a fecal fetish and JonBenet was wetting the bed in response to being abused.

These issues alone would have been very emotional, never mind whatever else was going on.


IDK, perplexing.

Underactive badder retains urine.

Washing sheets?Time factor.
Or sole perpetrator, needed silence.

LHP's last day at the Ramseys was Dec 23rd.

urine stain, picric acid, size:
Urine stain on basement carpet

MO, If it doesn't factor into a theory, disregard?
PR was primary target.
IMO it is necessary to decide first what was the motive for the killing. That motive will determine whether the blow to the head occurred before or after the strangulation.
FF, JK, Page 227

wrt basement window

"The interior dimensions of these windows were not generous, but an adult could maneuver in the tight spaces of the window well and manage to scoot through the frame and drop to the floor of the room. The dimensions of each window, as documented by Boulder CSI's, measured appropriately 25 inches high by 20 inches wide."
Last edited:
IDK, perplexing.

Underactive badder retains urine.

Washing sheets?Time factor.
Or sole perpetrator, needed silence.

LHP's last day at the Ramseys was Dec 23rd.

urine stain, picric acid, size:
Urine stain on basement carpet

MO, If it doesn't factor into a theory, disregard?
PR was primary target.

Washing sheets?Time factor.
They had at least four hours to do the staging, i.e. 1:00 AM through to 5:00 AM

Underactive badder retains urine.
Yes, but she had just wet the bed, and if whacked on the head why not release more urine?

So where the basement urine came from, who knows?

MO, If it doesn't factor into a theory, disregard?
Apply Occam's rule, e.g. minimize the number of objects or factors then make sure they are all consistent, else remove the most inconsistent objects or factors.

Only disregard when it can be shown to be unrelated or false.


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